- published: 19 Oct 2016
- views: 62702
Music Inc. is an album by American jazz trumpeter Charles Tolliver's Music Inc. with a Big Band recorded in 1970 and first released on the Strata-East label.
The Allmusic review by Jason Ankeny awarded the album 4½ stars stating "The remarkable Music, Inc. Big Band remains the apotheosis of trumpeter Charles Tolliver's singular creative vision. Rarely if ever has a big band exhibited so much freedom or finesse, while at the same time never overwhelming the virtuoso soloists on whom the performances pivots".
All compositions by Charles Tolliver except as indicated
A seat is a place to sit, referring to the area sat upon as opposed to other elements like armrests.
A seat is also known as a bench, a chair, a chaise longue, chesterfield, a couch, a davenport or a settee.
The following are examples of different kinds of seat:
Production may be: Film In Economics:
In Ecology:
In Entertainment:
In Abstract systems:
Music is an art form and cultural activity whose medium is sound and silence. The common elements of music are pitch (which governs melody and harmony), rhythm (and its associated concepts tempo, meter, and articulation), dynamics (loudness and softness), and the sonic qualities of timbre and texture (which are sometimes termed the "color" of a musical sound). Different styles or types of music may emphasize, de-emphasize or omit some of these elements. Music is performed with a vast range of instruments and with vocal techniques ranging from singing to rapping, and there are solely instrumental pieces, solely vocal pieces and pieces that combine singing and instruments. The word derives from Greek μουσική (mousike; "art of the Muses"). In its most general form, the activities describing music as an art form include the production of works of music (songs, tunes, symphonies, and so on), the criticism of music, the study of the history of music, and the aesthetic examination of music. Ancient Greek and Indian philosophers defined music as tones ordered horizontally as melodies and vertically as harmonies. Common sayings such as "the harmony of the spheres" and "it is music to my ears" point to the notion that music is often ordered and pleasant to listen to. However, 20th-century composer John Cage thought that any sound can be music, saying, for example, "There is no noise, only sound."
Warner can refer to:
Trabas Jelajah Pati Utara - Margoyoso, 16 Oktober 2016 - SEAT Sukun Kudus
Passenger Seat by Stephen Speaks with lyrics onscreen
Seat Ibiza hatchback 2018 review | Mat Watson Reviews
SEAT Leon 2018 in-depth review | Mat Watson Reviews
SEAT Ateca 2017 SUV review | Mat Watson Reviews
Seat Arona Test Sürüşü
Girliyapa Ep 3 | Bus Seat Na Milegi Dobara
Seat Ibiza 2018 - Lo bueno, lo malo y los millennials - Primer vistazo
Seat León Cupra R | Primera prueba / Test / Review en español | coches.net
Seat Leon ⭐ - El mejor de su segmento y un favorito personal
Seat Arona World Premiere REVIEW all-new SUV neu - Autogefühl
Seat Arona 2017 SUV | Primera prueba / Test / Review en español | coches.net
Seat Leon Cupra R - AutoWeek Review
$139 Plane Seat Vs. $24,000 Plane Seat
GOP sees 'huge opportunity' to win Franken's Senate seat
Seat Leon Cupra R Fahrbericht/Details/Erklärung
Seat Arona en vivo desde Barcelona - Primer vistazo
2016 SEAT Leon Cupra SC (290hp) - pure SOUND (60FPS)
Seat Ateca - ¿Rey León, eres tu?
VW Golf R 310HP vs 300HP Seat Leon Cupra | ACCELERATION TOP SPEED POV & SOUND by AutoTopNL
Dibulan Oktober 2016 kali ini giliran karesidenan Pati mengadakan latber JPU (Jelajah Pati Utara) bertajuk KOYA TRAIL ADVENTURE dalam rangka 1 Hijriah, 15 SEATers turut serta dlm acara yang terbilang sukses tersebut...suguhan jalur yg seru serta minimnya antrean menjadi nilai plus dlm acara ini, trimakasih buat segenap panitia JPU, warga setempat serta special thanks buat PRsukun yg selalu mendukung SEATers di setiap kesempatan. Tonton juga video SEATers laennya di: My Youtube Channel : http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTFzlSc4G4zcUP8rusE3fXw Facebook Community : http://www.facebook.com/seatkudus My Instagram : http://www.instagram.com/yoga_seat Thanks to: PR.SUKUN corporation - http://www.sukunsigaret.com - http://www.facebook.com/PR.Sukun Free Intro Template - http://www.velosofy.com Mu...
