Last updated: October 23, 2017

Monday 23rd October 2017

Rudd legacy Turnbull’s problem

Rudd legacy Turnbull’s problem

Malcolm Turnbull and Josh Frydenberg didn’t create extra power burdens for households, but it is their problem.

ABC is guilty of soft treason

ABC is guilty of soft treason

Unaware of the battlefield complexities, the ABC questions our brave soldiers’ honour.

We need to free up health cover

Adam Creighton

Australians are paying far too much for insurance and receive poor value in return.

Monday 23rd October 2017

Climate numbers don’t add up

Climate numbers don’t add up

The Bureau of Meteorology’s defenders won’t like it, but we need some answers.

The perils of young leaders

Portraits Of New Zealand Labour Party Leader Jacinda Ardern

Voters worldwide are willing to trust young leaders. But it takes more than an energetic prodigy to run a country.

Back the wind and we’ll be ruined

Eric Lobbecke 20171022

Humans don’t change the climate much — just the laws.

Saturday 21st October 2017

Kevin07 built on Gough, Keating

Aust politician Prime Minister-elect Kevin Rudd with wife Therese Rein and family in tally room at Suncorp Stadium, Brisbane, on federal election night 24 Nov 2007. children

The Kevin07 campaign was not just about a brand, personality or individual; it was the beginning of a new movement.

Legacy lives on in Aussie style

Legacy lives on in Aussie style

Was it all for nothing? Almost a century of car-making, billions of dollars and endless national hand-wringing?

Left conspiracy fuels obsession

Left conspiracy fuels obsession

Fairfax is the latest to turn facts of little consequence into theories of import.

Worrying moment for our country

Worrying moment for our country

A state is close to crossing a threshold that constitutes a fundamental departure in our attitudes towards human life.

Cheap power? There’s an answer

Cheap power? There’s an answer

There’s a simple way to bring down energy prices, but the Coalition’s policy isn’t it.

Licence to kill will limit options

Licence to kill will limit options

The interests of the elderly will suffer if society develops a euthanasia mentality.

Hidden risks in Xi’s vision

Xi Jinping

Xi Jinping is a very big cat on the world stage. Australia must be wary of the Asian giant’s new mood.

Truce to end catastrophic legacy

Ai Group Energy Breakfast

The Labor states are grieving and angry at Malcolm Turnbull, but he offers a path to ressurection.

Turnbull at a turning point

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull during Question Time in the House of Representatives at Parliament House in Canberra, Thursday, October 19, 2017. (AAP Image/Mick Tsikas) NO ARCHIVING

The PM has a path out of the wilderness. It is strewn with obstacles, but he’s better placed than his predecessors.

Energy guarantee fails the test

chris kenny dink for the oz

The policy’s middle road approach unfairly penalises consumers and harms the economy.

An explosive account

*** PICTURE FOR THE SUNDAY TIMES ON SUNDAY 24TH APRIL 2011 - PLEASE SEE PICTURE EDITOR JACKSON FLINDELL ***   NEWS SAS Corporal Ben (Benjamin) Roberts-Smith VC, at the Australian War Memorial in Canberra. PICTURE : RAY STRANGE. ( Pic from The Daily Telegraph )

A new book on our role in the war in Afghanistan is causing anger. Ben Roberts-Smith says a disgruntled soldier is behind it.

A call to arms for our history

A call to arms for our history

A deep understanding of Western civilisation grounds us in who we are and our way of being.

Losers win in NZ? Sounds good

Losers win in NZ? Sounds good

New Zealand’s electoral process has led to the sort of effective government we need.

$5 in the bank, a beaten man

Jesse Bird committed suicide after Department of Veterans Affairs denied his request for help. (From a Facebook post shared in the Yarra Valley Noticeboard)

In service to Australia, Jesse Bird held together the exploded body of a fellow soldier. So why is his own death being kept a secret?

Centre holds as preferences flow

One Nation leader Senator Pauline Hanson speaks on immigration in the Senate chamber at Parliament House in Canberra, Thursday, October 19, 2017. (AAP Image/Mick Tsikas) NO ARCHIVING

The contrasts between Queensland and South Australia illustrate a built-in advantage for moderates.

Rudd: ‘I was warned about Julia’

Fed Opposition leader Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard stage last minute preparations for tomorrow's ALP National Conference, Darling Harbour Convention Centre.

The doubters thought Gillard and I would never team up. They told me she couldn’t be trusted. But the time had come.

Dynamic duo’s legacy for NZ

New Zealand Prime Minister-elect John Key (R) and his deputy Bill English (L) chat after attending a press conference in Auckland on November 9, 2008. Key's National Party sweep the Labour government led by Helen Clark aside in an election held on November 8 and Clark announced she would step down as leader of the party AFP PHOTO/William WEST

Bill English and John Key managed what few thought possible. Their approach was adopted by Abbott and Turnbull to great effect.

Carmageddon is coming

Carmageddon is coming

Owning a car is a divine right widely exercised, so much so, they’re on track to outnumber us.

Caution first in national interest

Caution first in national interest

Close ties with China provide many benefits but there is also a need for vigilance in protecting the national interests.

Friday 20th October 2017

Polish your manners, Julie

Polish your manners, Julie

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop is going to have to be “super polite” to anointed NZ prime minister Jacinda Ardern.

Euthanasia fails doctors’ code

Dr Michael Gannon

Well-meaning MPs would do more good by improving end-of-life care.

Policy headed in right direction

Policy headed in right direction

A lack of detail is worrying but the National Energy Guarantee is a welcome improvement on past electricity policy.

Vague modelling has run its course


Labor’s refusal to reveal what its energy policy will do to retail energy bills is a major liability for Bill Shorten.

Guarantee talks will test PM

Guarantee talks will test PM

Turnbull has given himself an edge on energy but Shorten will exploit any slips.

Lateness becomes an Abbott

Question Time Reps

Tony Abbott yesterday made a fashionably late entry into question time.

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