
Archives: February 2013

Harlem Shake as Protest in Tunis

Harlem Shake as Protest in Tunis

Hard line Salafi fundamentalists (who are small fringe in Tunis) showed up at a language school in Tunisia's capital on Wednesday to attempt to stop the filming of a video clip of…

Bahrain’s Agony Continues 2 Years Later

Bahrain national dialogue talks began again on Sunday as two small parties came back to the table after a token protest against what they called street violence. Last week saw the commemoration…

Today’s top Green Energy Good News

Russia is funding research into powering its airplanes with solar energy. The airline industry is being hurt by high fuel prices, and solar-powered planes would not only be cheaper but also would…

What Future for the Women’s Movement? (Rosen)

Ruth Rosen writes at In 1968, the Phillip Morris Company launched a memorable campaign to sell Virginia Slims, a new brand of cigarettes targeting women, itself a new phenomenon.  It had a…
Israel Spy Scandal and Press Censorship

Israel Spy Scandal and Press Censorship

Russia Today reports on the scandal surrounding the mysterious death in prison of Ben Zygier, an Australian who had been recruited into Israeli intelligence, Mossad. Rumors swirl that he had had a…

The Crisis of Urdu (Farouqui)

Open letter from Ather Farouqui in New Delhi on the Crisis of Urdu Dear Friends, I am writing this note as the General Secretary of the Anjuman Taraqqi Urdu (Hind) to all…

Why Tunisia’s Arab Spring is in Turmoil

On Friday, tens of thousands of Tunisians took to the streets to protest the shocking assassination of leftist, secular politician Chokri Belaid earlier this week. He had been the leader of a…
Drones and Democracy (Moyers Video Interview)

Drones and Democracy (Moyers Video Interview)

Bill Moyers discusses with his guests the question of "Drones and Democracy" The blurb for the show from Vicki Divoll and Vincent Warren on Drones and Democracy February 1, 2013 Bill…
Stop the Great Coal Export Conspiracy!  (Greenpeace)

Stop the Great Coal Export Conspiracy! (Greenpeace)

Greenpeace USA explains: Big Coal plans to get around Environmental Protection Agency restrictions on toxic emissions by just shipping the coal abroad to countries that don't care about the environment. And, they're…
Egyptian Cities Erupt in anti-Morsi Demonstrations

Egyptian Cities Erupt in anti-Morsi Demonstrations

Tens of thousands of Egyptians demonstrated around the country on Friday, despite cold, rainy weather in Alexandria and along the Canal zone. In Cairo itself, crowds gathered in front of Morsi's presidential…
Chuck Hagel Mauled in Bizarro World of US Senate

Chuck Hagel Mauled in Bizarro World of US Senate

The confirmation hearing in the Senate for Chuck Hagel, President Obama's nominee for Secretary of Defense, was painful to watch because it displayed the tomfoolery, pretense, self-righteous know-nothingism, and embarrassing lack of…