Last updated: October 20, 2017

Friday 20th October 2017

Who is Crikey’s editor?

Who is Crikey’s editor?

Paul Murray and Darrin Barnett in denial, Sabra Lane’s constant interruptions in PM interview and Fitz’s fake news.

Students must learn how to argue

The Times columnist Philip Collins.

Unis denying speakers a platform is nonsense on stilts - although stilts are probably banned for fear someone might fall off.

Welcome NZ, you’re late

01/09/2010 NEWS: PM Julia Gillard shakes hands with Greens leader Bob Brown after signing agrements with the Greens at Parliament House in Canberra today. From left at rear: Deputy PM and Treasurer Wayne Swan, Senators Rachel Siewert, Christine Milne, Sarah Hanson-Young, and Reps MP Adam Bandt.

We’ve always known it. We are miles ahead of the New Zealanders.

PM’s demise exaggerated

PM Tony Abbott confers with his chief of staff Peta Credlin during Question Time today in the House of Representatives, Federal Parliament, Canberra.

Malcolm Turnbull may never recover in the polls but he ain’t going anywhere in 2017.

‘Close the gender pay gap my hat’

Jason Gagliardi dinkus The Australian

It’s the column with no gender pay gap because we all have opinions.

Lateness becomes an Abbott

Question Time Reps

Tony Abbott yesterday made a fashionably late entry into question time.

NZ Labour’s Pyrrhic victory

oz web dink for the web

Important economic gains of recent years are in jeopardy.

Decision would change the nation

oz web dink for the web

Allowing assisted suicide opens the way to euthanasia creep.

Enter the era of Jacindamania

Enter the era of Jacindamania

Nobody expected this, and now everyone is asking: what can we expect from this startling new era of Jacindamania?

Euthanasia fails doctors’ code

Dr Michael Gannon

Well-meaning MPs would do more good by improving end-of-life care.

Friday 20th October 2017

Policy headed in right direction

Policy headed in right direction

A lack of detail is worrying but the National Energy Guarantee is a welcome improvement on past electricity policy.

Vague modelling has run its course


Labor’s refusal to reveal what its energy policy will do to retail energy bills is a major liability for Bill Shorten.

Xi speech claimed world power

Xi speech claimed world power

Xi Jinping gave his 3½-hour congress speech in an even and pleasant tone. But the message was thoroughly combative.

Lost ditch effort

this is a dinkus for the ocv

A new iron curtain has descended across the Tasman now that Jacinda Ardern is NZ PM-elect.

Bill’s bipartisan bombast

oz web dinkus for web

And a primary school in the US deep south could make Donald Trump very, very angry.

Guarantee talks will test PM

Guarantee talks will test PM

Turnbull has given himself an edge on energy but Shorten will exploit any slips.

Vanilla poll’s bitter aftertaste

Vanilla poll’s bitter aftertaste

Trust the Kiwis. The thought of perhaps 10 years of good government was ultimately unbearable for them.

‘I want to die on my terms’

‘I want to die on my terms’

If my condition gets intolerable, I would like to be able to pick my time of departure.

Polish your manners, Julie

Polish your manners, Julie

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop is going to have to be “super polite” to anointed NZ prime minister Jacinda Ardern.

Thursday 19th October 2017

Who’s doing the pontificating?

The Pope, left, and former PM Tony Abbott have a difference of opinions on climate change.

We live in strange days when a non-Christian feminist invokes a papal encyclical to warn of climate change.

MPs shocked by energy threat

MPs shocked by energy threat

At last, government politicians understand why Australia faces a long term blackout power crisis.

Shorten turns ‘blind eye’ to unions

Minister for Employment Senator Michaelia Cash during Question Time in the Senate Chamber at Parliament House in Canberra, Wednesday, October 18, 2017. (AAP Image/Mick Tsikas) NO ARCHIVING

Union bosses frequently rail against the “big end of town”. In truth, they are the big end of town.

Just a journo

The Australian Strewth dinkus replace

The Treasurer may have other views, but our economics editor knows a thing or two.

He’s not the Green messiah

Eric Lobbecke 20171018

Richard Di Natale’s team is insincere, hollow, untrustworthy and threatens us all.

Hooked on debt, banking on hope

Hooked on debt, banking on hope

We should be prepared for a financial crisis in Australia’s largest trading partner.

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