December 27, 2017
by actforfreedom

Actions of insurrection in Denmark: attacks on the web of oppression!

Of the following there can be no doubt: the existing society is a black hole of capitalist oppression. Every piece of it connects to one another, and in operating together they form the vortex of constant input we encounter in our everyday lives. There is absolutely no escape, and no ’acceptable’ recourse that is not tainted with compromise or reformism. This means that only violent insurrectionary resistance remains, if we desire to live freely as human beings, if we desire to free the planet from the stronghold of industrial pollution, and if we desire freedom for all the species that inhabit it.
It is clear that attacking one single piece of this devilish order is insufficient. Even though specific sectors, companies, and individuals generally are considered more important for this order to be upheld and amalgamated, we must not be fooled. An attack on every oppressive element is crucial, because even the smallest agents have a major role to play in the perpetuation of the existent. True, in the current state of things, violent action against all kinds of inequality and anti-freedom is far from taken. At the very least, however, we insist upon the fact that ideally, nothing and no one authoritarian are to be spared. Indeed, there must be no guarantee for safety, no excuses for being an oppressor, and no security measures able to act as an ironclad defense against the war waged by revolutionary anarchists. Every oppressor can get hit. At any time.

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December 27, 2017
by actforfreedom

Zaragoza, Spain – Updates from the family of anti-fascist Rodrigo Lanza

For all the people who are calling us to know how we are and support us.
This Saturday  17/12/ 17 ,I went to see Rodrigo in prison. I know that he is in isolation. Preventive isolation, without a legal trial because the media trial was immediate and due the “social alarm” they put him in the first degree. What does that mean? That he will stay in a cell with barely enough room for the bed. An empty cell. Alone. He can go out for 2 hours in a square courtyard, as big as a small room where you cannot see the sky. He is alone.
They say they want to protect him. But the Istanbul Protocol establishes that penitentiary isolation can be a method of torture and international bodies establish isolation only as a sanction and for a maximum of 14 days, because it can cause irreversible psychological damage. They want to keep Rodrigo there for a minimum of 6 months.
When I went to see him they brought him handcuffed, with two officials in front and two behind. I saw him through glass. As far as is possible in such a difficult situation, he is fine. We looked at each other for a long time and talked about what all this means. He told me what had happened and I told him about the media distortion that is being created. This is something serious, because despite what they can investigate it is difficult to change anything because there will be a lot of social pressure. The judge based the accusation on what the media have written and has not taken into consideration at all the witness statements of those who showed up.
The media boom wouldn’t have existed if he was not Rodrigo and wouldn’t have been so great if we had been in another political context. The press has not only condemned Rodrigo with fury before reading the versions of the witnesses, and his own, but has also condemned us to an attack by Nazis that is forcing us to live in hiding.
We have received countless threats to Rodrigo and myself on our FB pages, twitter, etc. Now I cannot go out into the street for fear of being recognized and attacked. They published my address and have published images of my family in the social networks. Now we fear for our lives because I know that they attacked Rodrigo with a knife and I know that these people who are making threats are dangerous. I can’t stop thinking that my son could be dead, but he defended himself and is alive.
I thank so much the many, many people who have shown us support and affection, and those who have defended us.
The truth comes out sooner or later and I’m sure it will happen.
A huge hug,
Translated by act for freedom now!


December 27, 2017
by actforfreedom

Zwarte December in Tilburg/Black December in Tilburg – The Netherlands / NL/EN/

Zwarte December in Tilburg/Black December in Tilburg
English: Earlier this month, a text was also put on this website: Call for a Black December. Some anarchists in Tilburg took up this call, and put it into practice, as can be seen by the pictures below.
NL: Eerder deze maand verscheen op deze website een tekst: Voor een Zwarte December. Enkele anarchisten hebben deze oproep kracht in Tilburg bij gezet, getuige onderstaande foto’s.


December 25, 2017
by actforfreedom

Rome, Italy : At bencivenga occupato squat ANTICHRISTMAS 2017

Monday December 25 from 10pm
Monday 25th December at bencivenga occupato squat, via Bencivenga – 15 Rome
La Confraternita del Trullo
SNSI drones
Leave your dog at home for fuck’s sake!
Entrance, free donation
Benefit for improbable squat

Translated by act for freedom now!


