Police attacking protestors in Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires, Argentina – On Thursday police brutally attacked protesters who had gathered in front of the Congress to oppose a law being debated in the lower Chamber of Deputies, including...

Gaza after the previous Israeli bombing

Trump has just offered two early Christmas presents to the imperialist project in Israel. This article briefly explains the wider context for this provocation.

A piece discussing debates over the role of political ideas within social movements, and the debate within anarchism over political organization applied to the current context of North American...

Brighton SolFed is making public a dispute with a cafe who are unwilling to settle outstanding pay of over £4K. The former worker, who stopped work at the establishment in early June has been...


STC Picket line, Spare Rib.

The Standard Telephones and Cables strike in 1973 was one of a wave of strikes by black and asian workers confronting both the racism of their white colleagues and management, and sabotage from...


Drumheller strikers, 1919

A short history of a strike by coal miners organised in the syndicalist One Big Union in Alberta which was repressed by bosses and the state.