City of Paris to sue Fox News for defamation

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Fox claimed that Paris was filled with Muslim no-go zones where no Christian dare tread.

Jon Stewart leads into interview with Rubio by ripping Florida

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Stewart started by going off on Florida’s opposition to gay marriage, but then went into much more. It’s juicy.

Jon Stewart on Ferguson & the Rams “hands stand”

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Five St. Louis Rams players held their hands up in a “don’t shoot” gesture of solidarity with Ferguson.

“Boobs on the ground”: Fox host on female troops fighting ISIS

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Fox Host Eric Bolling referred to a female Air Force pilot who led a strike against ISIS as “boobs on the ground.”

The Herman Cain 2016 juggernaut (by Jon Stewart)

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Cain might have suggested that he’s waiting for a sign from God as to whether he’ll run. One can only hope.

The best of Lewis Black (video)

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John Stewart posted a short series of clips of the best of Lewis Black. They’re great.

Where’s the GOP outrage over 9/11 and the Iraq war intelligence failures? (video)

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Stewart discusses intelligence failure that led to American deaths on 9/11 and in Iraq, compares them to Benghazi.

Jon Stewart & Sean Hannity declare war on each other over Cliven Bundy (3 delicious videos)

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“Sean Hannity has now made Glenn Beck the voice of reason.”

Cliven Bundy is a seditious liar, not a patriot

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Bundy claims there’s no such thing as federally-owned land, and doesn’t recognize the US govt. “as even existing.”

“America’s oldest hall monitor, Sean Hannity, dedicated 5 shows to the horrors of Spring Break”

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“More skeptical viewers might think this is a reason to spend the week running wildly inappropriate T&A footage.”

DiFi’s hypocrisy over domestic spying – Jon Stewart’s take (video)

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CIA hacked into Senate Intelligence Committee computers, deleted 900 documents it didn’t want Senators to have.

Jon Stewart interviews Jim DeMint, head of GOP’s Heritage Foundation

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DEMINT: Our hearts are in the same place. STEWART: No they’re not. I mean, chest-wise, yes, biologically they are.

The GOP love affair with Vladimir Putin

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Putin is a “strong leader” but Obama is a “dictator.” Yeah, right.
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