- published: 23 May 2017
- views: 1333
VS, V.S., Vs, vs, vs., or VS may refer to:
SP may refer to:
Facebook is a corporation and online social networking service headquartered in Menlo Park, California, in the United States. Its website was launched on February 4, 2004, by Mark Zuckerberg with his Harvard College roommates and fellow students Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes. The founders had initially limited the website's membership to Harvard students, but later expanded it to colleges in the Boston area, the Ivy League, and Stanford University. It gradually added support for students at various other universities and later to high-school students. Since 2006, anyone who is at least 13 years old was allowed to become a registered user of the website, though the age requirement may be higher depending on applicable local laws. Its name comes from the face book directories often given to American university students.
After registering to use the site, users can create a user profile, add other users as "friends", exchange messages, post status updates and photos, share videos, use various apps and receive notifications when others update their profiles. Additionally, users may join common-interest user groups, organized by workplace, school or college, or other characteristics, and categorize their friends into lists such as "People From Work" or "Close Friends". Also users can complain or block unpleasant people. Facebook had over 1.18 billion monthly active users as of August 2015. Because of the large volume of data users submit to the service, Facebook has come under scrutiny for their privacy policies. Facebook, Inc. held its initial public offering in February 2012 and began selling stock to the public three months later, reaching an original peak market capitalization of $104 billion. On July 13, 2015, Facebook became the fastest company in the Standard & Poor's 500 Index to reach a market cap of $250 billion. Following its Q3 earnings call in 2015, Facebook's market cap soared past $300 billion.
Fishing is the activity of trying to catch fish. Fishing sometimes takes place in the wild. Techniques for catching fish include hand gathering, spearing, netting, angling and trapping.
The term fishing may be applied to catching other aquatic animals such as molluscs, cephalopods, crustaceans, and echinoderms. The term is not normally applied to catching farmed fish, or to aquatic mammals, such as whales, where the term whaling is more appropriate.
According to FAO statistics, the total number of commercial fishermen and fish farmers is estimated to be 38 million. Fisheries and aquaculture provide direct and indirect employment to over 500 million people in developing countries. In 2005, the worldwide per capita consumption of fish captured from wild fisheries was 14.4 kilograms, with an additional 7.4 kilograms harvested from fish farms. In addition to providing food, modern fishing is also a recreational pastime.
Fishing is an ancient practice that dates back to at least the beginning of the Paleolithic period about 40,000 years ago. Isotopic analysis of the skeletal remains of Tianyuan man, a 40,000-year-old modern human from eastern Asia, has shown that he regularly consumed freshwater fish.Archaeology features such as shell middens, discarded fish bones, and cave paintings show that sea foods were important for survival and consumed in significant quantities.
VSP may refer to:
Informasi mengenai Volunteer Smartphone Patrol (VSP)
ŠARANski ribolov_TRIBALJ - BURA DONOSI KAPITALCE (novi trailer) / V.S.P. film
VSP - Project Asgård #1 - Building the Asgård
Amurolov i šaranolov u odlasku ljeta - Bajer Bročice 3. dio / Grass carp and carp fishing
VSP - Jötunheimr - Space Carrier
ŠARANaški ribolov - ŠARANČINE SA TUŠMERA / rijeka Mrežnica (novi trailer) / V.S.P. STUDIO
Šaranski ribolov_Katran Fishing Line - Carp line_hook link_shock & snag leader / V.S.P. Suradnik
Loke - V.S.P.
