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Entries by tag: from the inbox(pisstake)

Threats in my inbox

You see, this is why I never take a blogging hiatus if i'm going to be near a computer. Something will always crop up that has to be blogged about.

So anyway, i just received this link in an email from the department manager entitled 'Suspect Packages'. While really curious about what triggered the forwarding of this link from the registry to apparently every member of staff on site, and fascinated by the website itself and the lists of alleged threats and how to handle them, i'm not entirely sure how it relates to a politics department. I kind of hope the terrorism experts around here would already know how to check their post if it came down to it.
Of course, i hope it doesn't come down to it. I've been caught up in bomb scares before, and being evacuated really isn't funny, particularly when you're trying to travel or do a job and people are panicking and the police are being arses just because they can. And that's just when there isn't actually a bomb.
One possibly relevant factor for this morning's email - there is currently a game going on called 'assassins'. I'm told that this involves pulling another player's name out of the hat, following them around and pretending to kill them (hitting them with a paper dart, leaving a fake bomb in their pocket etc) before they do the same to you.
But i can't help thinking there is a lot of paranoia around and that maybe stirring up people's fears isn't such a great idea. Neither is giving people ideas, for that matter.
PS: Just so you know, the nearest thing my department has to a post room is the same place where about half of us eat our lunch. So we're at more risk in general from the milk going off (smug vegan smirk) or that month-old tupperware-clad something that may once have been food. Our fridge contains things that Saddam's scientists would have given a lot for.

Spam spam spam

Is the Hoodia Gordonii Cactus the answer to obesity?

Yes - if your staple food has big scary spikes on, you don't want to eat. I'm not that desperate yet though.

Yeah, right...

An occasional feature in which i post and ridicule the best (worst!?!) examples of what comes into my inbox. Today, sent to the End Circus Cruelty mailbox by someone signing themselves 'The Redeemer':

And you send me this why exactly? Parts of this may offendCollapse )

Since i'm such a nice person, i feel obliged to offer up some tips on how not to be ridiculed by me in a post like this one.
1: NEVER NEVER NEVER use 'anarchist' as a catch-all insult in my hearing. Saying 'stupid little anarchist' is enough in itself to inspire me to ridicule if i'm in enough of a mood. Finishing the sentence with something which has nothing to do with anarchist beliefs will cement your fate.
2: Be legible and consistent, please. If i don't know what you're talking about, it doesn't help you any. Oh yeah, and babelfish is not an excuse for idiocy.
3: Racism and anti-gay comments are never ok, no matter who the hell they come from.
4: Mixing science with text message language is not a good style, mmmkaaaaay...
5: Even if i did know what you were talking about, what am i supposed to do about it? You don't exactly give a clear statement of aims or a campaign plan. Neither do you ask for one, although following the advice here would be something of a start. Also, i am a vegetarian, so are many of the supporters of ECC by its very definition as an animal rights campaign. ECC is not, however, involved in vegetarian campaigning. So there isn't much point in sending even the sanest bit of the above email.
6: I use the ECC address for the campaign against animal circuses. This is partly to delay the day when the maniacs who work in the circus find out my personal email, as well as to provide an email which is easy to remember as a source of advice on the circus campaign. Those are only the most obvious reasons i can think of off the top of my head. I do ask, however, that this is all you use the address for under normal circumstances. Your message does not constitute an exceptional set of circumstances. Hence, it is no longer in my inbox, and you get a long blog post saying what a prat you are, which you will most likely not get the pleasure of reading unless you were in fact a friend or colleague having a slightly sick laugh at my expense, in which case it's backfired a bit hasn't it?

Right, now i open the ridicule session to the floor.

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