
Metropolitan Anarchist Coordinating Council NYC. Building a bottom up anarchist movement.

New York, NY
Unit: desembre de 2016


Has blocat @macc_nyc

Estàs segur que vols veure aquests tuits? Això no desblocarà @macc_nyc.

  1. Tuit fixat
    25 de febr.
  2. ha retuitat
    fa 11 hores

    Remember to wear a mask indoors, comrades A new variant is about to pop off and we can stomp it out before it wrecks our Spring Don’t know about you, but we sure as hell don’t wanna blow precious warm days standing in line for hours waiting to get tested like we did over winter

  3. 11 de març

    NO WAR BUT THE CLASS WAR. And remember no better time for

  4. 11 de març

    "You do not, in fact, have to choose between American and Russian imperialisms. The correct choice is to detest and resist both, with emphasis placed on resisting your own state's aggression, since you stand the greatest chance of success against something justified in your name"

  5. 11 de març

    We uplift Lovelle Brown's call for homes, ceremony and community, not evictions, violence and broken treaties. !

  6. 11 de març

    At a time when so-called Americans are rallying against of & , we call your attention to the US BIA, which is invading & occupying Native land TO THIS DAY

  7. ha retuitat
    8 de març

    No elder, No Indigenous person in general, should live in fear of being displaced and homeless. It’s a vicious cycle of colonization that needs to be stopped in its tracks. Now is the time to stop this cycle.

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  8. ha retuitat
    8 de març

    Happy “The history of progress is written in the blood of men and women who have dared to espouse an unpopular cause, as, for instance, the black man's right to his body, or woman's right to her soul.” -Emma Goldman

  9. ha retuitat
    8 de març
    An old newspaper headline reading 

  10. ha retuitat
    7 de març

    3.3.22: Anarchists in Greece rob a grocery store, redistribute food for free at a local farmer's market. "Self-reduce the increased cost of living[...] Let’s take our lives and all the wealth we produce into our own hands. Our needs above their profits!"

  11. ha retuitat
    7 de març

    Puerto Rico: Anarchists Topple Statue of Spanish Invader “Ahead of the planned visit of the King of Spain and the escalation of the gringo invaders taking over our lands, we want to send a clear message: Neither Kings nor gringo invaders; Borikén is ours."

  12. ha retuitat
    27 de febr.

    Reportedly: "Anti-authoritarian forces have organized their own international detachment within the framework of the Territorial Defense of Ukraine. In addition, dozens of our friends are defending the capital and large cities with weapons in their hands."

    A photograph of nineteen people, some wearing camouflage, some not, holding assault rifles and posing with a black flag representing anarchism, the struggle for a world without domination.
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  13. 26 de febr.

    While the world's attention turns to the let's remember that the and continue to bomb . War has been happening. No to war! No to all imperalisms!

  14. ha retuitat
    24 de febr.

    NYC STAND UP!!! 9 East 91st Street, 10128

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  15. ha retuitat
    24 de febr.

    Please support our friends over in Ukraine fighting the good fight. Any anarchists taking up arms fighting for freedom should be supported internationally. Signal boost to give this attention, our comrades need our support now not tomorrow. 🏴🚩

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  16. ha retuitat
    24 de febr.

    Anarchists in Ukraine have shared this tree with links for support, including how to donate to their defense work and how to keep up on their experiences or get in touch as invasion looms on the horizon:

    A march behind a banner saying "solidarity" related to the Rupression campaign about political trials and repression of anarchists and antifascists by the Russian gov.
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  17. ha retuitat
    24 de febr.
  18. 21 de febr.

    MACC will be mutual aiding at HVK TONIGHT! come out and honor our dead in the endless imperial wars in America and everywhere REST IN POWER

  19. ha retuitat
    16 de febr.

    After working for more than a decade in NY food manufacturing E lost more than half of his wages in 2020. He received zero covid relief. Re-funding the will give E and his family the security they deserve. LOVE and REFUND ! ❤️‍🔥

  20. ha retuitat
    8 de febr.

    Emma Goldman argued that “means cannot be separated from the ultimate aim” because the “means employed, become, through individual habit and social practice, part and parcel of the final purpose; they influence it, modify it, and presently the aims and means become identical”.


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