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france / belgique / luxembourg / anti-fascisme Tuesday February 14, 2017 05:55 byRelations Extérieures de la CGA
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Communiqué de la CGA de solidarité avec Théo et toutes les victimes de la police, contre les lois sécuritaires, les violences et le racisme d’État.

[English] [Castellano] [Italiano]

venezuela / colombia / luchas indígenas Monday February 13, 2017 16:15 byCentro de Educación y Comunicación Popular - Enraizando
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Se realiza un recuento de las amenazas, la persecución, las acciones de propaganda armada y los atentados contra la vida de las comunidades indígenas nasa ejercidas por grupos paramilitares en el mes de enero del 2017. Luego se presenta el contexto de violencia contra activistas sociales y defensores de derechos humanos en Colombia registrado durante el año 2016, señalando como el territorio del Cauca ha sido el más golpeado por la violencia contra las organizaciones sociales y comunitarias, se termina con una reflexión sobre el avance y reconfiguración del paramilitarismo en Colombia.

north america / mexico / gender Tuesday February 07, 2017 15:31 byRomina Akemi and Bree Busk
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"When women rise, the people advance"

In the first week of Donald Trump’s presidency, there were two important mobilizations that expressed radically different views on reproductive rights. The Women’s March on Washington, which took place the day after Trump’s inauguration, has been hailed as one of the largest mobilizations in US history. What began as a spontaneous call quickly ballooned into a movement that tapped into growing anxieties over the intentions of the new administration. The march drew some 500,000 to rally in Washington DC while sister marches were held across the country and even worldwide. One week later, another mobilization took place: the annual March for Life. While significantly smaller, this march still drew many attendees who were energized by celebrity speakers from the Trump administration.

At this point, there is no certainty that the Women’s March will evolve into an actual social movement. This much is clear: the Women’s March represents a political opening to rebuild a revolutionary feminist movement (in conjunction with other developing struggles) that advances demands to improve the lives of working people and embraces conflict with the liberal, capitalist character of the feminist movement of the day.


iberia / la izquierda Friday February 03, 2017 16:37 byJosé Luis Carretero Miramar
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Ponencia presentada en el Panel “Las ocupaciones obreras y la autogestión a lo largo de la historia –vínculos con el presente. II Encuentro Euro - Mediterráneo “La Economía de los trabajadorxs” - VIOME - 28/29/30 Octubre 2016. Participantes: Francesca Gabbriellini (Italia), Milos Vlaisavljevic (Croacia), Ozgur Narin (Turquía), Alan Tuckman y Tom Unterrainer (Reino Unido) y Mario Hernandez (Argentina).

north america / mexico / imperialism / war Monday January 23, 2017 17:50 byJakob Reimann
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When Obama received the Nobel Prize in 2009, the committee acknowledged his commitment to peace. He has since bombed eight countries.

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Rojava: Mensaje urgente de un compañero anarquista en Afrin

Rojava: Mensaje urgente de un compañero anarquista en Afrin

Sun 04 Mar, 16:20

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