- published: 24 Jun 2017
- views: 79
VOTA (formerly known as Casting Pearls) is a Christian rock band from Lincoln, Nebraska, featuring Bryan Olesen, a former guitarist with Christian rock band Newsboys. Several of the band's songs have been featured on rotation with national radio networks such as K-Love, and are part of the international 180 Tour. Their song "Hard to Believe" was listed at No. 17 on R&R magazine's May 2, 2009, weekly chart for the United States.
Casting Pearls was formed by Bryan Olesen and bass guitarist Case Maranville in 1997 when they joined drummer Shane Coop. After a few line-up changes, the band solidified in 2003 to include Olesen, Maranville and drummer Scott Rutz. In July 2003, the band met Peter Furler of Newsboys which led to Olesen's tenure as lead guitarist for Newsboys from 2003 to early 2006 and the self-titled release on Furler's Inpop Records of Casting Pearls in 2005.
In 2008, the band changed its name to VOTA due to confusion with similarly named Christian artist Casting Crowns. Originally, the name VOTA was a typo in an email from VOTA's then-current management team, Chaffee Management, as the band, management and label were brainstorming new names. The name VOTA was ultimately chosen by the band as being without a specific meaning and having a bit of mystery to it, allowing their fans to individually interpret the meaning. In summer 2008, while performing at an Oklahoma summer camp, the band discovered the name does have a spiritual meaning. Vota is a Latin root word that stands for a collection of vows before God.
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Ábreme ♪♫ Estamos a un paso, de por fin grabar la adaptación de saturnz barz, gracias por ser tan pacientes! Link para votar: https://goo.gl/forms/w35e0BnT1RtjJhyF2 Nota: Para los que no quedaron en el concurso, después de subir la adaptación subiré una versión sin rap, (solo con mi voz en la parte de 2D) para que ustedes puedan usarla libremente ^^. Mi Facebook Oficial: https://www.facebook.com/D4veCovers/ Gracias a Bachy por el video! ,aquí les dejo el link a su canal: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNDSvHe1qyv5fWBosmhP5Uw
Download the album for free at https://lovefoundme.org iTunes: http://itunes.com/VOTA/LoveFoundMe Amazon: http://amzn.com/B00A8WIR6Y Rdio: http://rd.io/a/QEtxOUZO Spotify: http://open.spotify.com/album/7d90Mht1Aod5qJKTQax5zT Google Play: http://goo.gl/EHEId "God of the Universe" // Love Found Me // VOTA (c)2013 Big Box Records
Subscribe në Ora News këtu http://bit.ly/1s5j7UT Pasi votoi në QV pranë liceut artistik në Tiranë, ish kryeministri Sali Berisha denoncoi: Ka pasur raste masive të partisë siçiliste për blerjen e votave, dhe kam informacinet e fundit se po ndodh në Bradashesh, Gostimë e Durrës dhe në një seri vendesh të tjera. Berisha ka dhe një thirrje për qytetarët: T’i denoncojnë, fotografojnë dhe filmojnë në mënyër që të përballen me rreptësinë e ligjit këta tregtarë të pistë të vullneteve të njerëzve” Si dhe një mesazh: ” Uroj që shqiptarët të votojnë të lirë dhe të vendosin fatin e tyre për 4 vitet që vijnë dhe ndryshimet që meritojnë. Në këto zgjedhje përballet vullneti i qytetarve me krimin dhe drogën. Nga ana tjetër ftoj qytetarët të ngrihen në lartësinë e guximit dhe besimit të tyre në mënyrë q...
Senador Hélio José acusa o presidente Michel temer de retaliação com quem vota contra seus projetos. Michel temer notícias. Se gostou do vídeo deixe seu like 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 Sugestão de vídeo : Reforma da previdência, o dia que o senado nunca esquecerá https://youtu.be/TKlamSfaHfs Obrigado por assistir o canal
Holaaaa. ¡Gracias por ver este video! Si te gustó no olvides darle like y suscribete al canal para seguir viendo contenido como este y de muchos temas mas. No olvides tampoco compartir este video para que llegue a mas personas. :D VOTA AQUI - http://kidschoiceawardsmexico.mundonick.com/votar SEGUNDO CANAL . Melissa Villal https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0kTbwK4HJ2GGhcWyFDCz0w FANCLUB OFICIAL EN FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/groups/482779385252894/?ref=ts&fref;=ts MIS REDES SOCIALES Twitter https://www.twitter.com/melissa_villal Instagram https://www.instagram.com/melissa_villal LEE MIS NOVELAS EN: WATTPAD https://www.wattpad.com/mvillalpando1 - Musica de fondo: Sing King Karaoke https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwTRjvjVge51X-ILJ4i22ew
This was at Barlowgirl Supererchick Live Tour at Christ Community Church. October 4, 2009 Vota opened and they were GREAT.
Gurpreet Ghuggi Adampur Punjab Live Aam Aadmi Party | Punjab Vota 2016 https://twitter.com/Parmjeetsbhakna https://www.facebook.com/pages/PB-TV/875899919114082?ref=hl https://plus.google.com/u/0/117136244594089824107/posts title=User_talk:Bhaknaamli&action;=edit&redlink;=1 This Show Script Writer :-Parmjeet Singh Bhakna This New Full Punjabi Fun Movie is for Free Online Watch on Youtube. Powered By : Catrack Worldwide (http://www.catrack.com/)
A prima vota: brano inedito scritto da Giuseppe Mirigliani, cantante del gruppo. Nell'attesa di poterlo ascoltare nel lavoro discografico che sta per uscire, ecco una delle versioni live.
vota playing a song
Nous vivons dans un monde crée par la gauche et pour la gauche. N’avez-vous jamais remarqué, dans le discours médiatique et politique, que tous les maux de l’humanité sont attribués à la France tandis que la République remporte toutes les victoires ? Et pour cause ! La France et la République française sont deux patries différentes : le « pays réel », né du baptême de Clovis, produit brut de la Monarchie et des siècles de grandeur versus le « pays légal », né de la Révolution française, perversion de l’ordre naturel, qui nie notre Histoire, notre identité et notre culture. La démocratie (corolaire de la République jacobine) n’est pas un simple régime politique mais une négation de l’ordre naturel et une idéologie à vocation planétaire. Elle constitue la mise en œuvre du projet humaniste de...
Perdonad mi periodo de inactividad pero tuve unos meses locos. Aquí os dejo un nuevo vídeo, explicando el funcionamiento del sistema puntuación de la Freestyle Master Series. Lo ponemos en práctica en las tres primeras rondas entre Skone y BTA, batalla celebrada en la primera jornada de la liga en Barcelona. ...................................................... CANAL DE ESTRIMO: http://www.youtube.com/EstrimoTDJ CANAL DE URBAN ROOSTERS: https://www.youtube.com/Urbanroosters http://stressclothing.com/ CODIGO: 'EFEJOTA' - 10% DTO. REDES SOCIALES: *Twitter: @efejota93 @Estrimo @urbanroosters *Instagram: @efejota93 @Estrimo_TDJ @urbanroosters ► Diseño a cargo de Troller Graphics. ► Instrumentales a cargo de Sacro Requiem y Urban Roosters. ► Vídeo original de la batalla del canal de...
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VOTA: http://www.strawpoll.me/12944623 Canal principal: https://www.youtube.com/user/elfedelobo Contacto/Negocios/Conferencias: fedediaza@gmail.com Server en Curse: https://www.curse.com/elfedelobo ¿Quieres una playera? Info acá https://www.facebook.com/ProductosFed... Sígueme también en las redes sociales: Twitter: https://twitter.com/SoyFedelobo Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/soyfedelobo Mi canal en Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/elfedelobo SUSCRÍBETE A ESTOS CANALES https://bit.ly/LaGamerteca https://bit.ly/FutbolconIsra https://bit.ly/SomosChilangos https://bit.ly/Escorpion https://bit.ly/LuisitoRey https://bit.ly/werevertumorro https://bit.ly/EstoEsCombo https://bit.ly/LaJuegosfera https://bit.ly/GaboCamara https://bit.ly/LuisitoKingdom https://bit.ly/EstoEsCombo https://b...
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Ospiti Gianfranco Fini (Presidente Liberadestra) e Alessandro Di Battista (MoVimento 5 Stelle).
