Our Projects

UNDP projects are developed in a consultative manner with all relevant national stakeholders.  The projects are aligned to the Government's three key policy and planning frameworks: Vision 2050, aimed at raising Papua New Guinea’s HDI ranking within the top 50 countries; the DSP 2010-2030 to secure a middle-income-country status through faster socio-economic growth; and the MTDP 2011-2015, the first of 4 five-year plans to implement the DSP.

Poverty Reduction

  • MDG Advocacy Project

    The projects aims to assist Department of National Planning and Monitoring in producing MDG progress reports, creating awareness on MDGs at the national and sub-national level, assisting the national and sub-national governments in integrating MDGs in their planning and monitoring systems.

  • MDG Accelaration Project

    The objective of the project is to improve maternal and infant health (MDG 4 and 5) at a faster rate using the MAF.The project implementation period was two years in 2011-2013.

  • Building an Inclusive Financial Sector in Papua New Guinea

    UNDP, working through UNCDF’s Pacific Financial Inclusion Programme, supports the Bank of Papua New Guinea in the development of an inclusive financial sector by providing technical advice and assistance to public and private stakeholders as well as performance-based grants to private sector financial service providers.

Democratic Governance

  • Anti-Corruption for Development Effectiveness

    UNDP’s Anti-Corruption for Development Effectiveness Project supports the implementation of the 2010-2030 National Anti Corruption Strategy in achieving its vision to “establish a self-sustaining system of national integrity in which corruption is eliminate and the principles of honesty and ethical conduct, effective application of the rule of law, fair play and openness and accountability are established and practiced in PNG.”

  • Extractive Industries and Sustainable Human Development

    In order to support the Government of PNG meaningfully in addressing the paradox of plenty, UNDP supports the publication of the 2013 National Human Development Report (NHDR) that looks at the varying degrees of translation of wealth from natural resource extraction into human development (HD) and to identify feasible options for the Government to address the wealth-HD nexus and progressively meet its obligation to provide a decent standard of living to all its citizens.

  • Provincial Capacity Building and Enhancement Programme

    The PCaB is a joint effort through the Government of Papua New Guinea (GoPNG), UNDP and AusAID. It focuses on capacity building in sub-national treasury functions. It builds on the developments of previous PCaB Phase II and from other sub-national capacity building efforts.

Crisis Prevention and Recovery

  • Disaster Risk Management

    UNDP provides strategic support to the National Disaster Centre (NDC), which is the lead agency for DRM in Papua New Guinea (PNG), to strengthen its position within the wider governance context of PNG. UNDP’s capacity building efforts at the national level is complemented by tangible risk reduction strategies in high risk provinces.

  • Nation Building through Crisis Prevention

    The objective of the project is to strengthen capacities in the Department of the Prime Minister and National Executive Council (DPMNEC) on strategic policy development, including the National Security Policy and a strategy for community security institutions and interventions.

  • Peace Building in Bougainville

    UNDP remains focused on meeting Bougainvillean aspirations of peace building and reconciliation, longer-term socio-economic recovery, including reintegration, rehabilitation and trauma counseling for ex-combatants and others affected by the conflict.

  • Reducing Disaster Risks in Bougainville

    The project which is co-founded by DG-ECHO and UNDP is being implemented in 5 flood prone communities in Tinputz District of Northern Bougainville Region.

HIV and Development

Women's Empowerment

  • Gender Program

    UNDP’s Gender portfolio covers two major areas:1) Support to Women participation and representation in decision making at national and sub national levels and; 2) Support to initiatives addressing Gender Based Violence.

Environment and Energy


    The project aims to support PNG’s commitment in achieving low-carbon economic growth and carbon neutrality by 2050 under the PNG Government’s Vision 2050 Pillar.

  • Enhancing Adaptive Capacity of Communities to Climate Change

    Thus, this project is a joint initiative of UNDP and Office of Climate Change and Development (OCCD), aims to enhance the adaptive capacity of communities to the most pressing hazard with the largest potential for wide-spread damage – flooding.

  • Community Based Forest and Coastal Conservation and Resource Management

    The project aims to develop a Sustainable National System of Protected Areas (PAs) for Papua New Guinea thus harnessing for an effective natural resource management and financing systems for Community Conservation Areas and Wildlife Management Areas.

  • UNDP GEF Small Grants

    The project aims to give grants to local community based organisations, to undertake projects in the GEF focal areas of Climate Change, Biodiversity Conservation and Land Degradation and Forest Management.

  • Forest Carbon Partnership Facility REDD+ Readiness Project

    The project builds on PNG’s REDD+ readiness activities that have been coordinated jointly by the Climate Change Development Authority (CCDA) and PNG National Forest Authority (PNGFA), including work undertaken through the UN-REDD Programme.

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