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.: has now approved a basic framework for the National Security Strategy. The is expected to release that strategy in the coming weeks, which will explain the President’s national security vision.

Roy Moore sent one of his former teenage girlfriends a high school graduation card. She still has it.

.: "I had hoped that Judge Moore would resign, in other words withdraw from the race. That obviously is not going to happen. If he were to be elected I think he would immediately have an issue with the Ethics Committee…"

Republican Party backs embattled Senate candidate Moore: official

GOP tax bill and $3 trillion in overseas profits: Beware the hype about it "coming home." A lot of that money is already in the U.S.

As we get ready for the � game this weekend, has a message for the .

A good summary of the series of indefensible assumptions needed to justify Republican tax promises, and the complete silence of R-leaning economists when this is pointed out

JUST IN: Trump is planning to sign a 6-month waiver on moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, source says

Obama's — not Trump's — tweets make 2017 top 10 retweet list

Moderate Republican lawmakers push House Speaker Paul Ryan on a DACA solution

"Of the 38 experts who responded, 37 said Republicans were wrong that the plan would pay for itself. The 38th said he misunderstood the question."

.: "I had hoped Judge Moore would...withdraw from the race. That obviously is not going to happen. If he were to be elected, I think he would immediately have an issue with the ethics committee."

President Trump told Israeli and Arab leaders that he plans to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, a move that would upend decades of American policy.

Soil is home to 1/4 of our planet's biodiversity🌱 and an essential food resource. Tuesday is :

Former Republican National Committee chair says GOP needs to 'find a backbone' on Roy Moore

Flynn's plea deal addresses one of the central questions in the wider Russia imbroglio via

On the bright side, Trump still had the biggest inauguration crowds in history.

Mueller deputy praised DOJ official after she defied Trump travel ban order: 'I am so proud'

I will be briefing today at 2:30pm. Topics may include Secretary Tillerson's trip, and the Middle East. Watch live on .

All those breaking news alerts that the tax bill was a political "win" for the GOP seem to be contracted by the evidence.

This exchange between deputy WH press secretary Hogan Gidley and reporters yesterday is breathtaking

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