El gobernador de la provincia de Buenos Aires y candidato a presidente por el Frente para la Victoria daniel Scioli emitió su voto esta mañana en la Escuela N° 16 - 9 de Julio N° 24- Dique Luján. Emitido por Visión 7, noticiero de la TV Pública argentina, el domingo 25 de octubre de 2015. http://www.tvpublica.com.ar
Gurpreet Ghuggi Adampur Punjab Live Aam Aadmi Party | Punjab Vota 2016 https://twitter.com/Parmjeetsbhakna https://www.facebook.com/pages/PB-TV/875899919114082?ref=hl https://plus.google.com/u/0/117136244594089824107/posts title=User_talk:Bhaknaamli&action;=edit&redlink;=1 This Show Script Writer :-Parmjeet Singh Bhakna This New Full Punjabi Fun Movie is for Free Online Watch on Youtube. Powered By : Catrack Worldwide (http://www.catrack.com/)
Contact 29.18 interview with Bryan from VOTA (formerly Casting Pearls). Filmed at Crossroads Community Church, Ottawa Lake MI
Ein Keller in einem Wohnhaus im 8. Bezirk. Schwarz-weiße Bilder und eine gehauchte Strophe. Paul Plut hat für uns den Song "Vota" gespielt. Kamera: Yavuz Odabas, Markus Schwarz Liveton: Thomas Böck Sound-Editing: Paul Plut www.enemy.at www.paulplut.com
Intro interview with Gianni Vota. The engineer approach to Spirituality, meditation, trans state. Full interview to follow up. http://www.giannivota.com https://www.facebook.com/milanreal.tv/ Sottoscrivete al canale MilanRealTV https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeyZDKgNx7QuN-Y8Cmzu-yQ
Yo yo Nachatar Singh Votta
Timmy Trumpet - Oracle is OUT NOW! Like this track? Download on Beatport or add it to your favourite Spotify/Apple Music playlist by clicking HERE: https://Timmy-Trumpet.lnk.to/Oracle!YT Join our Spinnin' Records Top 100 Playlist ► https://spinninrecords.lnk.to/top100!YT Timmy Trumpet presents his Oracle! And it’s a tune you want to listen to, featuring hypnotizing vocals and a mesmerizing beat, taking you to a higher state of mind in no-time. With lively chords and an ecstatic drop it’s bound to blow your mind, taking the characteristic Timmy Trumpet to new heights! Follow Timmy Trumpet: http://www.timmytrumpet.com https://www.facebook.com/timmytrumpet https://twitter.com/timmytrumpet
Secuencias de gravada en urb. Casablanca de Marbella año 1977
Ndryshe nga drejtuesit e Partisë Demokratike, te cilët nuk e fshehin pendesën për votën qe i kane dhënë Bamir Topit për tu bere president i Republikës, Gazmend Oketa deklaron se do te votonte serish për te. Ne emisionin "Intervista", deputeti demokrat Oketa duke u ndalur tek debati për presidentin e ri te vendit, ka deklaruar se do te votonte serish pro Topit, edhe pse sipas tij ai nuk duhet te rikandidoje për këtë post. Duke analizuar zhvillimet politike te vitit 2011 dhe veçanërisht ngjarjet e 21 Janarit, Oketa e ka cilësuar te gabuar moszbatimin e urdhër-arresteve te prokurorisë për gardistet. Ndërkaq, ne 8 maj sipas Oketes, PD dhe koalicioni qeverisës i ka humbur zgjedhjet për shkak se kandidatet e këtij koalicioni nuk fituan ne qytetet e mëdha. 6 vjet pasi PD erdhi ne pushtet me premt...
Thought that I could hide
Oh how I've wasted time
I've spent my life running from you
And I just can't say no
your love won't let me go
My shields are defenseless against you
Lost in the dark
'Til your love dawned in my heart
Filled all the hollow
And you freed my pent-up soul
It's so hard to believe
You're here with me now
Make me feel so alive
I've got to let it out
Oh, extraordinary
You're bringing me out
Filled my heart with your love
And turned my world around
I've been here and there
Oh I've looked everywhere
But nothing can compare to you
You know my heart
I want to be where you are
I'm hopeless without you
How'd you teach this heart to love
Oh, you don't need love
You've got yourself
And that's good enough
The fool lives life
For no one else