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Obamacare repeal update — all about pre-existing conditions and more

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As you know, the Republicans may be within one vote of repealing the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare. And while Donald Trump claims that the GOP bill protects people with pre-existing ...

What religious right leader had an affinity for gay sex art?

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How’s that headline for a teaser? In today’s podcast, Cliff Schecter I delve into a number of topics — primarily Obamacare repeal and Paul Manafort’s latest ...
Lindsay Graham chick-fil-a

Graham-Cassidy Obamacare repeal to get 2 minutes of debate

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One of the many things the Republicans aren’t telling you about their latest effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act, which will cut life-saving health care for millions of Americans, ...
Trump golf hillary

Trump tweets video physically attacking Hillary Clinton

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Trump sold the Republican party out this week, twice. He needs to win back the Deplorables. Cliff Schecter predicted in our latest podcast that Trump would win back his base by promising ...

Fox Sports analyst Clay Travis tells female CNN anchor about his love of “boobs”

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Unbelievable. Fox Sports analyst Clay Travis just told CNN’s Brooke Baldwin that he loves “boobs,” in a conversation about ESPN host Jemele Hill calling Donald Trump ...
Hurricane Irma video

Time-lapse video of Hurricane Irma rolling by Miami

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A neat time-lapse video of Hurricane Irma from Friday, September 8, 2017 at 3pm, to Monday, September 11 at 9am. With the election of Donald Trump, AMERICAblog’s independent journalism ...
Ted Cruz

“Ted Cruz & masturbation are not things you can take lightly”

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Family-values conservative Ted Cruz is embroiled in a Twitter sex scandal, while the nation reels from the after-effects of the second major hurricane to hit the US in the past month. ...
hurricane irma dolphins

Four feel-good stories about Hurricane Irma

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With all the harrowing stories from Hurricane Irma, I was noticing the occasional feel-good story as well. A reporter rescuing some dolphins; some people on a beach rescuing manatees; ...

No, Hillary shouldn’t just shut up

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Hillary Clinton’s new book criticizes Bernie Sanders, and has reignited a controversy over progressive unity, women’s rights, and whether the two are mutually exclusive. ...

Trump kills the DACA Dream

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Donald Trump yesterday rescinded President Obama’s DACA policy that let undocumented kids who arrived in the US before the age of 16 to apply for two-year renewable amnesty. Trump ...
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