- published: 12 Jul 2017
- views: 10091
Felipe VI (Spanish: [feˈlipe]; born 30 January 1968) is the King of Spain. He ascended to the throne on 19 June 2014 following the abdication of his father, King Juan Carlos I. As heir apparent to the throne, he previously bore the title of Prince of Asturias, and worked to support philanthropic causes and to promote international fellowship among Spanish-speaking countries.
In accordance with the Spanish Constitution, as monarch, he is head of state and commander-in-chief of the Spanish Armed Forces, and also plays a role in promoting relations with Hispanic America, the "nations of its historical community". He is married to Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano, with whom he has two daughters, Leonor and Sofía. Leonor, the elder, is his heir presumptive.
He is the world's third-youngest reigning monarch, after King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck of Bhutan and Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani of Qatar.
Felipe was born in Madrid at the Nuestra Señora de Loreto clinic, the third child and only son of Infante Juan Carlos of Spain and Princess Sofía of Greece and Denmark. He was baptised on 8 February 1968 at the Palace of Zarzuela by the Archbishop of Madrid, Casimiro Morcillo. His full baptismal name, Felipe Juan Pablo Alfonso de Todos los Santos, consists of the names of the first Bourbon King of Spain (Philip V), his grandfathers (Infante Juan of Spain and King Paul of Greece), his great-grandfather King Alfonso XIII of Spain, and de Todos los Santos as is customary among the Bourbons. His godparents were his paternal grandfather Juan and his paternal great-grandmother, Queen Victoria Eugenie of Spain. Shortly after his birth he was styled infante, although his father was not yet king. The ruling dictator General Francisco Franco died just over two months before Felipe's eighth birthday, and Felipe's father ascended the throne. In his first official appearance, Felipe attended his father's proclamation as king on 22 November 1975.
Felipe is the Spanish variant of the name Philip, which derives from the Greek adjective Philippos "friend of horses". Felipe is also widely used in Portuguese-speaking Brazil alongside Filipe (the form that follows the official orthography of Portuguese and that is commonly used in Portugal).
Noteworthy people with this name include:
El Rey, Spanish for The King, may refer to:
King Felipe VI of Spain addressed MPs and peers in the House of Lords as he paid tribute to the victims of recent terrorist attacks and praised Brits' courage. Like what you see? Please subscribe http://youtube.com/RTUKnews FOLLOW ON TWITTER: http://twitter.com/RTUKnews FOLLOW ON FACEBOOK: http://fb.com/RTUKnews READ MORE http://rt.com/uk/ WATCH LIVE: http://rt.com/on-air/rt-uk-air/
The Proclamation Ceremony of King Felipe VI in the the Congreso de los Diputados building on 19th June 2014.
El presidente de los Estados Unidos de América Barack Obama, de visita a España, ha sido recibido por el rey Felipe VI en el Palacio de Oriente de Madrid. Recibimiento oficial completo. Suscríbete: http://www.youtube.com/user/toimbiapictures
Los Reyes Felipe y Letizia comienzan este miércoles su visita de Estado a Reino Unido, con una jornada que incluirá un discurso del Rey ante las dos cámaras del Parlamento británico y en una cena de gala en el Palacio de Buckingham ofrecida por Isabel II.
Programa especial al hilo de la celebración del 40 aniversario del nacimiento de Felipe de Borbón, Príncipe de Asturias, en el que se repasa su papel institucional. Emitido en enero de 2008
Prince Harry carried out his first official role in a state visit as he joined the king and queen of Spain at a ceremony in Westminster Abbey.
Emisión en directo desde las 9:30 horas de los actos de Jura y Proclamación de de Su Majestad el Rey Don Felipe VI
El rey Felipe VI ha comenzado su tradicional discurso de Navidad recordando a los afectados por el último temporal que ha azotado a España "a tantas familias que han sufrido las recientes inundaciones en nuestro país, quiero decirles especialmente que las tenemos muy presentes". De nuevo desde su despacho en el Palacio de la Zarzuela, el año pasado lo hizo desde el Palacio Real, el mensaje de solidaridad y apoyo ha continuado con una llamada a la esperanza y "a tener fe en el futuro", porque eso es precisamente lo que se hace "celebrar con alegría lo que nace" y la "Navidad es nacimiento". Y ya desde el inicio -al igual que sucedió en sus dos discursos anteriores- el monarca ha defendido la unidad y el entendimiento. El rey ha recordad que en estas fechas "los sentimientos personales y c...