December 25, 2017
by actforfreedom

Spain :A mystery in Zaragoza

Around 21 or 22 November various media gave news of parcel-bombs received in the Aragon capital. According to these sources and with all the caution their credibility merits, things would have gone like this: the first intercepted parcel was allegedly received by the Italian Chamber of Commerce. Later, another by a branch of an Italian insurance company, which would immediately have alerted all its offices in the Spanish State. These were followed by others to other branches of the Italian insurance company. Of all the dispatched parcels, four according to the media of the Regime, two were allegedly authentic and two were fake.
According to what was published from the start, the devices were accompanied by instructions: leave the premises and alert the police; we suppose the devices were equipped with some kind of timer. In any case, the potential recipients had already been alerted and a bomb disposal expert was able to do a controlled detonation of the envelopes containing the explosive and splinters.
From the start the responsibility of anarchists was speculated, without discarding that of others, such as some disgruntled employee or customer.
A few days later the Zaragoza dailies confirmed the existence of an anarchist claim. “El Periódico de Aragón” published alleged excerpts of a communique. In it the work of the police in fabricating legal procedures was denounced. But, the detail of the news is that on the basis of the above, the Polizia Nazionale would have prohibited making the signature claiming responsibility for the attacks known. And this is strange, very strange. It is not normal practice. The fact that they deliberately leave out technical aspects or parts of the text, or the whole text, is normal, but not the name of the group or organization. What could be the reason for this unusual censorship? Groping around in mystery, three possible reasons come to mind:
A mere caprice of the authority in charge
The document didn’t supply any evidence of responsibility, even if this doesn’t seem likely
The action was carried out by hypothetically ‘dismantled’ comrades, which could interfere with future or ongoing investigations against other comrades extraneous to the signature. In a word, it would mean that police was left with their ass in the air, for the umpteenth time.
Until the communique is published (although it wouldn’t be surprising if it was sent only to State officials) we remain in doubt.
Translated by act for freedom now!


December 25, 2017
by actforfreedom

Sebastián Oversluij Seguel lives in all expropriations and attacks on power : Chile

The morning of 11th December 2013, comrade Sebastián Oversluij was preparing to expropriate a bank in the municipality of Pudahuel. Comrade “Angry” went into the bank, took out a submachine gun and announced the assault. A miserable security guard shot our comrade and killed him instantly. The bastard in uniform was a trained soldier and had vast experience as a mercenary in Haiti and Iraq.
We agree with the comrade’s decision to expropriate the rich, we recognize ourselves as enemies of capital and the system of domination that generates and spreads the miseries we experience every day. We encourage any direct attack on the property and interests of the rich, we are part of the multiform war against power.
We remember the comrade for what he was and for the consistency of his actions to contribute to and promote the process of constant attack on the structure of power. Memory is a constant and continuous exercise in our history, that’s why we honour this comrade who decided to take his revolutionary practices to its extreme consequences.
“It’s time to reappropriate our life, destroy all authority, attack the police, attack banks, expropriate, disobey and destroy” – Angry

via: croce nera anarchica
Translated by act for freedom now!

December 25, 2017
by actforfreedom

Italy: Updates “Scripta Manent” : Anarchist comrade Valentina Speziale transferred to house arrest (22/12/2017)

The anarchist comrade Valentina Speziale, arrested in September 2017 in the operation “Scripta Manent”, was released from prison of Rome and transferred to house arrest.

December 23, 2017
by actforfreedom

USA : Here’s the latest agitational issue of Philadelphia’s anarchist periodical, Anathema:

Volume 3 Issue 10 (PDF for printing 11 x 17)
Volume 3 Issue 10 (PDF for reading 8.5 x 11)
In this issue:
What Went Down
Flash Mobs
Portrait of a Neo-Nazi
Rail and Energy Infrastructure in Philly
Gas Plant Greenlit in Nicetown
Updates on Local Repression
Black December
John Raines
Signals of Disorder
Against Morality
World News
Poem by Eric King

December 23, 2017
by actforfreedom

Tempe Anarchists Remove Identity Evropa Banner, Put Flames to White Nationalism – USA

