- published: 26 Jun 2017
- views: 32113
The Senate (Spanish: Senado) is the upper house of Spain's parliament, the Cortes Generales. It is made up of 266 members: 208 elected by popular vote, and 58 appointed by the regional legislatures. All senators serve four-year terms, though regional legislatures may recall their appointees at any time.
The last election was held on 20 December 2015. The composition of the 11th Senate, which cannot serve beyond 2020, is:
The Spanish senate was instituted by the constitution of 1837 under the regency of Maria Christina of the Two Sicilies. It remained under the regimes of the constitutions of 1845, 1856, 1869 and 1876. It was composed, at that latter time, of three main categories: senators by their own right, senators for life and senators elected. This chamber was suppressed after the coup of General Miguel Primo de Rivera in 1923.
Only after the Spanish transition to democracy in 1978 was it re-instituted.
Senators form groups along party lines. Parties with fewer than ten senators form the Mixed Group. If the membership of an existing group falls below six during a session, it is merged into the Mixed Group at the next session. For example, Coalición Canaria lost its senate caucus in 2008 after electoral losses reduced its group from six to two. The Basque Nationalist Party, falling from seven to four, "borrowed" senators from the ruling Socialist Party to form their group; in exchange, they supported the election of socialist Javier Rojo as President of the Senate. The PNV group is again under threshold after returning the borrowed Socialists, and it faces dissolution after the current session.
O senhor já deveria ter tomado a iniciativa ao ver o Golpe que seu partido aplicou, foi avisado que daria nisso, mas antes tarde do que nunca, finalmente o senador percebeu o que se passa
“O erro do presidente Temer foi pensar que poderia governar o Brasil influenciado por um presidiário de Curitiba”, disse Renan, rodeado de senadores oposicionistas, a maioria do PT, e sem precisar citar o nome de Cunha para deixar claro a quem se referia. A fala de Renan foi uma réplica à defesa do governo feita pelo líder do governo no Senado, Romero Jucá (PMDB-RR) – que por sua vez respondia aos ataques do próprio senador alagoano, em sua primeira intervenção contra Temer, à reforma trabalhista em tramitação no Senado. Ao reclamar do governo em nome da parcela minoritária do PMDB, Renan apelava ao presidente do Senado, Eunício de Oliveira (PMDB-CE), para que uma providência em relação à matéria fosse tomada pelo comando do Congresso, face à situação de grave crise enfrentada por Temer. P...
A mesma ladainha do Impeachment da Dilma, pois o partido que já esteve no poder, faz hoje uma pose de quem nunca esteve no governo. Senador Magno Malta, nesta terça-feira, em plenário, falou do tsunami que caiu sob a nação e pediu a reforma trabalhista sem o mesmo desastre ocorrido na Reforma da Previdência feita pelo ex-presidente Lula. Não é hora das medidas provisórias, questionou Magno Malta. “Será que o Senado perdeu o direito de legislar em uma matéria importante. Não sou defensor de Temer e não tenho nada com a oposição, mas também não vou trocar o meu pescoço pelo do Henrique Meirelles”, ameaçou Magno. Veja na íntegra o pronunciamento de hoje do senador Magno Malta.
Os petistas se assanharam ao receber as notícias da bombástica delação da JBS que atingiu em cheio o governo Temer. Lindbergh subiu ofegante à tribuna já propondo um pedido de impeachment, e anuncia para o Senado os fatos que abalaram a nação. Logo em seguida vieram as réplicas de Magno Malta (PR-ES) e José Medeiros (PSD-MT), para lembrar que nada disso é exatamente novidade para os petistas. A única novidade é que eles agora acreditam em delação.
Um congresso cheio de empresário, fazendeiros, só podem querer acabar com os direitos dos trabalhadores. Parabéns senadora por combater as injustiças que estão querendo fazer com o povo brasileiro
O líder do governo, Romero Jucá, parece ignorar que representa o primeiro presidente denunciado no STF na história do Brasil. Força a mão para aprovar uma reforma trabalhista criminosa, como se vivêssemos em plena normalidade. Constrange os senadores que ainda apoiam Temer para impedir que o Senado cumpra o seu papel de casa revisora. Age com a fome e a pressa dos lobistas patronais que enchem os corredores da casa. Não vamos medir esforços para impedir este descalabro que é a votação da reforma trabalhista!
Em plenário, o bate-boca entre os senadores Mário Couto (PSDB/PA) e Zezé Perrella (PDT/MG), pelo fato de 9 senadores terem retirado suas assinaturas para abertura de CPI que visa investigar a Confederação Brasileira de Futebol - CBF.
Everywhere you turn in Seville, Spain, there are reminders of a rich religious past, including its cloistered convents, which have been part of the fabric of the community for hundreds of years. Yet few women in Spain heed the call to join the sisterhood anymore, and once-bustling communities are now the victims of decay. Jeffrey Brown reports on efforts to save the endangered convents.