Que doña Letizia no se siente a gusto en el grupo de amigos de su marido es público y notorio. Dicen que intentó encontrar su lugar pero fue imposible ya que no se sintió bien acogida, de ahí que haga ya mucho que no acompaña al rey a eventos fraternales, como el sucedido este fin de semana en Palma de Mallorca, donde se celebró el enlace de la ahijada del soberano, Martina Jaúdenes de Diego, y Luis Abascal Alía. Por cierto, que también estaba invitada Marta Gayá, así que menudo papelón para don Felipe, que tiene una manía más que justificada hacia la buena señora por ser la causante de muchas de las lágrimas vertidas por su madre. La ausencia de la reina en el enlace ha sido muy comentada debido a que estaba confirmada su presencia. Sin embargo, a última hora, decidió no ir. ¿Qué ocurrió...
El nuevo Rey Felipe VI jura la Constitución: "Juro desempeñar fielmente mis funciones, guardar y hacer guardar la Constitución y las leyes y respetar los derechos de los ciudadanos y de las CCAA". Acto seguido, el presidente del Congreso de los Diputados proclama rey a Felipe VI. Más información en http://www.libertaddigital.com/, http://www.libertaddigital.tv/ y http://www.esradio.fm/
Sus Majestades los Reyes entregaron, en un acto celebrado en la Catedral de Cuenca, los Premios Nacionales de Cultura correspondientes al año 2016. Estos galardones, que concede el Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, agrupados por distintas áreas temáticas, tienen el propósito de fomentar las actividades culturales, entendidas como servicio a los ciudadanos, y para expresar el reconocimiento de la sociedad a la labor de personas o instituciones que, bien con sus obras, bien a través de su participación activa en diversos ámbitos de la creación artística o literaria, contribuyen al enriquecimiento del patrimonio cultural de España. Comenzó su intervención Don Felipe señalando que "cultura significa creatividad e imaginación; significa historia y arte; literatura y lenguas; tradicion...
''¿Papá, pero tú no trabajas dando premios?'', le pregunta a las puertas de su casa una inocente Sofía al rey Felipe, que responde a la ingenuidad de su hija con una sonrisa y una caricia. Ésta es una de las muchas escenas, las más íntimas y personales, que los Reyes han querido compartir con los españoles para conmemorar el aniversario de la proclamación. Os hemos preparado un vídeo EXCLUSIVO PARA DIEZ MINUTOS con imágenes inéditas de su vida: reyes de España, padres de familia, cómplices marido y mujer, incansables y responsables trabajadores... os invitamos a pasar, con permiso de Sus Majestades, al otro lado de su vida, el nunca visto.
Tras ser ovacionado por la inmensa mayoría, don Felipe se situó el 15 de julio del 77 para, a renglón seguido, defender la unidad nacional y el cumplimiento de las leyes. Suscríbete a nuestro canal: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=libertaddigital Más información en http://www.libertaddigital.com/, http://www.libertaddigital.tv/ y http://www.esradio.fm/
El rey Felipe VI ha entrado en el debate sobre el referéndum de autodeterminación, convocado el 1-O en Cataluña, con una defensa de la Constitución española. Desde Cuenca, durante el acto de entrega de los Premios Nacionales de Cultura, el monarca ha dicho: La Constitución prevalecerá sobre cualquier quiebra de esa convivencia en democracia que es, ha sido, y será base de nuestra vida en común en libertad, fundamento de nuestro progreso y pilar esencial de nuestra pertenencia a la Unión Europe… MÁS INFORMACIÓN : http://es.euronews.com/2017/09/13/felipe-vi-afirma-que-la-constitucion-espanola-prevalecera euronews: el canal de noticias más visto en Europa ¡Abónese! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=euronewses euronews está disponible en 13 idiomas: https://www.youtube.co...
Impactados se quedaron en este restaurante de Calzada de Oropesa al ver entrar por la puerta al Rey de España. Don Felipe hizo un alto en el camino para comer un menú de 11 euros. Emitido el 11.05.2016 en Castilla-La Mancha Televisión. Ancha es Castilla-La Mancha.
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President Obama delivered remarks after a bilateral meeting with His Majesty King Felipe of Spain. September 15, 2015.