Tempe anarchists quickly removed a banner from the “alt right” white nationalist group Identity Evropa, after the group dropped the banner from the Mill Ave bridge during rush hour, presumably hoping lots of drivers would be moved by their message of “traditionalism.” Some Tempe anarchists were also in traffic that rush hour and witnessed these white nationalist bozos in Santa hats taking a photo of the banner. Minutes later the banner was town down, the Identity Evropa activists had fled.
We had a laugh as we destroyed it; it was a 30 foot banner that clearly took some time to make and was seen for just a few minutes. In addition, Identity Evropa propaganda appears periodically around the Tempe campus of ASU and is repeatedly pulled down and destroyed, sometimes by anarchists or anti-fascists, other times just normal people
We stay warm burning Identity Evropa’s bullshit, it’s a Tempe Tradition!
via: itsgoingdown.

December 23, 2017
by actforfreedom

Athens Gr/En : In Thursday 28th of December in Vancouver Apartman squat we make a conversation and inform about:

G20 Hamburg 2017 – Welcome to hell
* english below
Την Πέμπτη 28 Δεκεμβρίου, στις 19:00, στην κατάληψη Βανκούβερ Απαρτμάν θα πραγματοποιηθεί συζήτηση-ενημέρωση για την:
  • καταστολή στη Γερμανία πριν, κατά τη διάρκεια και μετά τη σύνοδο των G20
  • ιχνηλάτηση των γεγονότων και των συγκρούσεων
  • έμπρακτη διεθνιστική αλληλεγγύη
Μετά τη συζήτηση θα ακολουθήσει μπαρ οικονομικής ενίσχυσης των προφυλακισμένων του G20.
Η κατάληψη βρίσκεται στην οδό Μαυρομματαίων και Δεριγνύ 1
In Thursday 28th of December, at 19:00, in Vancouver Apartman squat we make a conversation and inform about:
  • repression in Germany before, during and after the G20 session
  • tracking of the facts and the riots
  • practical international solidarity
After the end of the conversation there will be thrown a bar for the financial support of the imprisoned of the G20 session.
The squat is located in Mavrommateon & Derigni 1 str.
Ταμείο Αλληλεγγύης φυλακισμένων και διωκόμενων αγωνιστών/»Solidarity Fund for prisoners and persecuted compatands» collective,
Εφημερίδα δρόμου Άπατρις / Street Newspaper Apatris (without homeland)

December 23, 2017
by actforfreedom

usa , Philadelphia: Bank ATMs Sabotaged in Solidarity with Scout Schultz and Alexis.

In celebration of Black December some anarchists in Philly decided to take a leisurely winter stroll downtown and put a stall in the commerce-shit-capitalism of nearly every ATM in the financial heart of the city.
We took non-corrugated cardboard cut down to the width and half the length of an ATM card with super-glue applied to one side, and jammed them into the card slot of the machine or the card slot for the entry to the vestibule. It was surprisingly easy to do and more than 50 targets got got!
This attack was super low key! All we needed was to dress in the normal winter attire for a below freezing night (faces covered, gloves etc), wipe down our tools, and walk around with the assured confidence of boring yuppies. This time of year has prime weather for looking unassuming and concealing your identity while carrying out all kinds of illegal activities, so don’t be afraid to try this at home! We felt super chill and productive!
This attack was carried out with the memory of Scout Schultz and Alexis Grigoropoulos on our minds, and is dedicated to all those resisting state repression.
For the death of capital and reclamation of our lives!
Money is death sabotage is fun!
Let us light up these dark winter nights with a big fuck you to you know who!
May the burning flames of anarchy warm us this winter & on & on
happy black december y’all

Act for free received on 23/12/17

December 23, 2017
by actforfreedom

Chile : Verdict of “Case bombs II”: Juan Flores, first comrade condemned by the antiterrorist law, Nataly and Enrique absolved

Yesterday the judges self-defined themselves as representatives of
power, of goodness in the world and guarded by laws and penal codes,
attacked with their sentences those who defied the established order.
Just as the guillotines were lowered, the electric discharges were
unleashed, the forces squeezed on irreducible loops after great
inquisitorial processes.
Today the courts of justice intend to smash in years the comrades in
prison, to destroy with apparent cleanliness and in an unpleasant way
the lives of those who raise their heads against this order.
In September 2014 the prosecution begins the process against different
comrades for the explosive attacks against police stations and places
linked to the subway. The prosecution finally sues Juan Flores, Nataly
Casanova and Enrique Guzman under the anti-terrorist law in a long
process of more than 3 years in pre-trial detention and about 9 months
of trial.
Today, December 21, 2018, three individuals self-described as superior
to the rest were again armed with judicial codes, laws to decide which
they would accept, and the delusions proposed by the persecutors
represented by the prosecution, the interior ministry, and several
private complainers anxious for life imprisonment, punishments,
sentences and seizures.

