
In-depth analysis of the moments that define the day from Paddy Manning.
Free to your inbox every afternoon.

Testing our democracy

Australia’s next election could be subject to cyber-manipulation

LNP dumps Prentice

The party’s lack of diversity will come back to bite it

Pub test: what budget?

Competing tax cuts are not a gripping vision for the nation

A needlessly divisive budget

The treasurer has doubled down on the politics of aspiration

Citizenship tests Shorten

The gloves are off

Budget 2018: surplus in sight

It’s a ‘good news’ budget, but who gets the credit?

Budget 2018: expect the expected

Morrison will predict great things for the economy and spend accordingly

Budget on borrowed time

The debt truck is gone but the debt is still rising

Warring pub tests: corporate tax cuts

Feel the authenticity

Newstart for pollies

Everybody, except Julia Banks, knows $40 a day is too low

Dark ads matter

The integrity of our electoral system is about to be tested

For the common good … not

An anti-anti-business campaign may target your feed

Banking on reform

Demands for change will be hard to resist

Pub test: roll out the barrel

Infrastructure spending is okay, as long as it’s the right infrastructure

A promising backflip

The federal budget appears to be back in shape … finally

Big bank tax cuts

The Business Council is on a very sticky wicket
