
Crossword Puzzle #1: Platformist Anarchism

  • Posted on: 29 May 2017
  • By: thecollective

For the next 50 weeks, each week we will publish one of the crossword puzzles found in "Worker's Book of 50 Sectarian Crosswords," a crossword puzzle book about this site. Here is the first one: Platformist Anarchism

Download the PDF here:

Resources for #J20

  • Posted on: 16 January 2017
  • By: thecollective

From CrimethInc.

With the actions against the Inauguration of Donald Trump coming up this week, we have prepared a print-ready handout to be distributed at demonstrations all around the United States. Here it is in three versions, followed by an array of materials about proper dress and security in public order situations. Good luck, everyone, and stay safe.

Our Work Has Begun: the future is coming

  • Posted on: 30 December 2016
  • By: thecollective

We’ve had almost two months for it to sink in: Donald Trump is the president-elect of the most powerful military power on Earth. As anarchists, we know the cliche that whomever we vote for, the government always wins. But still, for most of us, this election has felt different. Wren Awry has collected this short anthology of anarchist responses to the election that we hope will help us consider what to do in the near future. Some of it is strategic musing, some of it is emotional. Some of it has been published by us or elsewhere already, some of it appears herein for the first time.
