- published: 19 Jun 2017
- views: 19600
Ukrainians (Ukrainian: українці, ukrayintsi, [ukrɑˈjinʲtsʲi]) are an East Slavic ethnic group native to Ukraine, which is by total population the sixth-largest nation in Europe. The Constitution of Ukraine applies the term 'Ukrainians' to all its citizens. Also among historical names of the people of Ukraine Rusyns (Ruthenians), Cossacks, etc. can be found. According to some dictionary definitions, a descriptive name for the "inhabitants of Ukraine" is Ukrainian or Ukrainian people.Belarusians and Russians are considered the closest relatives of Ukrainians, while Rusyns are either considered another closely related group, or an ethnic subgroup of Ukrainians.
Ukrainians. Новая украинская соцсеть или русская под прикрытием?
What do Russians really think about the Ukrainians?
What Ukrainians are like
Genetics / Ethnicity of Ukrainians (Українці)
А ты уже есть в Ukrainians?
Олександра Струмчинська про українську соціальну мережу ukrainians.co.
Basic Ukrainian phrases
the ukrainians-cherez richku, cherez hai
Naive Ukrainians about USA, Trump and Hillary Clinton
Все главные новости мира и Украины здесь: http://fakty.ictv.ua/ua Подписывайтесь на канал: http://bit.ly/FaktyICTVchannel Факты от ICTV на Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Fakty.ICTV ICTV Вконтакте - http://vk.com/fakty_ictv Twitter ICTV - https://twitter.com/ICTV_Fakty ICTV ONLINE http://ictv.ua/ua/index/online Факти тижня от ICTV на Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/faktyweek Факты (ICTV) с русскими субтитрами - https://goo.gl/SQthPp
People in Russia were asked what do they think first when hearing "Ukraine", "the Ukrainians". What would 95% of Americans answer on the same question - Who is it? Source Национальный продюсерский центр «СЕТЬ» https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjBBOTvByGs The answers are different but most of the respondents smile and say they have only positive assossiations, many claim having relatives or close friends in Ukraine. Some say they feel sorry for the "brainwashed" Ukrainians who are following the wrong path now. Many of the answers sound like: "We are the same people", "They are our brothers". It is worth comparing with utterly aggressive rhetoric coming from Ukraine for almost two years. The Russians are blamed for everything happening in Ukraine, the appeals to "hang every Russian on a ...
http://preparetoserve.com/UKRAINE What Ukrainian people are like. Ukrainians are amazing people.
Concerning some races and peoples the science has many thousands of measurements at its command, while other races and peoples are known from very few measurements. For this reason the science of anthropology is still a long way removed from an exact knowledge and perfect description of different races and peoples. The great civilized peoples of the earth are all of them more or less heterogeneous peoples, and show no uniform anthropological type. This is true especially of the Western and Central European cultured peoples: French, English, Spanish, Italians, even Germans. Continued commixtures, which can certainly be proved historically, have entirely eradicated the original anthropological characteristics of these civilized nations. According to some investigations, Ukrainians, too, a...
Регайся, создадим сами нашу сеть, войдем в историю!https://www.ukrainians.co/
easy Ukrainian phrases can be helpful for tourists and businessmanHow to write and read Ukrainian - http://learnukraine.blogspot.com/2016/01/basic-ukrainian-phrases.html Contact me: Page of my blog in FB - https://www.facebook.com/ukrainianspace My personal FB page - https://www.facebook.com/olga.reznikova.129 Instagram - olgareznikova Twitter - https://twitter.com/ukrainianspace For business correspondence - reznikova712@gmail.com
cherez richku, cherez hai
В этом видео: Мы знаем, что украинские пользователи больше не увидят вконтакте, яндекс и одноклассники. Плохо это или хорошо, не будем судить, а вот интересно, то, что уже начались работы по созданию новой украинской социальной сети Юкрейнианс. ( соцсеть Ukrainians ) 🖐🏻Подписка на ОГО:https://goo.gl/bJvZOI Паблик ОГО в ВК:https://vk.com/public99339498
We asked Ukrainians on the street 'What do you think about USA' Do Ukrainians know Trump and Hillary? If you happened to be interested in meeting Ukrainian girls this web site might be useful for you https://www.ukrainebridesagency.com/?pc=32853
Все главные новости мира и Украины здесь: http://fakty.ictv.ua/ua Подписывайтесь на канал: http://bit.ly/FaktyICTVchannel Факты от ICTV на Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Fakty.ICTV ICTV Вконтакте - http://vk.com/fakty_ictv Twitter ICTV - https://twitter.com/ICTV_Fakty ICTV ONLINE http://ictv.ua/ua/index/online Факти тижня от ICTV на Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/faktyweek Факты (ICTV) с русскими субтитрами - https://goo.gl/SQthPp
People in Russia were asked what do they think first when hearing "Ukraine", "the Ukrainians". What would 95% of Americans answer on the same question - Who is it? Source Национальный продюсерский центр «СЕТЬ» https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjBBOTvByGs The answers are different but most of the respondents smile and say they have only positive assossiations, many claim having relatives or close friends in Ukraine. Some say they feel sorry for the "brainwashed" Ukrainians who are following the wrong path now. Many of the answers sound like: "We are the same people", "They are our brothers". It is worth comparing with utterly aggressive rhetoric coming from Ukraine for almost two years. The Russians are blamed for everything happening in Ukraine, the appeals to "hang every Russian on a ...
http://preparetoserve.com/UKRAINE What Ukrainian people are like. Ukrainians are amazing people.