:) Enjoy the first video I've ever made in my entire life! FOLLOW STEPHEN SPEAKS ON TWITTER! : https://twitter.com/stephenspeaks *Check out my cover of "Dare you to move by Switchfoot" and original song, "Once Again"* Follow me on https://twitter.com/#!/ArianaQueano26... Ty! :D Ask me : http://ask.fm/ArianaQ26
SEAT has released the all new SEAT Ibiza. It gets fresh styling inside and out, an updated range of engines and an all-new platform - measures SEAT hopes will help it compete against class-leaders from Ford, and Vauxhall. So what’s the new Ibiza like to drive? Is it practical enough for families? And how does it compare to a pastrami sandwhich? Find out all this and more as I head to Barcelona to review the bangin' new Ibiza on the international launch. Subscribe to carwow on youtube – http://www.youtube.com/c/Carwow?sub_confirmation=1 Click for SEAT Deals – https://www.carwow.co.uk/seat/seat?utm_source=YouTube&utm;_medium=description&utm;_campaign=Make-seat-Type-review Awkward haggling is a thing of the past with carwow. Choose your perfect car with our configurator tool and let the cou...
The SEAT Leon's based on the practical, and ever-popular, VW Golf but looks distinctly sportier and comes with a remodelled interior. Will this be enough to make it stand out in the hotly contested family hatchback class or will it be a model to avoid? I take a detailed look at this smart-looking Spanish hatchback and give you my verdict. Subscribe to carwow on youtube – http://www.youtube.com/c/Carwow?sub_confirmation=1 Read our full SEAT Leon review – https://www.carwow.co.uk/seat/leon?utm_source=YouTube&utm;_medium=description&utm;_campaign=Make-seat-Model-leon-Type-review SEAT Leon practicality review – https://www.carwow.co.uk/seat/leon?utm_source=YouTube&utm;_medium=description&utm;_campaign=Make-seat-Model-leon-Type-practicality#review-interior SEAT Leon infotainment and interior r...
The Seat Ateca is the Spanish car manufactures first attempts at a family SUV with obvious comparisons to its sister car, the Volkswagen Tiguan. This begs the question, is the Ateca a cheap interpretation, or a worthy rival to the Hyundai Tuscon, Nissan Qashqai and Ford Kuga? Can it even pass the carwow flick test? Does the Ateca sport Seat’s trademark stiff suspension? I give you the full lowdown on this practical SUV in this full in-depth review. Subscribe to carwow on youtube – http://www.youtube.com/c/Carwow?sub_confirmation=1 Read our full Seat Ateca review – https://www.carwow.co.uk/seat/ateca?utm_source=YouTube&utm;_medium=description&utm;_campaign=Make-seat-Model-ateca-Type-review Seat Ateca 360º driving video – https://www.carwow.co.uk/seat/ateca?utm_source=YouTube&utm;_medium=d...
Yeni Seat Arona’nın test sürüşü videosu yayında… Seat Arona, Seat’ın yeni B sınıfı crossover modeli. Yani daha basit bir tabirle Arona için Seat Ibiza’dan türetilmiş bir crossover diyebiliriz. Seat, Arona ile ilk defa bu sınıfa giriş yapıyor. Peugeot 2008, Renault Captur, Nissan Juke, VW T-Roc ve Opel Crossland X modellerin olduğu küçük crossover sınıfına. Yeni Seat Arona’yı geçtiğimiz günlerde markanın doğduğu topraklar olan Barselona’da düzenlenen basın lansmanında test ettim ve izlenimlerimi sizlerle paylaştım. Yeni Seat Arona ile ilgili merak ettiğiniz, bilmeniz gereken her şeyin cevabını bulacağınız bu testi mutlaka izleyin. Test ettiğim Seat Arona, 3 silindirli 1.0 litrelik turbo beslemeli benzinli motoruyla 95 HP güç ve 175 Nm tork üretiyor ve 5 ileri manuel şanzımanla sahip. Ü...
