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United Nations
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United Nations 55 min
Countries are working together on a new Global Compact for safe, orderly & regular migration that benefits everyone.
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FAO Newsroom 22 h
En réponse à @FAOnews
Healthy are our silent allies in the fight against . Find out why👇
United Nations 4 h
, answering calls in times of need, and help achieve the :
United Nations a Retweeté
UN Environment 14 h
We cannot unless everyone is on board. We need action from governments, civil society, businesses & all citizens in this fight for our planet 🌏 and our health 🏥 They have come together at the UN Environment Assembly to make it happen.
United Nations a Retweeté
UN Human Rights 13 h
In school. At work. In public transport. At home. On social media. Let's build bridges, raise our voices, and safeguard the essential principles of equality and human dignity. Take the pledge to .
United Nations 7 h
Healthy soils are key to: - adapting to climate change - providing clean water - achieving food security& more. Details on Tuesday's :
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António Guterres 8 h
Volunteers are often the first to act in times of crisis, helping millions to survive despite the risks. Their work upholds our common humanity.
United Nations a Retweeté
UN Library 3 déc.
Which member of the Security Council has used its veto the most? Find out in the Library's full list of vetoes:
United Nations 8 h
A successful Global Compact for Migration is vital to harness the benefits of migration & provide better protection for all migrants:
United Nations a Retweeté
UN Environment 23 h
“Making our planet pollution-free is a long-term necessary endeavour. The world counts on this Assembly to show strong leadership by sounding the alarm and calling on all governments to act to beat pollution.” - SG
United Nations 10 h
On Tuesday's we thank all volunteers who respond to crises in the face of great risks. Interested in volunteering for the UN? shares how:
United Nations a Retweeté
UN News 22 h
Ahead of today's event in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, we spoke to Special Representative for International Migration, Louise Arbour.
United Nations 12 h
Women are speaking out about their experiences of harassment all over the world. To achieve positive change, their collective voices must be heard. via
United Nations a Retweeté
UN Refugee Agency 1 déc.
The inspiring story of a Sudanese mother who has never given up on herself or her children, and their education
United Nations 15 h
Governments & civil society will jointly shape a vision for Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration:
United Nations a Retweeté
The Humanitarian Coordinator for is urgently calling for a humanitarian pause in to allow civilians caught in the fighting in to seek assistance and protection →
United Nations 17 h
Welcome to the UN family ! Here's how you can join the new Goodwill Ambassador & take climate action:
United Nations a Retweeté
UN Human Rights 19 h
: appoints a group of eminent experts, who will help ensure accountability & end impunity for the serious violations committed by all sides amid a worsening humanitarian crisis
United Nations 19 h
Afghanistan Libya Madagascar Mali Sudan In these countries 18M+ people are trapped in crises that rarely make the headlines.
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UN Volunteers 23 h
Tomorrow we celebrate International Volunteer Day. When lives are at stake, to provide much-needed relief.
United Nations 22 h
Starts this week in UNHQ: Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute of the
United Nations 4 déc.
Starts this week in Nairobi: UN Environment Assembly:
United Nations 4 déc.
What's happening this week at the UN? Int'l Volunteer Day, World Soil Day, Global Compact for Migration meeting & more. List of events here:
United Nations a Retweeté
UNICEF 30 nov.
👏👏👏 Congratulations Sona! Your climate change fighting superhero ‘Light’ will come to life in a comic on .
United Nations 4 déc.
"It's surprising how many people see human rights as a luxury, something to be looked at after a conflict is over or peace has been sustained. Human rights is an essential part of sustainable development." -- at Details:
United Nations a Retweeté
UNESCO 3 déc.
Now "I can get a job". -led scholarship in helps student with disability to keep dreaming ℹ️
United Nations 3 déc.
🐝The Aral Sea is gone -- and so have livelihoods that depended on it. beekeeping project is giving hope to those affected the most🐝
United Nations a Retweeté
UN Spokesperson 3 déc.
SG concerned about escalation of clashes and airstrikes in Yemen:
United Nations 3 déc.
The UN ... helps over 1 million women a month overcome pregnancy risks vaccinates 45% of the world's children, saving 3 million lives a year & much more:
United Nations a Retweeté
Louise Arbour 1 déc.
Looking forward to the stocktaking meeting in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico on 4-6 December where UN Member States will meet to shape a vision of the global compact . Here's the agenda: