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Entries by tag: domestic alchemy

Hot stuff

Making jalapenos is not the best thing to do on a day when you may have to insert a mooncup at any point. Obsessive handwashing is required, although that also applies if you plan to touch your eyes, blow your nose or wipe your arse that day.

The peppers were worth it though - same texture and tanginess as commercial ones, but a bit more potent! The technique I used is:
Cut the peppers into rings and sprinkle them with salt. Leave for half an hour or so (about the time it takes to have a cup of tea - might not need that long but I was reading something engrossing).
Have a clean glass jar handy - needs to be large enough to hold the peppers plus sufficient vinegar to cover them.
Use the jar to measure the vinegar into a saucepan. Don't fill it up to the top, you need to allow room for displacement. (Although if Archimedes had been bathing in this stuff he would not have been shouting 'Eureka', unless it has a secret meaning along the line of 'my balls are on fire!')
Heat the vinegar. Add the peppers. Bring to the boil. Simmer for half an hour or so. Don't inhale the contents!
Allow to cool before putting in the jar. Keep in the fridge.

Brave face

Rose face cream

-Three teaspoons of room temperature coconut oil. Work it with your hands until it becomes creamy, ooer missus.
-A teaspoon of olive oil. Stir this well into the coconut oil
-A teaspoon of rosewater. Stir well into the oil mixture.

Apply when needed, although possibly not when about to go to work/put makeup on unless you enjoy looking shiny.

Developed because pure coconut oil is a pain in the arse to apply at what passes for room temperature in Stirling in December.

DIY in the bathroom

You'll be pleased to hear I haven't been trying to fit a new toilet by myself. (although if I did I'd be tempted to use the old one as a garden planter - my parents had TWO of the things in their garden at some point but were total spoilsports and didn't put plants in them) No, this is about the various homemade and apparently 'natural' substances I've plastered myself with today.

Hair things first:

Deep conditionerCollapse )

Vinegar hair rinseCollapse )

My hair is soft and shiny but feels a wee bit greasy, and isn't quite as 'big' as usual. That's disconcerting. We'll see what it's like in a few days.

Now for other stuff:

Ylang ylang and lavender bath saltsCollapse )

Moisture creamCollapse )

DeodorantCollapse )

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