There are two types of girls in a bus, the ones who say 'Yes, please!' when offered a seat and the ones who say 'No, thank you'. But then we met the third type. Watch this video to find out what they say. Like us on Facebook: http://fb.com/girliyapa Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/girliyapa Follow us on Instagram: http://instagram.com/girliyapa To buy Whisper Ultra Soft Sanitary Pads, go to: https://tinyurl.com/zm6zzv6 Channel Head: Tracy Dsouza Written by: Archana Singh, Shruti Madan Directed by: Palash Vaswani DOP: Shree Namjoshi Edited by: Prashant Panda Production Design: Abhimanyu Jai Supervising Producer: Srusti Jain Creative Producer: Shreyansh Pandey Chief Assistant Director: Aakanksha Dua Costume Stylist: Shroboshi Samanta Costume Assistant: Reena Harpalani Sync Sound...
Luis Miguel Reyes, nuestro piloto probador, se pone al volante del nuevo Seat León Cupra R en la presentación llevada a cabo en Barcelona. Gana 10 CV extra (310 CV) y ofrece una puesta a punto del chasis aún más deportiva. Todo sobre el Seat León Cupra R en coches.net: https://www.coches.net/prueba-seat-leon-cupra-r-presentacion Presentado por Luis Miguel Reyes (@Luismi_Reyes) Producción audiovisual: Crator *** Si os gustan nuestros vídeos, no olvidéis dar un "Me gusta" y suscribiros a nuestro canal para recibir todas las novedades. ¡Gracias!
Rango de precios: $289,3000 - $399,900 MXN Precio de modelo en el video: $366,700 MXN Gabo Salazar te presenta lo último en autos en México y el mundo. facebook.com/autodinamicomx twitter.com/autodinamicomx instagram.com/autodinamicomx
FULL REVIEW Seat Arona: https://youtu.be/9NSUhOUedLs Compare Seat Ibiza: https://youtu.be/89_INeb0_Ps Thomas is wearing vegan shoes by https://www.noah-shop.com/ Autogefühl viewers get a 17 % discount with the following code: Autogefuehl-17 ►Subscribe and/or bookmark our direct channel link: http://www.autogefuehl.com ►German Blog: http://autogefuehl.de ►Support us on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/autogefuehl ►Exclusive supporter: Ajlan Saeed Facebook: http://facebook.de/autogefuehl Twitter: https://twitter.com/autogefuehl Instagram: https://instagram.com/autogefuehl/ ***Playlists for latest reviews*** FULL REVIEWS 2017 Q1 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZqvo5rXklBtwPV_F4cqB40QlFsawxoOE FULL REVIEWS 2016 Q4 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZqvo5rXklBtncxZTBvBfQdWq_2E6U...
¡Probamos el Seat Arona! El nuevo modelo de la marca española es un SUV del segmento B que, como el Ateca en el C, ataca el corazón del segmento con un diseño que gustará a la mayoría de clientes potenciales, un buen equipamiento, una habitabilidad y un maletero superiores a los del Ibiza (del que deriva) y unas notables posibilidades de personalización. Todo sobre el Seat Arona en coches.net: https://www.coches.net/todo/?q=seat%20arona%20 Presentado por Joan Dalmau (@DalmauParera) Producción audiovisual: Crator
Er valt weinig te klagen over de standaard Seat Leon Cupra. Maar onder het motto 'meer kan altijd', presenteren de Spanjaarden nu toch de plus-versie: de Seat Leon Cupra R. Wij reden 'm exclusief in Spanje. Abonneer je hier op het kanaal van AutoWeek: http://bit.ly/1uSYprL Meer informatie over deze auto? Check http://www.autoweek.nl/carbase Volg AutoWeek óók op: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/autoweek Twitter: https://twitter.com/autoweek Instagram: https://instagram.com/autoweek Periscope: AutoWeek Snapchat: AutoWeek Bekijk ook onze afspeellijsten: AutoWeek Update: bit.ly/1Zdlcnj Reviews: bit.ly/1zsCFpu AutoWeek Occasions: bit.ly/1Jxrt69 Klokje Rond: bit.ly/1UAneY0 AutoWeek Classics: bit.ly/1Z8Tm6i Van Pinda Naar Panda: bit.ly/1n6IOIU Op De Rollenbank: bit.ly/1pY7S2W Barrelbrigad...
