GAITHER STEWART—Yet, today, especially among many nationalists in western Ukraine, he is revered as a patriotic freedom-fighter, a martyr who led the struggle for independence from the Soviet Union, while in the pro-Russian east of the country he is widely reviled as a fascist traitor and terrorist who collaborated with the Nazis and whose followers murdered thousands of Poles and Jews. Then with the passing of time Bandera has become a hero in the eyes of the growing number of extreme rightists and Nazis in today’s extremely nationalist, jingoistic Ukraine…


What Happens When A Russiagate Skeptic Debates A Professional Russiagater

CAITLIN JOHNSTONE—The reason Russiagaters speak so often in broad, sweeping terms — saying there are too many suspicious things happening for there not to be a there there, that there’s too much smoke for there not to be fire — is because when you zoom in and focus on any individual part of their conspiracy theory, it falls apart under the slightest amount of critical thinking (or as Harding calls it, “collusion rejectionism”).


MSM Uses Russiagate To Punch Left

CAITLIN JOHNSTONE—The short, low-energy Daily Beast blurb went viral by reporting on another arm-flailing Russiagate “bombshell” by the Washington Post, whose sole owner is a CIA contractor and dangerous oligarch. WaPo’s article revolves around a pseudonymous writer with alleged ties to the Kremlin who succeeded in getting published by numerous alternative media outlets, most notably in CounterPunch.


Jill Stein in the Crosshairs: the Russia Investigation Shifts to Clinton’s Political Rivals

MIKE WHITNEY—Do you hear that, liberals? Do you hear what Warner is saying? Do you like the idea that the investigation is expanding and that the hectoring, harassing and intimidating is going to continue for the foreseeable future and that it’s going to include anyone who admires men like Assange or Snowden or Manning or anyone who opposes the corrupt and murderous oligarchy that rules this stinking country?


A Tale of two Ukraines- Health Care in War-Torn Lugansk and Peaceful Kiev

GH ELIASON—Suprun has likewise destroyed cancer treatment in Ukraine. She did this by systematically refusing to purchase the medications needed to treat cancers, heart conditions, and disease. Her idea of giving children a great start was to just not purchase the vaccinations children normally receive against childhood diseases. To what extent you might ask? Documented vaccinations dropped from 96% in 2007 to 20% in 2017.


Runaway Train Towards Full Digitization of Money and Labor

PETER KOENIG—If Switzerland accepts the change to digital money, a country where until relatively recently most people went to pay their monthly bills in cash to the nearest post office – then we, in the western world, are on a fast track to total enslavement by the financial institutions. It goes, of course, hand-in-hand with the rest of systematic and ever faster advancing oppression and robotization of the 99.9% by the 0.1%.


‘The pig that wanted to be eaten:’ A discussion on the representation of animals in consumer culture

SHANE SAYERS—Throughout history animals have been attributed magical qualities and depicted as spiritual messengers, yet within the context of modern Western society our relationship with animals is defined primarily by our dependency on them for meat (Berger 12). Meat has long been considered the most highly prized food in Western culture, serving as the centre of every meal. Meat was once seen as a sign of privilege; however, it has come to be regarded as somewhat of a right for Westerners. The status of meat however is accompanied by ambivalence; ‘animal derived foods have a potential for provoking unease that is not found in vegetable foods’


Russia launches development of new 5th gen attack sub

New Husky class has the torpedo tubes in the bow pointing directly forward with the sonar below it. The ship will also have long flank arrays. Featuring lowered noise, automated control systems, reactor safety, and long-range weapons, the new fifth-generation submarine would be designed to serve the Navy for 52 years. Taking into account the technological sophistication of Russia submarines in production, there is every reason to believe that the knowhow and production capacity exist to make Russia the first country in the world to have a fifth generation submarine in service.


What is Israël’s project in Argentina? (¿Qué está haciendo Israel en Argentina?)

THIERRY MEYSSAN—At the end of [the Falklands War] war, which cost more than a thousand lives (official British figures are largely understated), London imposed a particularly severe Peace Treaty on Buenos Aires – Argentinian armed forces are limited to their most simple expression. Above all, the control of their Southern and Antarctic air space is confiscated for the profit of the Royal Air Force, and they are obliged to inform the United Kingdom about all their operations.