ŠARANski ribolov_ ŠARANOLOV U OSVIT JESENI; Bajer Bročice 2. dio / V.S.P. STUDIO
19,40 kg "golih" šaranskih mišića - Jezaro Tribalj / V.S.P. Fishing Team
Divlji šaran iz Tribaljskog jezera / V.S.P. Fishing Team
Štukolov pod starim hrastovima - ČAMBINA_rano proljeće / V.S.P. Studio YouTube film
ŠARANski film_HRVATSKA ŠARANAŠKA LIGA_Zajarki 2. dio / 7. V.S.P. film_šaranolov
VSP Video Demo
Сколько платит VSP GROUP за 1000 просмотров
VSP Mannequin Challenge
TRIBALJ - BURA DONOSI KAPITALCE (novi trailer) Lake Tribalj - Strong wind from the mountains that brings the biggest carps (New trailer) Powered by V.S.P. STUDIO Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/thevspstudio Facebook: Igor Pavičić Facebook: Igor Pavičić / VSP Studio Facebook: V.S.P. Fishing Movies
Viking Space Program launches the successor of the Midgård. Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Robbazking Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/RobbazTube Mods:http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/25241-0-22-B9-Aerospace-Pack-R4-0c-New-pods-IVAs-engines-fuselages-structures http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24906-WIP-LLL-Lack-Luster-Labs-LLL-12-2-10MAY2014-SXT-16-5-28JUN2014-KSC-v2
Amurolov i šaranolov u odlasku ljeta 3. dio Bajer Bročice Bročice, Novska Croatia Grass carp and carp fishing at the end of summer Powered by V.S.P. STUDIO Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/thevspstudio Facebook: Igor Pavičić Facebook: Ribolovni filmovi / VSP Studio Igor Pavičić mail: vspstudio@gmail.com
Ship of the Giants Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Robbazking Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/RobbazTube Mods: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92630-0-24-2-B9-Aerospace-Release-5 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24906-WIP-LLL-Lack-Luster-Labs-LLL-12-2-10MAY2014-SXT-16-5-28JUN2014-KSC-v2
ŠARANČINE SA TUŠMERA rijeka Mrežnica, Duga Resa (novi trailer) Very big and beautiful carps from the river Mrežnica V.S.P. STUDIO Facebook: Igor Pavičić Facebook: Igor Pavičić / VSP Studio Facebook: V.S.P. Fishing Movies mail: vspstudio@gmail.com
KATRAN FISHING LINE PRODUCTS Carp line, carp hook link, carp shock & snag leader Katran Fishing Line proizvodi Strune, predvezi, shock i snag leaderi Fishing Croatia.TV http://fishingcroatia.tv Powered by V.S.P. STUDIO Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/thevspstudio Facebook: Igor Pavičić Facebook: Igor Pavičić / VSP Studio Facebook: V.S.P. Fishing Movies
Det fanns ingen V.S.P. när jag tankade upp den här så nu har jag gjort det. Den är asbra och förtjänar att vara här uppe. Lokeloke.se
ŠARANČINE SA TUŠMERA RIJEKA MREŽNICA 1. dio Fishing Croatia.TV http://fishingcroatia.tv Powered by V.S.P. STUDIO Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/thevspstudio Facebook: Igor Pavičić Facebook: Fishing Croatia.TV Facebook: Ribolovni filmovi / VSP Studio Igor Pavičić
Jezerom Bajer gospodari ŠRD KARAS Novska ŠRD Karas Novska Bročice, Ribička 2 44330 Novska Jezero Bajer je površine 5,5ha, prosiječne dubine oko 3m, jezero je bogato šaranom (preko 20kg), amurom (preko 25kg), štukom (preko 15kg) i smuđem. Izrada: V.S.P. STUDIO mail: vspstudio@gmail.com
19,40 minuta do ... ... 19,40 kg "golih" šaranskih mišića Jezaro Tribalj / Hrvatska 19:40 minutes to ... … 19.40 kilograms of carp muscle that going crazy Lake Tribalj / Croatia V.S.P. STUDIO Facebook: Igor Pavičić Facebook: Igor Pavičić / VSP Studio Facebook: V.S.P. Fishing Movies mail: vspstudio@gmail.com
