NGWRC History

A short history of the NGWRC since it start in 1995.


What's New

Update for Sleep Apnea.

Follow the link to learn how to correctly file a claim for service-connected sleep apnea if you also have service-connected PTSD. You must have a nexus first.



Current Newsdemo

National Gulf War 2016 Annual Meeting &
Informational & Health Fair

We will talk about claimslatest treatments and research.

The annual meeting will be Sept 30th - Oct 1 in Washington DC.

For more information on the meeting read our news link.


NGWRC is funded only by donations

NGWRC is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, and your donations are tax deductible. Our paperwork is on file with the state of Kansas. The NGWRC reserves the right to refuse donations from any groups or persons that views does not support ours.





History, Principal Purpose and the Core Values of the NGWRC

A short History:


The NGWRC provides education, advocacy and support for veterans suffering from the complexities of modern warfare. In 2006 the NGWRC started the Veteran of Modern Warfare as a 501C19 VSO. This was to give veterans from 1990 through today a group of thier own with service officers.

Veterans and non-veterans run the National Gulf War Resource Center (NGWRC). We help veterans affected by the 'invisible' injuries most common in the current conflict period, from 1989 to the present day. These injuries include Gulf War Illness (GWI), Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

We are among the most successful Veterans' Organizations in the United States advocating for veterans affected by GWI. We formed shortly after the Persian Gulf War of 1991. Our work has been critical in establishing the rights, treatments, and benefits which these veterans have access to now. Our work is far from done. GWI is still poorly understood and incurable. While no longer in complete denial, the VA and the Department of Defense (DOD) misuse GWI research funds and ignore recommendations from the scientific community that may lead to better treatment. Claims for VA benefits related to GWI are still difficult to prove.

Since Operation Desert Storm, later conflicts, including Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom, have brought many new claims for other 'invisible' injuries, TBI and PTSD, as well as a reduced frequency of new Gulf War Illness cases among recent veterans deployed in and near Iraq. We expanded the original guide to include these conditions. In the last 20 years, we distributed over 200,000 copies of this guide; this 11th edition is a key resource to helping recent combat veterans.

The term 'Gulf War Veteran' refers to any a veteran who served in Southwest Asia during Operations, Desert Shield/Storm, Iraqi Freedom, Enduring Freedom or any other operations with dates from August 1990 until the present day. We work with veterans who have served since 1989 until today no matter the Area of Operation.

The history will be expanded at a later date as we build to our new site.


Principal Purpose


The principal purpose of the National Gulf War Resource Center will be:

To provide education and support to benefit veterans, active duty personnel and their families.  

To promote research and provide referrals that will improve the lives of these veterans or enable them to obtain the care and benefits they have earned.

To directly educate our veterans, provide a forum for them to discuss issues and help them to help one another.

To continue to collect and disseminate resources to individuals and organizations interested in providing services to those affected by the Persian Gulf War.


Core Values


1. Advocate tirelessly for veterans from SWA issues - We will promote media awareness and Congressional investigations to ensure that Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Gulf War review efforts are comprehensive, correct and supportive of the SWA veteran.

2. Provide educational material and assistance to SWA Veterans and their families - We are committed to helping veterans improve their chances of receiving overdue compensation for their service-connected illnesses. A key component of that commitment is producing and updating a Self Help Guide that covers important topics such as medical research and legislative developments, organizations that support veterans of SWA, lessons learned, and assistance available from federal agencies such as the Department of Veterans Affairs.

3. Educate VA, legislators and medical facilities on the complexities of Gulf War Illnesses - We serve the veteran by informing legislators of provisions needed to protect, treat and compensate SWA Veterans, and we educate medical providers on the wide variety of symptoms and illnesses faced by SWA veterans.

4. Create a diverse, dynamic organization membership dedicated to vital veteran issues - Gulf War Illness issues affect veteran, scientific, legal, family, and other constituents, as well as current and future service members. To ensure adequate involvement and to prevent repetition of past mistakes, NGWRC solicits from all interested communities and constantly updates its website with relevant and useful information.

5. Review and analyze all relevant government and industry actions, policies, research efforts, and writings concerning Gulf War Era and future veterans' issues - We are committed to being a leader in understanding the complexities of Gulf War Illnesses by evaluating new concepts in treatment through collaborations with and our organizational presence at the Department of Veterans Affairs Research Advisory Committee meetings. We will continue to create and implement progressive policies that maximize results for the veterans, increase public understanding, help create clear understanding of illness issues, and ensure the protection of future veterans.

6. Furthering comradeship amongst those who are or have been members of the Armed Forces of the United States - The NGWRC has done much to bring Gulf War issues before Congress and the media, exposing Pentagon and VA policies that have severely impacted veterans and their families. Our most valuable efforts have resulted in legislation that required research and service-connected disabilities for certain conditions associated with Gulf War service. NGWRC does this with the grants and donation we receive from individual and foundations.






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