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The Vegetarian Journal Online

Read the latest articles (PDF): Vegetarian Journal 2017, issue 3

Updates: Vegan Food in Chain Restaurants; VRG's 35th Anniversary Dinner; Where Are They Now?; Nutritional Yeast: What is it?; Thank You to Our Donors!; 35 Years of Vegan Activism; Healthy Vegan Dishes on a Budget; Nutrition Hotline; Nutrition Research; Note from the Coordinators; Letters to the Editors; Notes from The VRG Scientific Department; Scientific Update; Long-Term Studies of Vegetarians in the Past 35 Years; Veggie Bits; Book Reviews; Help Create a Veggie World; Vegan Cooking Tips; Vegetarian Action;

Featured VRG Publications

View the entire catalog

The 5th Edition of Simply Vegan has a completely updated nutrition section and over 160 recipes. Learn about Protein, Calcium, B12, Omega-3s, Pregnancy, and more.
Vegans Know How to Party Chef Berkoff shows you how to put on a party for vegans and those who enjoy great food.
Read VRG's new Vegan Nutrition in Pregnancy and Childhood brochure online. Call (410) 366-8343 to order printed copies.
Vegan Menu for People with Diabetes makes following a vegan diet easy both for people with diabetes and those who are concerned about developing diabetes. The vegan diabetic menu planner is designed to provide a balance of protein, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins, and minerals while following the basic principles of a diabetic meal plan.

VRG's Vegetarian Video

Check out VRG's video, "A Hunter's Guide to His Vegetarian Daughter and His Vegan Son," and share with your friends!