"I could join the mile high club with this seat." In Worth It: Lifestyle, a spin off of BuzzFeed’s hit series Worth It, host Steven Lim and his buddies embark on a new adventure, setting out to try different experiences at three different price points: affordable, middle tier, and luxury--from airplane seats to cars to videos games. At the end of the episode, the gang decides which experience is the most “worth it” at its given price. Credits: https://www.buzzfeed.com/bfmp/videos/18916 Check out more awesome videos at BuzzFeedBlue! https://bit.ly/YTbuzzfeedvideo https://bit.ly/YTbuzzfeedblue1 https://bit.ly/YTbuzzfeedviolet GET MORE BUZZFEED: https://www.buzzfeed.com https://www.buzzfeed.com/videos https://www.youtube.com/buzzfeedvideo https://www.youtube.com/boldly https://www.youtube...
Chair of the Minnesota Republican Party says there's a great pool of candidates to fill the disgraced Democratic senator's seat; Matt Finn reports from Minneapolis.
Amigos, gracias por ver nuestro video. Una disculpa por la calidad de la transmisión pero traté de hacer lo que pude con lo que tenía. Esperamos tenerles un video mas completo en un futuro. Son lo máximo! Aun no hay precios oficiales para México. Gabo Salazar te presenta lo último en autos en México y el mundo. facebook.com/autodinamicomx twitter.com/autodinamicomx instagram.com/autodinamicomx
First pure SOUND footage of the recently revised Seat Leon Cupra 290 now delivering 290 hp and 350 Nm of torque through a "new" exhaust system. While Seat's Leon Cupra sound used to be a bit on the quiet side they have really gone back into development and refined this car at the right bits and pieces. The middle exhaust section was "deleted" to enable a louder sound coming through towards the also new axle back exhaust. The video sometimes doesn't transport how good it actually sounds and how loud it is, but if you have heard a new Audi TTS you should closely know what this one is like. Not only the sound is improved but by modifying the exhaust system there is a more instant power delivery than in the 280 version, making the car at least "feel" a lot quicker and more aggressive. If you L...
VW Golf R 310HP vs 300HP Seat Leon Cupra | ACCELERATION TOP SPEED POV & SOUND by AutoTopNL Subscribe to our channel to be the first to see new content! http://bit.ly/2aWQXw9 AutoTopNL Facebook Fanpage: http://on.fb.me/1jlG5pQ and follow us on Instagram: http://bit.ly/22Yp1yw for live updates on recordings and more! UK: Auto-Top is an honest and pure car filming and testing company. We're not interested in eco & green (unless it's like, really superfast). Screaming exhausts, whining superchargers and blowing turbo's is what we want to hear! We review all sorts of performance cars. In the different playlists you can enjoy exhaust sounds, acceleration tests (0-100, 0-200) with launch control, onboard cams and the revving sound of each car. Exotic cars, hothatches, power sedans. We have it ...
FULL REVIEW Seat Arona: https://youtu.be/9NSUhOUedLs Compare Seat Ibiza: https://youtu.be/89_INeb0_Ps Thomas is wearing vegan shoes by https://www.noah-shop.com/ Autogefühl viewers get a 17 % discount with the following code: Autogefuehl-17 ►Subscribe and/or bookmark our direct channel link: http://www.autogefuehl.com ►German Blog: http://autogefuehl.de ►Support us on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/autogefuehl ►Exclusive supporter: Ajlan Saeed Facebook: http://facebook.de/autogefuehl Twitter: https://twitter.com/autogefuehl Instagram: https://instagram.com/autogefuehl/ ***Playlists for latest reviews*** FULL REVIEWS 2017 Q1 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZqvo5rXklBtwPV_F4cqB40QlFsawxoOE FULL REVIEWS 2016 Q4 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZqvo5rXklBtncxZTBvBfQdWq_2E6U...
