Port Moresby, 17 November 2017 – Three communities in East New Britain Province are receiving additional K740, 000 to support conservation activities in their communities.
Port Moresby, PNG – An official Side Event hosted by UNDP and supported by the Papua New Guinea Government at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP23) in Bonn, on 16 November will provide a platform for PNG to share with other countries its experiences on how REDD+ can contribute to achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and PNG’s National Determined Contribution (NDC).
Richa Verma and Anjori Pasricha work for Socialcops, an Indian data analytics company based in New Delhi. They visited Papua New Guinea in September, as part of a UNDP project to assist businesses track their contribution to the country’s development and specially the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We discussed their observations at the end of their first two week visit. This is what they had to say.
Port Moresby, 25 October 2017– The crucial role of Hansard in supporting Parliaments in many countries to undertake their full constitutional mandate in representing the interests of citizens, legislating and providing oversight of the executive branch of government, is an area that is not often publicised.
Deloitte and UNDP believe human capital is a key step to unlocking opportunities.
Rigo, October 2017 - Papua New Guinea is prone to regular natural disasters. The country faces a steady threat from a wide range of hazards including floods, cyclones, landslides, drought and earthquakes, among others.
Arawa, November 2017 - “It’s time for women to come out from behind the so-called kitchen walls. In Bougainvillean culture we haven’t always taken part in the decision-making process, but now we can.”

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population of youth

12 %

wage employment rate

2 712

gross national income (GNI) per capita


out of 188 countries in the Human Development Index

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