- published: 13 Feb 2013
- views: 2235571
INI can be an acronym or a word that may mean:
Tun Dato' Seri Mahathir bin Mohamad (Jawi:محضير بن محمد; IPA: [maˈhaðɪr bɪn moˈhamad]; born 10 July 1925) is a Malaysian politician who was the fourth Prime Minister of Malaysia. He held the post for 22 years from 1981 to 2003, making him Malaysia's longest-serving Prime Minister. His political career spanned almost 40 years.
Born and raised in Alor Setar, Kedah, Mahathir excelled at school and became a medical doctor. He became active in the United Malays National Organisation (UMNO), Malaysia's largest political party, before entering Parliament in 1964. He served one term before losing his seat, subsequently falling out with the then Prime Minister,Tunku Abdul Rahman and being expelled from UMNO. When Abdul Rahman resigned, Mahathir re-entered UMNO and Parliament, and was promoted to the Cabinet. By 1976 he had risen to Deputy Prime Minister, and in 1981 was sworn in as Prime Minister after the resignation of his predecessor, Hussein Onn.
InI ~ Center of Attention {FULL ALBUM HQ}
Faktor kesihatan Tun M? Ini kata penyokong
Ini Respons Mahathir Terhadap Penghinaan Zahid Hamidi
Ini Ellam vasanthame 31/07/2017 Episode 301
Hari Ini Striker Baru Persib Datang
FULL Dunia Terbalik Hari Ini 31 Juli 2017 Episode 362-363
HATI YANG MEMILIH - Ini Seru, Akhirnya Diego Ditangkap Polisi Lagi [23 Juli 2017]
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Dua Wanita Cantik, Tayang Malam Ini Pkl. 20.50 WIB di SCTV
Recorded: 1995 Released: Shelved (Never Officially Released) 1. Intro 0:00 2. No More Words 0:13 3. Step Up 4:11 4. Think Twice 8:56 5. Square One 12:25 6. The Life I Live 16:45 7. KrossRoads 21:17 8. To Each His Own 25:52 9. Fakin Jax' 31:13 10. What You Say 36:57 11. Props 41:18 12. Center Of Attention 45:23 13. Grown Man Sport 50:06 14. Mind Over Matter 54:42 15. Don't You Love It 59:07 16. Microphone Wanderlust 1:03:29 Tracks 1-2 & 4-14 Produced by Pete Rock Tracks 3 & 16 Produced by Grap Luva Track 15 Produced by Spunk Bigga *DISCLAIMER* For educational purposes only. "Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permi...
Pada usia 92 tahun, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad masih gigih menjelajah segenap pelusuk negara untuk berucap menjelaskan situasi terkini negara, khususnya sebagai pengerusi Pakatan Harapan yang baru diterajuinya. Walaupun uzur dan tidak sebegitu bertenaga, perdana menteri selama 22 tahun itu tetap tabah dan cekal dengan mempercayai bahawa apa yang dilakukannya itu adalah demi menyelamatkan masa depan rakyat, agama dan negara. Walau bagaimanapun, terbaru ini, Dr Mahathir terpaksa menguzurkan diri menghadiri dua majlis dan ini menimbulkan kebimbangan di kalangan penyokong HARAPAN berhubung keadaan kesihatannya. Dr Mahathir dijadualkan menghadiri majlis makan malam mengutip derma di Temerloh dan Kluang pada Jumaat dan Sabtu lalu. Walau bagaimanapun, beliau tidak dapat hadir kerana deman selesem...
Ini Respons Mahathir Terhadap Penghinaan Zahid Hamidi
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Sinetron Dunia Terbalik adalah sebuah sinetron drama-komedi-Islami yang ditayangkan di RCTI sejak 5 Januari 2017. Sinetron ini diproduksi oleh MNC Pictures yang tayang Setiap Hari pukul 19.45 WIB. Pemainnya antara lain ialah Agus Kuncoro, Indra Birowo, Sutan Simatupang, Bambang Chandra Bayu, Raihan Khan, Syahnaz Sadiqah, Yafi Tessa, Mieke Amalia, Idrus Madani, Ryana Dea, Guntara Hidayat, Lukman Sardi, Faby Marcelia, Anjani Dina, Felicya Angelista, dan Andi Arsyil Rahman Putra. Dunia Terbalik adalah program series komedi yang mengangkat cerita tentang para suami yang ditinggalkan istrinya untuk bekerja di luar negeri atau Tenaga Kerja Wanita (TKW). Dimulai dari kisah Akum, Aceng, Idoy dan satu musuh bebuyutan Aceng, Dadang. Mereka harus mendidik anak serta mengurus urusan rumah tangga yang...
