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Kirsty Hughes
Director, Scottish Centre on European Relations Writer and commentator on international and European politics.
Kirsty Hughes 11 j
That fast - unicorns in a decade ?!
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Milena Buyum 20 j
For the third year in a row, is the biggest jailer of journalists and other media workers, like former editor in chief and writer is serving a life sentence without parole.
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Kirsty Hughes 12 j
Membalas @PeterArnottGlas
What crunch and what pretending?
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Kirsty Hughes 14 j
YouGov poll: Farage Brexit party ahead in EP elections, Labour close behind but only if Corbyn backs people's vote. Results show 51% remain if Lab is remain + Greens, Libs, ChangeUK, SNP/Plaid & 49% Leave - Tories15%, brexit party 27%, UKIP 7%. Divided UK
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Megha Rajagopalan 16 Apr
Asked about the internment of over a million Muslim minorities in China’s Xinjiang, where has a big auto production plant, CEO Diess says “I can’t judge it.” Then, “I’m not aware of that.” 🙈🙉🙊
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Kirsty Hughes 16 Apr
Membalas @Michex69
Well quite likely fewer (from the UK) than before since brexit party v ukip will split the that's something
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Kirsty Hughes 16 Apr
Membalas @Michex69
What point? UK EP elections won't have big impact in other member states in my view. Verhofstadt is aligning with Macron in part, also of course EP are fed up at uncertainty created but the big goal of EP elections, in many ways, is to keep far right populists gains down.
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Anup Kaphle 15 Apr
A journalist in Nepal has been detained and charged under electronic transaction act for reporting about financial fraud — by cc
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Kirsty Hughes 16 Apr
I don't think it's particularly relevant, I was just pointing out that there are egs of vetoes, of political delay/freezing etc - Turkey is it's own case (though my first paper on 'Turkey and EU: just another enlargement?' argued it was or rather should be, different times...)
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Kirsty Hughes 16 Apr
sure I agree with that
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Kirsty Hughes 16 Apr
Freezing of chapters started before Turkey stopped meeting democratic criteria - Sarkozy, Merkel didn't support Chirac/Schroeder view - blocked progress. & yes Islamphobia but also concern on size - too big, too poor, not European enough. EU took much more strategic view in 2004
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Kirsty Hughes 16 Apr
legal indy wd make Spain's support easier but no guarantees on where any member state's politics will be in few years. As i heard in Paris recently, indy Scotland in EU prob ok but EU states will stand back from overt statements, plenty have tricky regions, wary of precedents
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Kirsty Hughes 16 Apr
Turkey is much more complex than that and was deemed to adequately meet Copenhagen criteria in 2004 when EU agreed to open talks. Lots of politics in the freezing since vis-a-vis Cyprus, Germany, France - not only a question of Turkey's slide towards less democratic rule.
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Kirsty Hughes 16 Apr
also if an indy Scotland wanted formal euro opt-out or special treatment on fisheries etc, it might get pointed in direction of the EEA. Otherwise, not seen as big difficulty because Scotland is small, advanced/long-standing mkt economy/democracy currently meeting most EU rules
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Kirsty Hughes 16 Apr
yes a lot of EU politics around enlargement; atmosphere is not as positive as 20 yrs ago. But on the whole what I hear is that a legally, constitutionally sound route to indy wd allow Scotland joining the EU to be fairly uncontroversial but not guaranteed.
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Kirsty Hughes 16 Apr
France vetoed UK twice in the 1960s - de Gaulle Turkey's talks are effectively frozen. Balkans are on a v slow path towards EU etc. I've suggested (in an analysis w ) 2 yrs ago, fastest an indy Scotland cd rejoin EU is 3-4 yrs. It's political ? not just technical
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Kirsty Hughes 16 Apr
Tusk showing real leadership once again - on the EU level and for UK politics
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Kirsty Hughes 16 Apr
a misunderstanding I think - Tusk was quoting another leader, not approvingly..
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Kirsty Hughes 16 Apr
Here's Tusk's tweet - clarifying he still dreams of reversing brexit
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Kirsty Hughes 16 Apr
Tusk is still supporting the hope we will stay in the EU:
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