Andrea Grimesบัญชีตัวจริง


Digital Editor :: feminist :: texan :: comedian :: bloody mary expert :: reluctant adventurer :: she/her :: pitch me!

Austin, TX
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บล็อค @andreagrimes เรียบร้อยแล้ว

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  1. ทวีตปักหมุด

    Wherein and and I all realize we had a crush on the same butcher.

  2. thinkin’ about barbecue

  3. No. No you cannot. That's not how this works. That's not how ANY of this works.

  4. ’Strong criticism’? Is that what we’re calling whiny bigotry these days?

  5. AG to : Your accommodations for students could violate state law

  6. oh no i just found out


  8. Literally the only person I’ve heard say they would abuse trans policies is .

  9. I wish to move to the beach and work on my novel about ghosts

  10. So we can't even speak a welcome to the one group The discriminates against?

  11. . Gay sex is so great that people just want to do that, and nothing else, is what he's saying. Imagine what the 90% are missing

  12. I spend at least 47% of my day thinking about butt stuff, and I guarantee you that's less than Pat Robertson does.

  13. I have a sneaking suspicion that most gay people don’t think about gay sex as much as Pat Robertson does.

  14. Where did the idea that we're all sex fiends who do nothing else come from?

  15. This is my literal dream job and if I had like $10,000 in start-up cash I would do it immediately.

  16. Bloody Marys 6?

  17. My top interests in order 1. cats 2. beer 3. ghosts 4. cheese 5. being on vacation

  18. Mysterious Universe is my jam and they always have the deets on Bigfoot

  19. And in foreign policy-- Loch Ness Monster? Let the truth out already!

  20. Sounds like is actually working. reporter had similar (5 min) wait in North Austin yesterday.

  21. Friends I go all-in for ghosts and aliens. You can keep your Illuminati, it’s the Otherworld I’m concerned with.

  22. I formally call on to pledge to release everything the NSA has on ghosts

  23. if she doesn’t do it as President, though, do we all freak the fuck out because it means aliens are a national security threat

  24. So far this is my favorite thing about Hillary Clinton

  25. That’s a free one for Well Actually Twitter, yw

  26. Which is hilarious considering the subject matter at hand. Pro-tip on writing tweets: read all the tweets before responding to one of them.

  27. Shout out to dudes who try to ‘splain my own writing advice tweets back to me without having read them.

  28. I taught college freshman writing this year & regularly blew students' mind w/ this advice. They think writing is mystical.

  29. I once heard that being a prolific reader is the apprenticeship to becoming writer, always loved that

  30. Hunter Thompson did the same thing and started with Hemingway.

  31. Including if you are the ghost of David Foster Wallace

  32. This concludes your random Twitter lesson about a thing I think about all the damn time.

  33. It is never too late to start doing that second thing. Once you realize you can command style and tone, you can command your own.

  34. I am a pretty good writer, and the reason for that is 1. I read like crazy and 2. When I was a kid, I practiced writing like other people.

  35. I will all day rather work with someone on developing their voice out of a good base than trying to force a ‘unique’ mess into readability.

  36. I’m not saying plagiarize. I am saying that if something reads well, has a great tone and structure, you won’t fuck up by giving it a shot.

  37. when I was younger, I would straight-up re-type whole pages of writing I admired to get a feel for the rhythms the author used

  38. A lot of writers also express doubt that they should attempt to emulate other pieces of writing, or styles thereof. You should, though.

  39. That means understanding structure, style, tone, venue, audience — everything you absorb when you read good writing.

  40. Usually if I am editing something that is not great, it is because a writer isn’t sure, on a basic level, how to say something.

  41. Strong writers know what words need to be used, how & when. You can’t get that without doing a massive load of reading.

  42. i actually teach that to my first-year legal writing students, who are angry that i suggest MORE READING but it's a huge help.


ทวิตเตอร์นั้นอาจจะรองรับปริมาณผู้เข้าใช้ไม่ไหว หรืออาจจะเกิดอาการสะดุดนิดหน่อย ลองใหม่อีกครั้ง หรือลองดูที่ สถานะของทวิตเตอร์ สําหรับข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม

