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Federal Debt Clock

Today’s Federal Debt is $20,487,502,503,616.26.

The amount is the gross outstanding debt issued by the United States Department of the Treasury since 1790 and reported here.

But, it doesn’t include state and local debt.

And, it doesn’t include so-called “agency debt.”

And, it doesn’t include the so-called unfunded liabilities of entitlement programs like Social Security and Medicare.

Federal Debt per person is about $62,787.

Total US Government Debt in 2018

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At the end of FY 2018 the total government debt in the United States, including federal, state, and local, is expected to be $24.19 trillion.

Get more information about Total Debt here.

Total Federal Government Debt in 2018

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At the end of FY 2018 the gross US federal government debt is estimated to be $21.09 trillion, according to the FY19 Federal Budget. Of this gross amount, debt “Held by the Public: Other” is estimated by at $12.89 trillion, debt “Held by the Public: Federal Reserve System” (i.e. monetized debt) is estimated by at $2.46 trillion and debt “Held by Federal Government Accounts” is estimated at $5.74 trillion.

Here is the gross federal debt by year for the last decade:

Federal Debt in trillions

Click for federal debt from 1960 to present.

Get more information about Federal Debt here.

Total Federal Agency Debt in 2018

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At the end of FY 2018 the federal agency debt in the United States is “guesstimated” to be $9.26 trillion.

Agency debt is debt issued by federal agencies and government-sponsored enterprises, and is not included in the total gross debt of the federal government.

Get more information about Agency Debt here.

Total State Government Debt in 2018

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At the end of FY 2018 the state government debt in the United States is expected to be $1.18 trillion.

Get more information about State Government Debt here.

Total Local Government Debt in 2018

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At the end of FY 2018 the local government debt in the United States is expected to be $1.91 trillion.

Get more information about Local Government Debt here.

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Debt Data Sources

Debt data is from official government sources.

Gross Domestic Product data comes from US Bureau of Economic Analysis and

Detailed table of debt data sources here.

Federal debt data begins in 1792.

State and local debt data begins in 1820.

State and local debt data for individual states begins in 1957.

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Gross Federal Debt

Debt: $20,487,502,503,616.26

Data Sources for 2013_2022:

Sources for 2013:

GDP, GO: GDP, GO Sources
Federal: Fed. Budget: Hist. Tables 3.2, 5.1, 7.1
State and Local: State and Local Gov. Finances
'Guesstimated' by projecting the latest change in reported spending forward to future years

Sources for 2022:

GDP, GO: GDP, GO Sources
Federal: Fed. Budget: Hist. Tables 3.2, 5.1, 7.1
State and Local: State and Local Gov. Finances
'Guesstimated' by projecting the latest change in reported spending forward to future years

> data sources for other years
> data update schedule.

Federal Deficit, Outlays, and Receipts Actuals for FY17

On October 20, 2017, the US Treasury reported in its Monthly Treasury Statement (and xls) for September that the federal deficit for FY 2017 ending September 30, 2017, was $666 billion. Here are the numbers, including total receipts, total outlays, and deficit compared with the numbers projected in the FY 2018 federal budget published in May 2017:

Federal Finances
FY 2016 Outcomes
Receipts $3,460$3,315
Deficit$603$666 now shows the new numbers for total FY 2017 total outlays and receipts on its Estimate vs. Actual page.

The Monthly Treasury Statement includes "Table 4: Receipts of the United States Government, September 2017 and Other Periods." This table of receipts by source is used for to post federal receipt actuals for FY 2017.

This FTS report on FY 17 actuals is a problem for because this site uses Historical Table 3.2--Outlays by Function and Subfunction from the Budget of the United States as its basic source for federal subfunction outlays. But the Monthly Treasury Statement only includes "Table 9. Summary of Receipts by Source, and Outlays by Function of the U.S. Government, September 2016 and Other Periods". Subfunction amounts don't get reported until the FY19 budget in February 2018. Until then estimates actual outlays by "subfunction" for FY 2017 by factoring subfunction budgeted amounts for FY17 by the ratio between relevant actual and budgeted "function" amounts where actual outlays by subfunction cannot be gleaned from the Monthly Treasury Statement.

Final detailed FY 2017 actuals will not appear on until the FY 2019 federal budget is published in February 2018 with the actual outlays for FY 2017 in Historical Table 3.2--Outlays by Function and Subfunction.

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Christopher Chantrill.

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