Michelle Landry: Politician, Dinosaur, But Still Hip To The Groove Of The Youth Of Today


Michelle Landry is a Nationals MP… so, you know… bit of a dinosaur. And like all Nationals MPs, some things really offend her, like the movement to #changethedate of Australia Day.

Reports the Rockhampton Morning Bulletin:

“Member for Capricornia Michelle Landry addressed media yesterday about the proposed change, calling the change ‘absolute garbage’.

“People have celebrated Australia Day on the 26th of January for decades. We have celebrated as a nation and we want to continue to do this,” Ms Landry said.

Ms Landry said at this stage she hadn’t “really spoken to a lot of the aboriginal groups” about their opinion on the date.

Well that’s a surprise… although this wasn’t.

“We have got this survey online and we are encouraging people to get online and voice their opinion. Do they want Australia Day kept on the 26th? What date would they like Australia day to be on?”

So, Landry – as a politician elected to represent the views of her electorate – is running a poll to get people’s genuine opinions on an issue after describing one perspective as “absolute rubbish”.

Once a dinosaur always a dinosaur… but at least Landry is trying to evolve in all things social media.

Over the weekend, she became the only Nationals MP to weigh in on the record over the scandal engulfing Nationals leader Barnaby Joyce, and his affair with former Daily Tele journo Vicki Campion.

Landry was asked about the authenticity of a job Campion apparently ‘won’ after being moved out of Joyce’s office. And what she offered up not only shows that she’s still ‘hip to the groove of the youth of today, m’homies’, but it’s also quite possibly the quote of the year so far.

“My office has worked quite closely with Vikki (Campion)…. She did a lot for the Nationals, getting us more hands-on with the Facebook and the Twitter.”

And for her part, Campion must be worth her weight in gold. Landry now has a whopping 76 followers on her ‘the Twitter’ account, although she’s apparently been unable to work out how to get the official Twitter ‘blue tick’ thus far, despite being a member of parliament.


Chris Graham

Chris Graham is the publisher and editor of New Matilda. He is the former founding managing editor of the National Indigenous Times and Tracker magazine. Chris has won a Walkley Award, a Walkley High Commendation and two Human Rights Awards for his reporting. He lives in Brisbane and splits his time between Stradbroke Island, where New Matilda is based, and the mainland.

