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Megha Rajagopalan
International correspondent Based in the Middle East. Ex-China bureau chief. Light packer.
Megha Rajagopalan retweetede
Louisa Loveluck 7 t
For Yazidi women, escaping the ISIS caliphate was one thing. Coming anywhere close to recovery is another. Here's a powerful story by and on the fears and searing trauma that stalks the life of families resettled in Canada:
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Megha Rajagopalan retweetede
WorldUyghurCongress 12. apr.
Gulchehra Hoja, a reporter for spoke to about how the Chinese gov. threatened the families of Uyghurs to keep them silent. In Feb 2018, 24 of her family members were sent to the camps because of her reporting.
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Megha Rajagopalan retweetede
Hayes Brown 11. apr.
NEW: An ICE Official Who Said Detention Was "More Like Summer Camp" Will Now Lead The Agency via
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Megha Rajagopalan 11. apr.
Svarer @hannahjwurf
me too though I haven't actually tried it (only because it's also impossible to find pandan leaves 😭)
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Megha Rajagopalan 11. apr.
Svarer @hannahjwurf
it's so frustrating that toast has become a thing people order in restaurants yet kaya is still nowhere to be found outside SE Asia
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Megha Rajagopalan 11. apr.
Svarer @jonpwong
welcome to my day
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Megha Rajagopalan 11. apr.
congrats Mitch!!
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Megha Rajagopalan 11. apr.
Svarer @blakersdozen
SAME. They're from Ya Kun Kaya Toast, which is a great, kind of Soup Nazi-ish kaya toast and coffee chain in/from Singapore. There's one in the airport too if you ever have a layover there.
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Megha Rajagopalan retweetede
Raf Sanchez 10. apr.
An Israeli PR firm just posted that they were behind the hidden cameras in Arab polling stations. They boasted: "the percentage of [Arab] voters dropped to 50%, the lowest seen in recent years!" The operatives seem to have been w/ Netanyahus last night.
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Megha Rajagopalan 11. apr.
Svarer @rzhongnotes
Yup they get my morning vibe
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Megha Rajagopalan 11. apr.
Svarer @meghara
Imho best response to this slander are belligerent Ya Kun ads 🥚 ☕️
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Megha Rajagopalan 11. apr.
“Officers told him he should ‘just stay at home’ if he wanted to avoid detention again... Alim’s biometrics and his digital history were being used to lock him in place. “I’m so angry and afraid at the same time,” he told me. He was haunted by his data.” From
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Megha Rajagopalan 11. apr.
same, should come with a warning label
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Megha Rajagopalan 11. apr.
Exoticizing toast, soft boiled eggs and black coffee when it’s served in a foreign country is a new level
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Megha Rajagopalan retweetede
Jane Perlez 9. apr.
Saudi's Prince MOB visited Beijing before a meeting of Organization of Islamic Cooperation in Abu Dhabi. There Muslim countries praised China for its treatment of , in face of vast evidence of detention of up to 1 m. My story
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Megha Rajagopalan 11. apr.
Svarer @PhadkeTai
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Megha Rajagopalan 11. apr.
Imagine not finding soft boiled eggs and kaya appealing?!
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Megha Rajagopalan 11. apr.
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Megha Rajagopalan retweetede
William Yang 11. apr.
Latest for - After shared the news about their Facebook page suffering from a coordinated attack launched by pro- groups Diba, I found the original post shared in Diba's Facebook page, and here's what I found.
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Megha Rajagopalan 11. apr.
Svarer @davidmackau
So sorry for your loss David.
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