Pod kišom i vjetrom u Velebitskom usjeku, na jezeru gdje vjetrovi donose mirise Jadranskog mora, na Tribaljskom jezeru … Predivan divljačić ulovljen na strunu Katran Fishing Line Synapse Camo, Braid hook link Korund 25 lb i udicu Mustad Carp XV2 Continental Strong veličine 2. Under the rain from a harsh Velebit mountain. 'A wild native carp from the lake Tribalj, beautiful lake where winds bring scents of the Adriatic sea, from whose coast is separated only by steep slopes of the mountain, caught on Braid hook link Korund 25 Ib & Katran Synapse Camo line. V.S.P. STUDIO Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/thevspstudio Facebook: Igor Pavičić Facebook: Igor Pavičić / VSP Studio Facebook: V.S.P. Fishing Movies mail: vspstudio@gmail.com
Štukolov pod starim hrastovima Stara Drava Čambina Repaš, Hrvatska Pike fishing under the old oak trees The old course of the river Drava CAMBINA Fishing Croatia.TV http://fishingcroatia.tv Powered by V.S.P. STUDIO Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/thevspstudio Facebook: Igor Pavičić Facebook: Fishing Croatia.TV Facebook: Ribolovni filmovi / VSP Studio Igor Pavičić
HRVATSKA ŠARANAŠKA LIGA Zajarki 2. dio filma (novi trailer) CROATIAN CARPANGLERS LEAGUE The best carp anglers in the world Trajanje filma - 75 minuta Film se sastoji od dvije atraktivne i edukativne priče o šaranolovu na legendarnom jezeru ZAJARKI. Prva priča (Kapitalci iz daljina) odvija se u ribolovu sa svjetskim prvacima Željkom Vedernjakom i Josipom Pecigošem Pepačem. Lovimo krasne šarane sa dalekih sprudova, sa velikih daljina. Objašnjenje tehnike bacanja i prihrane na dalekim pozicijama. Šaranolov u vrlo teškim ribolovnim uvjetima uz brzo nadiruću vodu iz hladnih podzemnih izvora. Kako nadmudriti ribu koja se ne spušta prema hladnim vodenim slojevima uz dno jezera saznajte gledajući ovu priču i uživajte u ljepoti šaranaolova na poziciji nasuprot otoka pod koji plasiramo svoje sis...
В данном видео я рассказываю и показываю реальные выплаты, реального канала и как выводят деньги с партнерки. Всп груп как пишут многие по русски платят исправно, как и обещают изначально. Поддержка работает хорошо, на все вопросы ответят онлайн. Советую подключить. https://youpartnerwsp.com/ru/join?81236 Вот ссылка на сайт JOIN VSP GROUP PARTNER PROGRAM: https://youpartnerwsp.com/ru/join?81236
ŠARANOLOV POD ZELENOM ALGOM SPORTSKI RIBNJA KONČANICA Carp fishing under green algae; Končanica; Croatia.
Prezentacija: Igor Pavičić IZRADA ŠARANSKOG PREDVEZA OD UPREDENICE SA OVOJNICOM HAMELION COATED HOOK LINK Fast sinking material with removeable coating. Unusual camouflage colours make it virtually invisible under any weather conditions on any kind of bottoms The very durable core is made of two different materials: fluoropolimer and DYNEEMA fiber. Holds extremely well on knots and the coating does not brake up. It is highly resistive to abrasion on shells and rocks thus allowing you to use it with many carp fishing tackle combinations.
ŠARANČINE SA TUŠMERA RIJEKA MREŽNICA 2. dio Fishing Croatia.TV http://fishingcroatia.tv Powered by V.S.P. STUDIO Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/thevspstudio Facebook: Igor Pavičić Facebook: Fishing Croatia.TV Facebook: Ribolovni filmovi / VSP Studio Igor Pavičić
The 55 members of the Virginia State Police Academy are taking a stand – literally- against hunger in local communities across the nation. On Monday (Nov. 20), the 125th Basic Session took their food drive to the next level by producing a “mannequin challenge” video at the state police Academy in North Chesterfield County.
Alright, all of you bloody bastards
Better hold tight
Oh yeah
It's Saturday night
Cockfighting rumbles
Going all night, alright
Oh yeah it's cockfighting saturday
And I say Oh say Oh
All right, I'm gonna fuck or fight
It's my way, it's alright tonight
Oh it's saturday night
Oh I'm getting high and I say
Alright so high
At midnight
I'm out for blood and I say
Oh yeah, it's alright tonight
Give me your life
I'll give you mine
Oh a rumbles on tonight
It's do or die
An eye for an eye