Sunday Night Open Thread

It’s the Night Before Christmas.

[The YouTube]

Do you have something you’d like to share? Got a story to tell? About any topic. After all, it’s Sunday Night Open Thread.

What’s on your mind?

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The Illustrated Frank J: It’s As if Millions of Voices Suddenly Cried Out in Terror


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Link of the Day: Atomic Weaponry Is Even More Awesome Than You Think

[High Praise! to]

Unconventional Nuclear Weapons

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]

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So, Was Sarah Connor a MacGuffin in “The Terminator”?

[How MacGuffins Can Ruin Movies] (Viewer #86,606)

I agree – R2D2 is the best MacGuffin ever. So good, in fact, that I never even thought of him that way.

A little about the origin of the term, if anyone’s interested.

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I Bet She’s Never Read This Book. Or Anything Else by Dickens. Or by Anyone Else

Democrat Congresswoman Jackie Speier said the Republican tax cut is like “taking the crutch away from Tiny Tim“.

Yes. Because, like the economy, his leg is better now.

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Identity Is So Confusing

[High Praise! to Freedom Is Just Another Word]

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Saturday Night Open Thread

Christmas is coming.

[The YouTube]

Now, it’s Saturday Night Open Thread. Your turn to talk about whatever you want to talk about.

Who wants to start?

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The Illustrated Frank J: Also Smithers?

[reference link]


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Link of the Day: Surprised This Didn’t Happen a Long Time Ago

[Submitted by DamnCat via Frontpage Magazine (High Praise!)]

Satire – Muhammad Resigns as Prophet Amid Sexual Assault Allegations

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Dominoes Don’t Fall the Way You Think They Do

[Dominoes – HARDCORE Mode – Smarter Every Day 182] (Viewer #508,810)

It’s not how I expected dominoes to fall in the micro, and it also explains something I never thought too hard about before: why rows of toppled dominoes aren’t in perfectly neat rows.

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Podcast Rerun Saturday – Episode 12

IMAO Podcast #12 8-15-05

Note: Due to an error in editing down my Fun Facts material, former producer Scott cut out the line that I used as a callback during my epilogue. Here it is for reference:

“Idaho law forbids children from deliberately stepping on ants. The kids don’t mind too much, however, since pistol-whipping them is still legal.”

* Left-Wing Superheroes (Part 1)
* Introduction & sponsors
* Left-Wing Superheroes (Part 2)
* “World of Knowledge” w/ host Frank J: Aquaman
* Harvey: Fun Facts about Idaho Part 1
* Spacemonkey: My Superpower
* Harvey: Fun Facts about Idaho Part 2
* Right Wing Duck: My Superpower
* “Ask Ducky” with guest host Spacemonkey
* Laurence Simon: My Superpower
* SarahK: She Blonded Me With Science
* Harvey: My Superpower
* Laurence Simon’s Crappy Bedtime Stories: The Tortoise and the Hare
* Frank J: My Superpower
* Buck the Marine: Batman
* Spacemonkey: American Monkey
* SarahK: My Superpower
* Left-Wing Superheroes (Part 3)
* SarahK reviews Toby Keith’s Big Throwdown Tour #2
* Left-Wing Superheroes (Part 4)
* Frank: Conclusion

As I said the last time I ran these in 2010, I offer no guarantees as to the quality of the audio or of the material. Listen at your own risk.

Enjoy the show.

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Greed Is Good

[High Praise! to Freedom Is Just Another Word]

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Friday Night Open Thread

It’s Christmastime!

[The YouTube]

What are your plans? Or what else would you rather share? Because it’s your turn to share. It’s Friday Night Open Thread.

What’s on your mind?

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I Don’t Think These Ever Get Held in Saskatchewan

The University of Michigan held a training session aimed to help white employees deal with their “whiteness” so they could become better equipped to fight for social justice causes.

If their answer is “wearing blackface”, I’m giving up on this country and moving to Canada.

[title reference link]

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Link of the Day: Oddly, It’s About the Same for 10 Hats in a Box (Do the Math)

[High Praise! to MrReid.Org]

One Million Hats

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]

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