
Archives: War

Tweeting while the Planet Burns: Dystopia 2025

Tweeting while the Planet Burns: Dystopia 2025

By Tom Engelhardt | ( ) | - - It’s January 2025, and within days of entering the Oval Office, a new president already faces his first full-scale crisis abroad. Twenty-four…

Top Ten Ways your Taxes pay for Endless War

By William D. Hartung | ( | - - You wouldn’t know it, based on the endless cries for more money coming from the military, politicians, and the president, but these…
Not Winning in Afghanistan: Why?

Not Winning in Afghanistan: Why?

By Solaiman M. Fazel | (Informed Comment) | - - Candidate Trump in his dynamic public rallies repeatedly criticized the former U.S. president for not winning anymore. Trump also mentioned, “If I’m…