↓↓ Więcej Informacji ↓↓ Zapraszamy na test modelu Seat Ateca z silnikiem 2.0 TDI o mocy 150 KM i manualną skrzynią biegów. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Wszystkie filmy o tym modelu - http://www.AutoCentrum.pl/filmy/ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Podziękowania dla Urzędu Miasta w Skawinie za pozwolenie na zdjęcia w tamtejszym parku! Spis treści: Zobacz również: - Dokładny pomiar przyspieszenia - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtbz3hPQNu0 - Nasz pomiar zużycia paliwa - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvJZrVXtbQM Inne testy aut marki Seat - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLk8nX41C7fdjoY0Z8aaZ0FG7dQhZ5BcUt Inne testy aut terenowych i cossoverów (Segment I) - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLk8nX41C7fdhOS247YVcf7vPdatNGAHF7 +++...
An empty seat is far better than having a wrong person sitting on it. Bishop T.D. Jakes - The best sermon ever!
Naše hodnocení - 6 bodů (hodnotíme od 1 - 10 - čím višší tím lepší ) Sleduj náš FB veškeré novinky a info tam. - https://www.facebook.com/bezkomprese/ Vehiklo.cz 26 000 aut + - - https://www.vehiklo.cz/?utm_source=youtube&utm;_campaign=bez-komprese&utm;_medium=video-link Nářadí - Do kolonky slevový kupón napiště BEZ KOMPRESE a dostanete 5 procent slevu - https://www.naraditechnik.cz MRO auto - Do poznámky objednávky napiště BEZ KOMPRESE a dostanete 3 procenta slevu - http://www.mroauto.cz/ Podpoř nás - https://www.paypal.me/bezkomprese (Vybrané peníze budou použity na stavbu Škody 130 nebo na natáčecí techniku ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Natáčecí technika - Panasonic Lumix DMC FZ - 150 a DMC FZ - 1000 ...
↓↓ Więcej Informacji ↓↓ Seat Leon był już w naszej redakcji kilka razy (wszystkie testy Seata znajdziecie w linku pod spisem treści), ale tym razem postanowiliśmy sprawdzić, jak sprawuje się połączenie praktycznego nadwozia ze sportowymi aspiracjami i mocnym silnikiem. Sprawdźcie, co z tego wyszło! Spis treści: 01:00 -- Stylistyka zewnętrzna 02:55 -- Silnik i spalanie 06:04 -- Pojemność baku oraz masa auta 08:12 -- Krótki test systemu audio 10:23 -- Brak możliwości całkowitego wyłączenia ESP 11:09 -- Test Dwumetrowca 13:51 -- Wyposażenie na tylnej kanapie 14:48 -- Bagażnik 20:49 -- Wrażenia z jazdy 22:50 -- Test zawracania 23:31 -- Test widoczności 24:54 -- Test wyciszenia 25:19 -- Ceny i podsumowanie Test Seata Leona ST FR na AutoCentrum.pl - http://www.autocentrum.pl/testy/seat-leon-s...
Am 28.10.2017 haben wir diese Ausfahrt.tv - Kaufberatung zum 2017 SEAT Arona 1.0 EcoTSI 115 PS DSG abgedreht, den wir im Rahmen der internationalen Fahrveranstaltung in Barcelona / Stinges für mehrere Stunden testen konnten. Unser Test zum SEAT Arona ist in Kapitel unterteilt, die per Sprungmarken erreicht werden können: 04:30 Fakten, Fakten, Fakten 06:14 Exterieur 12:28 Interieur 31:16 Innenraumcheck 34:49 Auf der Rücksitzbank 39:03 Kofferraum 42:11 Fahreindruck 51:48 Ausstattungsfeatures (dies und das) 54:05 Fazit Testwagen-Konfiguration: https://goo.gl/AnmrMs Ihr wollt mehr Informationen? Hier: http://ausfahrt.tv/2017-seat-arona-1-0-ecotsi-115-ps-dsg/ Die Test-Erfahrungen unserer Probefahrt mit dem 2017 SEAT Arona 1.0 EcoTSI 115 PS DSG haben wir entsprechend, wie bei all unseren ...