Earlier this summer we spent a whole 10 days in Paris and we decided we wanted to highlight some of the best attractions and activities around the city. Over the course of our visit we came up with 50 things to do in Paris, but of course, there are plenty more things you could experience here. We hope this guide will you plan your trip to Paris, and let us know if there's anything else you would add to this list. Now let's get started! GEAR WE USE Olympus OM-D E-M5 II: http://amzn.to/1OchS7t Canon G7X: http://amzn.to/1YdjsYX Olympus 14-150mm II Lens: http://amzn.to/1Y79zeM Rode Video Mic GO: http://amzn.to/1WDKtVM Joby Gorilla Pod: http://amzn.to/1PgoY5F SanDisk 16GB Extreme Pro: http://amzn.to/25KEErs SOCIAL MEDIA & TRAVEL BLOGS AUDREY: blog: http://thatbackpacker.com/ instagram: ...
Modern cities are designed for cars. But the city of Barcelona is testing out an urban design trick that can give cities back to pedestrians. Read more: http://www.vox.com/2016/8/4/12342806/barcelona-superblocks Thumbnail image from http://shutterstock.com Subscribe to our channel! http://goo.gl/0bsAjO Vox.com is a news website that helps you cut through the noise and understand what's really driving the events in the headlines. Check out http://www.vox.com to get up to speed on everything from Kurdistan to the Kim Kardashian app. Check out our full video catalog: http://goo.gl/IZONyE Follow Vox on Twitter: http://goo.gl/XFrZ5H Or on Facebook: http://goo.gl/U2g06o
CNN's Zain Asher speaks with Gibraltar's Chief Minister Fabian Picardo in the wake of the fallout between London and Madrid over the British-controlled rocky headland on the southern tip of Spain.
In this program, we follow in the footsteps of 19th-century aristocrats along Nice's Promenade des Anglais. Then we listen to the graceful reshuffling of personal fortunes at the casino in fairy-tale Monaco, and visit the picturesque artist hangouts of Chagall, Matisse, and Picasso. © 2004 Rick Steves' Europe
Consider getting Trump Toilet Paper http://amzn.to/2kQ5Oe7 Fuckface Von Clownstick just fired Sally Yates for refusing to pursue an illegal action. It appears Senator Jeff Sessions could peer into the future a few years ago at the confirmation hearing for Deputy Attorney General Sally Q Yates. Senator Yates is Von Clownstick's Nominee for Attorney General.
Recorded August 26-29, 2013 Video of my three day visit to St. Petersburg, Russia. Video includes... 0:00:10 Peter and Paul Fortress 0:06:32 City drive 0:08:40 Holiday Inn Moscow Gate 0:09:38 Rivers and Canals sunset cruise 0:20:52 St. Isaac's Cathedral and Square 0:25:35 Vasilyevsky Island (Split of Basil Island) 0:27:23 Senate Square 0:28:21 Yusupov Palace 0:38:40 Walk on Nevsky Prospect 0:39:45 Ostrovsky Square 0:43:05 Our Lady of Kazan Cathedral 0:45:00 Palace Square & Alexander Column 0:47:00 Hermitage Museum (Winter Palace) 0:53:20 Neva River and Palace Bridge 0:55:37 Russian Folklore Show 1:03:40 Peterhof (The Grand Cascade) 1:23:55 The Catherine Palace (Pushkin) 1:27:25 Alexandrinsky Theatre (Swan Lake Ballet) 1:33:30 The Church of Our Savior on Spilled Blood 1:37:50 Moscow Statio...
Spanish Senate - January 2016. Juan de Dios Ramirez Heredia (President of the Spanish IRU) made a vibrant Speech focusing on racism, and evoking the memory of victims of the Holocaust, including the 500,000 Gypsies murdered in the Nazi death camps.
The whole world was watching for the inauguration of the 45th president of the United States: Donald J. Trump. Because we realize it's better for us to get along, we decided to introduce our tiny country to him. In a way that will probably appeal to him the most. Voice-over: Greg Shapiro http://www.vpro.nl/zml http://www.npo3.nl/zondagmetlubach Visit additional youtube channels bij vpro broadcast: vpro Broadcast: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC75PWWQrls0z6fh0loY5I4Q vpro Metropolis: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpnazGScKQfGauk7YNyI21w vpro Documentary: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9sXw4ZdPEIp6bYGvLW-_iA vpro World Stories: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqJ6GC0klkbFuQa-0ZePqkQ vpro Extra: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTLrhK07g6LP-JtT0VVE56A vpro VG (world music): https...
Helsinki tour review. Things to see in Finland. The national parks, National Gallery, Uspenski Cathedral, The Sibelius Park, HELSINKI CATHEDRAL, market square, suomenlinna, museum of finland, rock church, sibelius monument, mannerheimintie, st john's church, kallio, theatre, statue of Alexander II, Havis Amanda, Hesperia Park, Senate square JOIN VSP GROUP PARTNER PROGRAM: https://youpartnerwsp.com/ru/join?88575
what the fuck man, this that nigga banger man
no more fuckin smurf, i got some wools with meman
Yah nigga, thats whats up
thats this nigga Jess, nigga AT
My motherfuckin nigga, wrong lee
Low, that nigga Ice, you know
109 got brew
Do or die, Ja, Star, woo
Big leaky leak, my brother Sweets, my nigga eddie
My niggas bang bang, my nigga 50,
I'll buck a nigga for my nigga 50, that act up nigga
We got some wools with us niggas
Fuckin faggots
We ain't no blood or a crip nigga
We doin our own thing