
Position Statement

Our Position Statement with latest list of supporters.

Proposal for Change to the National Construction Code 

Australian Network for Universal Housing Design (ANUHD) with Rights and Inclusion Australia (RIA) submitted a Proposal for Change to the National Construction Code for accessibility in housing.

 Proposal to Standards Australia to review AS4299-1995 Adaptable housing

Australian Network for Universal Housing Design (ANUHD) with Rights and Inclusion Australia (RIA) submitted a Proposal to Standards Australia to review AS4299-1995 Adaptable housing to align with the 2010-2020 National Disability Strategy (Livable Housing Design)

Report on the Progress of the
National Dialogue on Universal Housing Design 2010-2014

The National Dialogue agreed to a series of ongoing reviews at two to three year intervals across the 10-year period from 2010-2020. The first of these reviews was planned for 2013. As no review has been done, the Australian Network for Universal Housing Design and Rights and Inclusion Australia took the initiative to prepare this report.
The report finds that, in spite of the support of the Australian Government and the sustained efforts of Livable Housing Australia, the housing industry, as a whole, has failed to show signs of voluntary systemic transformation. A generous estimation is that the current voluntary approach will achieve less than 5% of the National Dialogue’s 2020 target.

COAG gives go-ahead to Regulatory Impact Assessment for access in private housing

COAG has directed the BMF to undertake a Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) for accessibility in all new private housing.  The Communique states:
The BMF, in consultation with Disability Ministers, will undertake a national RIA regarding accessible housing for private residences. The RIA will examine the [LHA] silver and gold performance levels as options for a minimum accessible standard; use a sensitivity approach; and be informed by appropriate case studies.
Thank you to all our supporters for your advocacy on this issue.  The work now begins!