Concerning some races and peoples the science has many thousands of measurements at its command, while other races and peoples are known from very few measurements. For this reason the science of anthropology is still a long way removed from an exact knowledge and perfect description of different races and peoples. The great civilized peoples of the earth are all of them more or less heterogeneous peoples, and show no uniform anthropological type. This is true especially of the Western and Central European cultured peoples: French, English, Spanish, Italians, even Germans. Continued commixtures, which can certainly be proved historically, have entirely eradicated the original anthropological characteristics of these civilized nations. According to some investigations, Ukrainians, too, a...
Регайся, создадим сами нашу сеть, войдем в историю!https://www.ukrainians.co/
easy Ukrainian phrases can be helpful for tourists and businessmanHow to write and read Ukrainian - http://learnukraine.blogspot.com/2016/01/basic-ukrainian-phrases.html Contact me: Page of my blog in FB - https://www.facebook.com/ukrainianspace My personal FB page - https://www.facebook.com/olga.reznikova.129 Instagram - olgareznikova Twitter - https://twitter.com/ukrainianspace For business correspondence - reznikova712@gmail.com
cherez richku, cherez hai
В этом видео: Мы знаем, что украинские пользователи больше не увидят вконтакте, яндекс и одноклассники. Плохо это или хорошо, не будем судить, а вот интересно, то, что уже начались работы по созданию новой украинской социальной сети Юкрейнианс. ( соцсеть Ukrainians ) 🖐🏻Подписка на ОГО:https://goo.gl/bJvZOI Паблик ОГО в ВК:https://vk.com/public99339498
We asked Ukrainians on the street 'What do you think about USA' Do Ukrainians know Trump and Hillary? If you happened to be interested in meeting Ukrainian girls this web site might be useful for you https://www.ukrainebridesagency.com/?pc=32853
Many unemployed Ukrainians seek ways to make money across the border, in Poland. Some apply for underpaid, menial jobs; others simply trade on the road-side. Eking out a living is a daily struggle but they believe they have no other option. RTD WEBSITE: http://RTD.rt.com/ RTD ON TWITTER: http://twitter.com/RT_DOC RTD ON FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/RTDocumentary RT LIVE http://rt.com/on-air Subscribe to RT! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=RussiaToday Like us on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/RTnews Follow us on Twitter http://twitter.com/RT_com Follow us on Instagram http://instagram.com/rt Follow us on Google+ http://plus.google.com/+RT Listen to us on Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/rttv RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Mosco...
Presentation by Andriy Kryshtafovych, a professor at the University of California, Davis. Ukraine is the homeland of many talented and renowned scientists, researchers, poets, writers, musicians and actors. You will be surprised to learn that the names of these famous people, who are familiar to every educated person, and are not always associated with Ukraine, are Ukrainians in origin. The presentation "12 reasons to be proud to be Ukrainian" will get acquainted you with interesting facts of history, science, architecture, traditions and culture of Ukraine, achievements in education and science, industry and sport.
I went to Kiev for a talk show on Ukrainian women and love/sex tourism. Turn on captions to see English subtitles.
ВІТАЄМО ДО ДАВФІНУ * WELCOME TO DAUPHIN http://www.cnuf.ca/ 'The Ukrainians' http://www.the-ukrainians.com/ https://www.facebook.com/theukrainians http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Ukrainians http://www.youtube.com/artist/the-ukrainians http://www.last.fm/music/The+Ukrainians https://myspace.com/theukrainians WELCOME TO DAUPHIN http://www.cnuf.ca/ ВІТАЄМО ДО ДАВФІНУ Canada's National Ukrainian Festival (CNUF) - 48th - 2013 - Dauphin, Manitoba. Canada 48 - ий. Канадсько Український Національний Фестиваль - 2013 - Давфін, Манітоба. Канада.
ЛУЧШИЕ УКРАИНСКИЕ НАРОДНЫЕ ПЕСНИ 1. Їхав козак за Дунай 2. Зеленеє жито 3. Ніч яка місячна 4. Чорнії брові, карії очі 5. Ти ж мене підманула 6. Туман яром 7. Димить туман 8. Ой, на горі два дубки 9. Розпрягайте, хлопці, коней 10. Тиха вода 11. Я знайду доріженьку 12. Думи мої 13. Ой, кряче, кряче 14. Ой, чий то кінь стоїть 15. Ох і не стелися 16. Дивлюсь я на небо 17. Ох і розвивайся та сухий дубе 18. Ой, віє ж вітер 19. Ой, на горі та й женці жнуть 20. Ой, у полі верба 21. Сидить Миколай 22. Їхав, їхав козак містом
DONATE - https://www.paypal.me/OlgaReznikova Contact me: Page of my blog in FB - https://www.facebook.com/ukrainianspace My personal FB page - https://www.facebook.com/olga.reznikova.129 Instagram - olgareznikova Twitter - https://twitter.com/ukrainianspace For business correspondence - reznikova712@gmail.com
CLICK SHOW MORE FOR RELATED VIDEO'S + VIDEO'S OF WHAT HAPPENED TO THE POWs + DETAILED INFO ABOUT THIS EVENT: - January 20th, 2015. In their last attempt to recapture to recently lost Donetsk Airport, the Ukrainian Army got captured by Somali Battalion led by Commander Givi. Motorola's Unit Sparta Battalion was also in the vicinity. In Mid-January were very serious battles for the old and new terminals of the Airport, where suspected mercenaries were also fighting alongside UAF, evident from NATO Weapon stockpiles found (https://youtu.be/HO3RuLUZneg). The Ukrainian Armed Forces needed to take the Donetsk Airport back at any cost, thus started bombing and shelling the City itself. The people were angry from a earlier multiple artillery strikes on their city which killed civilians including c...
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Засновник проекту The Ukrainians Тарас Прокопишин в студыъ Громадського 15.03.15