Continue Reading →

December 22, 2017
by actforfreedom

Athens koridallos prison: Nikos Maziotis member of the revolutionary struggle in hospital following beating.

 21/12/2017 8:16 μμ
From a telephone communication, we have learned that Nikos Maziotis is in Korydallos Prison Hospital after being assaulted and beaten.
Specifically they said to him: “Are you the Maziotis who is playing the
tough guy?”, then they broke his ribs and beat him seriously about the
Comrade Maziotis stopped the hunger strike a few days ago and naturally
was in the process of recovery.
The attack had been ordered, as is obvious from the fact that the assailant did not have any personal relationship with Maziotis, he didn’t even know him.

More information to come from Maziotis himself and comrades in solidarity.

by telephone conversation


22.12.17  Further phone update 12:30

The attack against Nikos Maziotis took place in his cell. About 10 detainees
were involved in the attack. Of these, 2-3 were more active than the

Nikos Maziotis was hit mainly on the head, the ribs and was stabbed in

Despite the cowardly assault that he received from about 10 prisoners and
the physical strain from the 36-day hunger strike, he put up a strong resistance.

The targeted assassination attack against the comrade was not completed
because Kurdish and Turkish prisoners intervened and immediately informed
the comrades in solidarity outside the prison walls about the attack.

N. Maziotis is now hospitalized with many injuries inside the Korydallos Prison
Hospital and we are waiting for more news of his condition.

December 22, 2017
by actforfreedom

Greece , Athens : Powerful Bomb Blast Rocks at the Athens Court of Appeals building.

A powerful bomb blast exploded outside the Athens Appeals Court in the early hours of Friday 22.12.17 morning causing extensive damage to the building and forcing the court’s closure for the day with all cases suspended. Nobody was injured in the bombing.
So far no groups or individuals have claimed responsibility for the attack.

December 22, 2017
by actforfreedom

Rome, Italy: 6 cars of ENI-energy company torched (01/12/2017)

Rome, December 1st.
6 “enjoy” cars of car-sharing Eni-Trenitalia [developed by gas&oil company in partnership with Fiat and Trenitalia, primary train operator owned by the Italian government] for its involvement in Libya.
Let’s attack ENI everywhere.
Solidarity to the detainees and the accused for Scripta Manent, for Florence, to comrades hit by repression for the cop cars torched in France and Poland, to accused from Brenner Pass and to all those who do not bend to this rotten existent. A greeting to Krem in solitary confinement.

December 22, 2017
by actforfreedom

Athens:Banner dropped in Polytechnic University in solidarity with Lisa, accused of bank robbery in Germany.

Today, 21st of December, taking part on the International call for solidarity with the comrade Lisa accused of bank robbery in Aachen, Germany, we decided to hang a banner in the Polytechnic University, in Exarcheia, Athens.
The last 7th of June, she was sentenced to 7 years and 6 months in prison by the judge and the prosecutor of Aachen. Now she’s waiting for the appeal maid by her lawyers. If the court accept it, it means that she would eventually have a second trial. The fact that our comrade is in prison makes us even more angry, but we know that all this revenge by the state is making us stronger everyday reaffirming our ideas.
We will keep on fighting, to remember all our comrades in prison. We have clear in mind who are our enemies. This is our decision, to fight against the states, police, judges, prosecutors and all those who are part of the system that is making people life miserable. We won’t stop, this is about our life, this is about our struggle!
Here is a small sign of solidarity with the comrade, but it’s also a claim to keep going with the struggle inside prison as in the streets. We’ll never let any comrade alone in the hands of the state.
Until all are free, strength, fire, love and fight!
We want her free, we want her in the streets!
For anarchy!
To write to Lisa:
Lisa, nº 2893/16/7
Justizvollzuganstanlt (JVA) Köln
Rochusstrasse 350
50827 Köln (Germany)