Até que enfim ele saiu! Resgate FULLPOWER com o Seat Cordoba, do Arthur Gomez. Demoramos mais do que o esperado, mas está pronto, entregue e o dono, FELIZÃO! A equipe da FULLPOWER trabalhou pesado, assim como os times dos nossos parceiros nessas empreitadas como o Resgate e o Projects. Bom divertimento, aproveitem o vídeo e, se gostarem, deixem aquela curtida. Valeuzaço. Siga os caras por esses links: Pioneer: http://pioneer.com.br/ Philips: http://www.philips.com.br/ NGK: http://www.ngkntk.com.br/ SnapOn: http://snapon.com.br/ Sun Scanners: http://www.sun-la.com/home.html Volcano Wheels: http://www.volcanowheels.com/ Cral Baterias: http://cral.com.br/ Tapeçaria Alemão: http://alemao.com.br/ Top's Hi Tech: http://loja.acessorioautomotivo.com.br/ W30 Culture Sound: https://www.facebook.com...
Temmuz ayı sonunda satışa çıkacak olan yeni Seat Ibiza'yı Barselona'da kullandık. 115 bg'lik yeni 1.0 litre 3 silindirli turbo motor ile kullandığımız yeni Ibiza ve Türkiye'ye gelecek tüm modeller hakkında öğrenmek istedikleriniz bu videoda. Kurgu: Caner Öner Bu otomobilin ayrıntılı fotoğraflarını incelemek, bilgisayarınıza indirmek isterseniz web sitemizi ziyaret edebilirsiniz. Lütfen, bu videomuzu izledikten sonra beğenmeyi ve yorum yapmayı unutmayın ve abone olarak kitlemizi çoğaltmamıza yardımcı olun! Yaptığınız yorumları kesinlikle dikkate alıp, içeriklerimizi üretirken göz önünde bulunduracağımız unutmayın! Instagram : benzin_magazin, burak_ertem twitter :BenzinMagazin, burakertem facebook : benzinmagazin http://www.benzinmagazin.com
Also check the World Premiere: https://youtu.be/vAM2kUtdnmg Compare the Seat Ibiza: https://youtu.be/XOqPeKK6FVo Compare the VW T-Roc: https://youtu.be/x4GAQMWoS6o Notes: The DCC with the Arona FR makes the ride a little more flexible, you can go to Sports Mode and make it stiffer. Forgot to mention that. And sorry for the infotainment screen close up focus, that was off in one clip :) ►Subscribe and/or bookmark our direct channel link: http://www.autogefuehl.com German Blog: http://autogefuehl.de Support us on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/autogefuehl Exclusive supporter: Ajlan Saeed ►What is Thomas wearing? - Noah shoes https://www.noah-shop.com/ Autogefühl viewers get a 17 % shoe discount with the following code: Autogefuehl-17 - Alpina watches https://www.alpinawatches.com?rfsn=69...
Tamamen yenilenen Seat Ibiza'yı Bahadır Bektaş ile birlikte Barselona'da kullandık. Hem de en yeni 1.5 TSi motoru denedik. İyi seyirler. Abone Olun; https://goo.gl/QUq1Lt Instagram: https://goo.gl/eFKPja Twitter: https://goo.gl/hDMmX5 Facebook: https://goo.gl/UpVYg5 AHMET KURAL ile Maserati Levante Kullandık: https://goo.gl/M7Nx5q ÜMİT ERDİM'Lİ NISSAN GTR R35 Sürüş İzlenimi: https://goo.gl/eH8kZ5 Ümit Erdim ile İddia Volvo S90 ile Gaza, Frene, Direksiyona Dokunmadan Köprüyü Geçmek: https://goo.gl/2oy4re Range Rover Velar Arazi Sürüşü: https://goo.gl/kZszVJ Yeni Range Rover Velar - İlk Sürüş: https://goo.gl/7GPr8Y BMW 730 Li - Sürüş: https://goo.gl/SyoXfd 3 milyon TL'lik 610 Beygir Gücündeki Lamborghini Huracan ile Gazladık! : https://goo.gl/nWi9LQ 2 Milyon TL'lik Otomobil Honda NSX ...
