Margaret Simons

Margaret Simons
Margaret Simons is an author and associate professor in journalism at Monash University. She is the author of numerous essays and articles and ten books, including The Content Makers.

By this author

© Dave Tacon

Fallen angels


The children left behind by Australian sex tourists in the Philippines

The decline of the ‘Australian’

Rupert Murdoch

Talking about the narcissistic national daily only encourages it

B1 and B2 with Mark Scott at Parliament House, 2009. © Mark Graham. Image courtesy of the ABC.

Second life


Mark Scott embarks on another five-year term

Michael Ebeid, the new managing director of SBS. Courtesy of SBS.

Sex before soccer



Then Fairfax CEO Brian McCarthy speaking at the company's head office in Sydney, 27 August 2010. © Lee Besford / AAP Image

Crises of faith


The future of Fairfax

Studenst gather at the Meridian International Hotel School in Melbourne, closed without warning on 6 November 2009. © Julian Smith / AAP Image



The international student sector

Duty of care


In the last three months, dozens of women throughout our country and region have been told their life story has taken, without their knowledge, a dreadful twist. The locus of the twist, and the place where their separate narratives intertwine, is the …

Dangerous precedent


The Melbourne model



The Hyatt is an historic hotel, or what passes for one in this young city, and the front of the building is heritage-listed so the doormen have to fit in. The uniforms are a gesture to some idea of what a servant might have worn back in the 1920s, when …