December 20, 2017
by actforfreedom

Greece , Athens :Information about the solidarity concentration-demonstration for anarchist Grigoris Tsironis on 16/12/17

About 150 comrades participated in Independence Square in the Ilioupolis area of Athens, expressing their solidarity with anarchist comrade Grigoris Tsironis, who after 18 months was “liberated” only to be imprisoned in his home (house arrest) until May 2018.
During the gathering there was a microphone intervention where, among the  other texts, the comrade’s text in relation to the constraints against him was read out.
Fliers were distributed in the area.
When the demo reached Grigori’s house it was a very intense moment, constant shouting of slogans that intensified even more when the comrade appeared.
A special moment was when the comrade welcomed the solidarity, confirming once again his unwavering stand. After an hour of staying outside our comrade’s home, we retreated back to Independence Square.
Convention Against the New Anti-Terrorist Campaign: “Thieves of Distomo”

December 20, 2017
by actforfreedom

Greece , Athens : 6-12-17 Solidarity Demonstration for prisoners’ struggle against specific provisions of the new correctional code.

Since September 26, a struggle has been going on in Greek prisons against the
new correctional code. This includes detainees from the A, B, C, D wings of koridallos prison
and the first annex of Korydallos underground special wings , as well as detainees
from the prisons of Larissa, Domokos, Malandrinos, Alikarnassos and
Chania. From Nov. 11, comrades Nikos Maziotis and Pola Roupa have been on
hunger strike.
Struggle until the destruction of the last prison!
From the Solidarity Assembly to the Prisoners’ Struggle Against
the New Correctional Code

December 20, 2017
by actforfreedom


December 17, 2017
 While Comrade Roupa is on the 37th day of hunger strike, she cannot walk
and has a tendency to faint, the director of the prison hospital told us
that tomorrow morning 18/12 she will be discharged.
Nikos Maziotis is to be transported to the E’section.
Maziotis, despite his pressure on Saturday to be taken out and
transferred to the E’section, as his tests are good, the doctor on duty
in the prison hospital refused to give him leave saying that he should be given a command from above proving that doctors in the prisoners’ hospital are mere employees of the Korydallos Prison Director and act as man-hunters waiting for orders even to discharge patients.
Nothing is over.
 The hunger strike of comrade Pola Roupa will continue until it is established
that Maziotis’ exception regime has actually been lifted and not just in words.
Monday, December 18, after he was discharged from the hospital at Korydallos Prison, Nikos Maziotis was transferred to E’section, and Pola Roupa has terminated the hunger strike and will stay for a few days in the Korydallos Prison hospital for recovery.
In solidarity

December 20, 2017
by actforfreedom

France : Escape attempt, revolt and fire at the CRA [migrants’ detention centre] in Vincennes

In the night between Monday and Tuesday eight people tried to escape from the administrative detention centre (CRA) in Paris-Vincennes. At around 3:45am, they smashed a window of the cell in order to escape but they were soon captured by the police.
The situation precipitated when officers went back to put two men in solitary confinement. The other prisoners of the centre began to protest vehemently, and the situation became so tense that police backups were called. The protest went on, with a dozen rooms in one of the three units which form the concentration camp (where 57 people are locked up) set on fire. According to staff of the centre, the damage is huge.
Caltanissetta, Italy – The CPR [migrants’ detention centre] in Pian del Lago on fire
Updates on 11th December. The Caltanissetta chief police declared today in an interview that the local CPR, damaged by fires, is not to get in more prisoners until the administration completes the reparation of the structure. The CPR is therefore to be evacuated completely. A first group of people were already deported to Tunisia (as was expected).
From the local media we learn with joy that after the attempted fires in September and the protests in October, the prisoners’ anger in the CPR of Caltanissetta – Pian del Lago exploded once again and broke the silence and isolation in that concentration camp.
On Saturday 9th, in the evening, prisoners put fire to some areas of the CPR, probably in order to resist an imminent deportation. After the fire, which was allegedly followed by throwing object at the staff trying to stop the prisoners, the structure appeared seriously damaged.
The media also mentioned a prisoner being poisoned but now out of danger, and at the moment we don’t know anything about repressive consequences on the prisoners.
Solidarity with those who rebel and destroy their cages!
Translated by act for freedom now!