Что и говорить, нового кроссовера от SEAT мы заждались! Ведь появление Ateca у нас предварительно было намечено еще на осень 2016 года! Но мы верили в успех этого предприятия, и вот первый кроссовер марки наконец попадает к нам на тест-драйв! Это версия с 1.4 TSI, полным приводом и 6-ступенчатой DSG. #SEAT #Ateca #infocar #сеат #атека #кроссовер Подписаться на новые видео канала InfoCarTV: http://goo.gl/18O5Jm Читать всё об автомобилях на нашем сайте: http://www.infocar.ua Ищите нас в соцсетях: http://www.facebook.com/InfoCar.ua http://vk.com/infocar_ua http://google.com/+InfoCarUa Композиция "Highlight Reel" принадлежит исполнителю Kevin MacLeod. Лицензия: Creative Commons Attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). Оригинальная версия: http://incompetech.com/music/roy...
Hotseat returns with a special guest, YouTuber and British Actor James Buckley. Geoff and Gavin interviewed the Inbetweeners star at the Funhaus studio, with Bruce and Lawrence joining in on the fun. Check out James' YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC88b1rl5tpgGxK5I-fL7hIw Join FIRST to watch episodes early: http://bit.ly/2gsHfHf » Get your Let's Play merch: http://bit.ly/2emcC23 » Subscribe: http://bit.ly/1BuRgl1 About Let's Play GTA: From grand heists and cunning stunts, to biker gangs and getting bunce; it's all Grand Theft Auto, all the time. More from Let's Play: » Achievement Hunter: http://bit.ly/AHYTChannel Let's Play Hot Seat: GTA V Feat. James Buckley https://www.youtube.com/user/letsplay
Probamos en profundidad el primer SUV de la marca española Seat. El Ateca aterriza en el mercado con el propósito de convertirse en el nuevo rey de los todocaminos compactos. Presentado por: Joan Dalmau Producción audiovisual: Crator *** Si os gustan nuestros vídeos, no olvidéis dar un "Me gusta" y suscribiros a nuestro canal para recibir todas las novedades. ¡Gracias!
English version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_xao5uJY84 00:51 Start (für Stammzuschauer) 05:11 Fakten, Fakten, Fakten 06:53 Exterieur 14:49 Interieur 33:50 Innenraumcheck 38:12 Auf der Rücksitzbank 43:37 Kofferraum 49:18 Fahreindruck 01:01:58 Ausstattungsfeatures (dies und das) 01:03:32 Fazit 01:07:25 Outtakes Am 17.06.2016 haben wir dieses Ausfahrt.tv - Video - Reviews zum neuen 2016 SEAT Ateca 2.0 TDI 190 PS 4DRIVE Xcellence abgedreht, den wir im Rahmen der internationalen Fahrveranstaltung in Barcelona für mehrere Stunden testen konnten. Review Mercedes GLA 250: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7TsootaN0A Review VW Tiguan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbNu01V4e2A Review BMW X1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFjPDo-5Mkw Review Audi Q3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5p...
