
It's A Class Struggle, Goddammit! - Fred Hampton

Fred Hampton

Hampton discusses Bobby Seale's trial while criticising the reactionary nationalism of Ron Karenga, Stokely Carmichael (Kwame Ture) and Leroi Jones (Amiri Baraka), (unfortunately using some homophobic language in the process). He also mentions the name of the cop (Glove Davis) who was to participate in his assassination a month later.

Transición - Jacques Camatte & Gianni Collu [1969]

En este artículo Gianni Collu y Jacques Camatte retoman los conceptos de dominación (o subsunción) formal y dominación real del capital, tratados originalmente por Marx en el capítulo Vi inédito del tomo I de El Capital. referida a la reconfiguración de la actividad productiva sobre los designios del valor en proceso. Publicado en Invariance, año 2, serie I, nº 8, 1969. Traducción de Comunización Ediciones

Proudhonist materialism and revolutionary doctrine - Stephen Condit

Few historians of ideas have questioned Proudhon’s impact in his own time. Yet his affinities with and contributions to some of the most important trends in modern political philosophy, and his relevance to the problems which increasingly reveal the failures of existing political doctrines and systems, have been neglected.

Three articles about 1st of may - Errico Malatesta

Malatesta's account of Mayday it's turn from a day of workers',strike into a labor holiday and the state of the anarchist movement

Introduction to the 1974 edition of Amadeo Bordiga’s “Economic and social structure of Russia today” - Jacques Camatte

Introduction to the 1974 edition of Amadeo Bordiga’s “Economic and social struct

Here, for the first time in English, is Camatte’s introduction to the 1974 edition of Bordiga’s, and the Italian Left’s, long study on the nature of the Russian revolution. Camatte provides a very brief outline of the perspective that Bordiga took on in order to answer this question. Camatte also provides his own commentaries on the nature of capital today, not all of which we fully agree with.

Dialogue with Stalin - Amadeo Bordiga

Dialogue with Stalin, Amadeo Bordiga, 1952

In the 1950s, the International Communist Party undertook a world-historic task: unravelling the Russian enigma. Through a series of articles they attempted to grapple with the nature of the Russian revolution. We present to you for the first time Bordiga’s “Dialogue with Stalin”. A one way conversation with Stalin and his “Economic Problems of the USSR”. Through a careful textual analysis, reference to Marx and Engels and the Marxist method, Bordiga systematically reveals what is left unsaid but implied, by the admissions of the Stalinist bureaucracy: That capitalism had triumphed over the revolution.

The Capitalist System - Mikhail Bakunin

This pamphlet is an excerpt from “The Knouto-Germanic Empire and the Social Revolution” and included in “The Complete Works of Michael Bakunin” under the title “Fragment.” Parts of the text were originally translated into English by G.P. Maximoff for his anthology of Bakunin’s writings, with missing paragraphs translated by Jeff Stein from the Spanish edition, Diego Abad de Santillan, trans. (Buenos Aires 1926) vol. III, pp. 181–196.

Autonomy and daily life - Spinoza and Kant's imperative: "Treat others and yourself as ends, never as means" - humanaesfera

A short text about the basics of materialist ethics, our power to change the circumstances of everyday life and creating and developing our abilities and needs.

History of Anarchism in Malaya / Singapore / Malaysia

- The The emergence of a workers' and anarchist movement
- Anarchist Agitation
- The rise and destruction of the anarchist movement
- In modern Malaysia and Singapore

by Vadim Damier, Kirill Limanov