RCTI Layar Drama Indonesia Youtube Channel : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Official RCTI: https://www.youtube.com/user/RCTIOfficialChannel ENTERTAINMENT : https://youtube.com/channel/UCeM5Nksgv9_FXTuZ8jkPJPg INFOTAINMENT : https://youtube.com/channel/UC4yu5KnMvVX_seRuGzKQBZg LAYAR DRAMA INDONESIA : https://youtube.com/channel/UCzTsWuCdVP_vehWyGwPcS3Q ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RCTI Indonesia Official Page: Mobile Site : http://rctimobile.com/m/ Homepage : http://www.rcti.tv/ Twitter : https://twitter.com/officialrcti Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/OfficialRCTI.TV/ Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/officialrcti/?hl=en -------------------...
Mau tahu gosip terpanas seputar selebriti tanah air lainnya? Langsung aja klik http://www.cumicumi.com/ --- http://www.cumicumi.com/videos/cumicam/115225/hot-news-azka-dihujat-haters-ini-komentar-deddy-corbuzier --- web: http://www.cumicumi.com/ facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CumiCumiDotCom twitter: https://twitter.com/CumiTweet Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/107561674912304174647
Pastikan kamu nonton sinetron Dua Wanita Cantik mulai malam ini pukul 20.50 WIB. Alena (Nikita Willy) bagaikan mendapat mimpi buruk ketika ayah tirinya Edo (Anwar Fuady) berniat menjualnya pada laki-laki paruh baya untuk dijadikan gadis karaoke di Jakarta. Padahal Alena hanya berharap lulus dari SMA bisa mengejar kuliah di universitas negri. Alena sudah berusaha menolak, tapi Edo malahan memilih uang 100 juta yang disodorkan Haidar (Sultan Djorghi) sebagai ganti rugi untuk Alena. Connect with SCTV Website : http://www.sctv.co.id/ Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Surya.Citra.TV Twitter : @SCTV_ Instagram : @SCTV_ BBM Channel : C00336FAF
On peut vous juger par vos paroles
Alors, faites attention à vos paroles, mon frère
(...) 1995 est ici et c'est notre année
Alors, nous avons ça avec la foi de Dieu
INI live
Dig it
Every day of my life I bear witness to the power of words
And what they do to the many and the few
I'm speaking thoughts with the mind and the mouth open
Keeping my people on point, plus I'm hopin
That my word sound power will devour the fools
For they know not the hour the Most High rules
I got an aura created by words of praise
Original G, watch I as I amaze
All my pupils, when I speak I have scruples
Treat my mind like a holy tabernacle
No one can attack and steal my thoughts
Therefore the words I say are the lessons I brought
Into the cipher, words now possess value
If you wanna know the real then let me tell you
You're responsible for what you say
Because the words you speak can truly cause dismay
(So what you say) à PMD
The Most High he stands for real
That's why I.N.I. comes across with mass appeal
So now sign your deal, it's all packed and sealed
To get it shipped and sold
And now you're reaching for your goal
But nowadays every loop has got its hole to filled
You have to break a mil just to pay your bill
So with quick skill I build an empire
And then retire all those that expire
Cause what you say, it reflects how you live every day
And even when the sky is grey I maintain hope to pray
For existence, alleviate some resistance
The father's birth was evidence and proof
So I must teach the truth to my newborn youth
To keep it going on so that thought will stay strong
And be embedded so we never can forget it
Man, all you devils stay back cause your attempt is pathetic
(So what you say)
Rob prefers the subtle approach
But the flow allows the I to construct a antidote like a coach
And just last year I was doing shows for ( ? )
And now I'm talkin ‘bout facing the Gods with no fear
And since here's still a controversy and pains
Got me spendin time anointin all my ( ? ) slain
Must refrain and do things my people's way
Cause what you say equals the price you'll pay
But the strife you spray with your double-tongue dealing
Following these crowds, mass appealing, way of feeling
Feel your concealing can last for ( ? )
You either sink or survive is what I think, I'm Rob Cipher
Master crafter, elevation's what I'm after
Yeah, I'm stressing the texts in all my chapters
I got an answer for my thoughts one day
Don't wanna get caught in what you say
Ecoutez bien pour ce tempo là
et c'est bon paroles
car nous, INI, n'a pas de temps de faire la musique commerciale
Peace and love...