Подкаст «Большой тест-драйв» - https://itun.es/ru/UdTgS.c Сайт: http://btdrive.ru/ | Twitter: http://twitter.com/bigtestdrive | G+: http://google.com/+stillavinpro | Instagram: http://instagram.com/bigtestdrive | Facebook: http://facebook.com/stillavinpro | Vkontakte: http://vk.com/stillavinpro | LJ: http://btdrive.lj.ru На официальном сайте компании Seat машина, которая сегодня в «Большом тест-драйве», выглядит привлекательней. «Русский пакет» творит чудеса. Лёгкость и изящество исчезли. Как обстоят дела с ходовыми качествами Seat Leon ST FR , что понравилось в машине Сергею Стиллавину и Рустаму Вахидову? JOIN QUIZGROUP PARTNER PROGRAM: http://join.quizgroup.com/
Geoff, Ryan, Ray, Michael, and Gavin put Max Kruemcke in the Hot Seat to interrogate him as they play some Prop Hunt. What will they find out about him as they find each other? » Join FIRST to watch episodes early: http://bit.ly/2vv4OWI » Get your Let's Play merch: http://bit.ly/2vJi7yQ » Subscribe: http://bit.ly/1BuRgl1 About Let's Play: A revolving cast of Rooster Teeth employees play video games extremely poorly. More from Let's Play: » Achievement Hunter: http://bit.ly/AHYTChannel Let's Play - Hot Seat: Prop Hunt Featuring Max Kruemcke https://www.youtube.com/user/letsplay
OTOPARK.com’un en çok eleştirilen videolarından biri Leon testi olmuştu. Bakalım Sinan, SEAT’ın güçlü C segmenti otomobilini geçirdiği makyaj operasyonundan sonra nasıl buldu: https://www.otopark.com/2017/06/seat-leon-1-4-ecotsi-dsg-test/ Testimizi beğenmeyi, paylaşmayı ve kanalımıza ABONE olmayı unutmayın! Web sitemiz : http://www.otopark.com Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/otoparkcom Instagram : http://www.instagram.com/otoparkcom Twitter : http://www.twitter.com/otoparkcom Snapchat : otoparkcom Periscope : otoparkcom
Instagram - simonjwils SUBSCRIBE NOW!!! This is how my Saturday looked like on the 26th August 2017! The morale of the story - Anything is achievable! Published on Feb 17, 2017 SUBSCRIBE NOW!! https://www.facebook.com/simonjwils/ https://www.instagram.com/simonjwils/ Snapchat - welshsimon
En este video podéis ver en profundidad todo el sistema multimedia de "SEAT Navi System + cartografia: Pantalla táctil de 8", Sonidos formato MP3 y WMA, 2 tomas USB, 2 tarjetas SD, Toma Aux-in, 8 altavoces y reconocimiento de voz". El de este video es concretamente el de un Seat Leon 2017. Puede variar un poco dependiendo del equipamiento y versión. Indice del video: ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ 0:11 - Función de botones en el volante 1:04 - Pantalla del cuadro 5:09 - Pantalla central 6:07 - Radio 7:12 - Media 8:51 - Navegación 12:42 - Tráfico 13:02 - Imágenes 13:14 - Teléfono 13:34 - Vehículo 14:56 - Ajustes del vehículo 16:50 - Ajustes de sonido 17:58 - Ajustes de la pantalla 19:19 - Mirrorlink - Apple CarPlay ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ► SIG...
►Subscribe and/or bookmark our direct channel link: http://www.autogefuehl.com German Blog: http://autogefuehl.de Support us on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/autogefuehl Exclusive supporter: Ajlan Saeed ♫Music By♫ ●DJ Quads - Lady ●Song/Free Download - https://youtu.be/EAodsUaJVi0 ●Follow DJ Quads - http://smarturl.it/dj-quads ►What is Thomas wearing? - Noah shoes https://www.noah-shop.com/ Autogefühl viewers get a 17 % shoe discount with the following code: Autogefuehl-17 - Alpina watches https://www.alpinawatches.com?rfsn=692489.54bbe Alpina Startimer Pilot Big Date Alpina Seastrong Diver 300 Big Date Alpina Startimer Pilot Automatic Alpina Startimer Pilot GMT quartz (wristlets in Metal, Rubber and Synthetic are offered) ►Social Media Facebook: http://facebook.de/autogefuehl Twitte...
Love is like oxygen
You get too much you get too high
Not enough and you're gonna die
Love gets you high
Love is like oxygen
. . .
Time on my side
I got it all
I've heard that pride
Always comes before a fall
There's a rumour goin' round the town
That you don't want me around
I can't shake off my city blues
Every way I turn I lose
Love is like oxygen
. . .
Love is like oxygen
. . .
Time is no healer
If you're not there
Lonely fever
Sad words in the air
Some things are better left unsaid
I'm gonna spend my days in bed
I'll walk the streets at night
To be hidden by the city lights
City lights
Love is like oxygen
. . .
Love is like oxygen