Felipe de Borbón y Grecia was born in Madrid on 30 January 1968, the third child of the then Prince of Spain, Juan Carlos and his Princess Sofía, who had had two daughters before him. This was during the dictatorship of General Franco. He was eight when Franco died, having provided for his father to become head of state in a restored monarchy. Felipe started young with official duties, such as announcing prizes. He went off to an Anglican high school in Canada, and then, at age 18, the Prin... READ MORE : http://www.euronews.com/2014/06/19/spain-s-felipe-vi-righteous-son-inherits-a-shaken-monarchy What is in the news today? Click to watch: http://eurone.ws/1kb2gOl euronews: the most watched news channel in Europe Subscribe! http://eurone.ws/10ZCK4a euronews is available in 14 langu...
His Majesty King Felipe VI of Spain delivering the Inaugural Master Lecture for the 2015-16 academic year, at the Freedom Tower at MDC, on Thursday, Sept. 17.
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King Felipe of Spain has called for "more of France" in the European Union and the world over. 'No France, no Europe' "Without France, there is no Europe," he told French politicians during a speech at the National Assembly in Paris. Foreign heads of state are rarely invited to speak at the Assembly. Felipe's father was the first to address the hall, twenty two years ago. The current king spoke to his audience in French: "Without a confident France, which is loyal to its values and deter… READ MORE : http://www.euronews.com/2015/06/03/france-integral-to-europe-spain-s-king-felipe-declares What are the top stories today? Click to watch: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSyY1udCyYqBeDOz400FlseNGNqReKkFd euronews: the most watched news channel in Europe Subscribe! http://www.y...
Felipe VI (born 30 January 1968) is the King of Spain. He ascended to the throne on 19 June 2014 following the abdication of his father, King Juan Carlos I. As heir apparent to the throne, he previously bore the title of Prince of Asturias, and worked to support philanthropic causes and to promote international fellowship among Spanish-speaking countries. Spouse: Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano (m. 2004) Issue: Leonor, Princess of Asturias and Infanta Sofía ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Felipe VI de España (Madrid, 30 de enero de 1968) es el actual rey de España, título por el que ostenta la jefatura del Estado y el mando supremo de las Fuerzas Armadas. Consorte: Letizia Ortiz (2004-) Descendencia: Leonor, princesa de...
Kate Middleton Refuses Spanish King Felipe, Queen Letizia State Dinner – Won’t Cancel Vacation, Queen Elizabeth Furious? Please Subscribe my Channel:https://goo.gl/rVvbij For copyright matters relating to our channel please contact us directly at : sajjadahmadkali@gmail.com Our Social Media: ►Facebook: https://goo.gl/phst3t ►Twitter: https://twitter.com/thetophalfF Music Credit: Youtube audio library
Speech at the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit 2015 in New York. http://multimedia.telesurtv.net/v/un-speeches-spains-king-felipe-vi/
Britain and Spain can overcome their differences and maintain strong ties after Brexit, the king of Spain has said in a speech at Westminster. King Felipe VI said he believed they could begin "the necessary dialogue" to form an arrangement over Gibraltar. But the government of Gibraltar said the king's focus on a dialogue between London and Madrid was "undemocratic". The start of a three-day state visit to the UK by the king and queen of Spain ended with a Buckingham Palace banquet.
Prince Felipe Juan Froilan speaking for the first time on public television.
And the Spanish royals continued their tour on Thursday as they joined Prince Harry on a visit to Westminster Abbey - marking the 32-year-old's first official role in a state visit. King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia laid a wreath at the Grave of the Unknown Warrior today while prayers were said by the Dean John Hall, before being taken on a short tour which was live-streamed on the Abbey's Facebook page. - You can see more of the News on Channel: https://goo.gl/jiX57U Thank you for watching!
More about exceptional inventors and the European Inventor Award here: http://buzz.mw/b1zgp_l
La reina Letizia ha participado en el Congreso Mundial del Cáncer y ha pronunciado un discurso en un inglés que para sí quisiera más de uno y una que nos representan en Europa, sin ir más lejos... Suscríbete: http://www.youtube.com/c/Torimbia
Spain's King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia visited San Pau hospital in Barcelona where the monarch offered heartfelt yet stoic words to the victims of the attack.
The French capital hosted today Spain s King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia for a state visit that was delayed earlier this year after the deadly Germanwings plane crash. French President Francois Hollande welcome King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia of Spain at the velazquez Exhibition at Grand Palais in Paris Paris, France on Tuesday June 2, 2015 More amazing celebrity videos : http://www.youtube.com/user/StormShadowCrew
Madrid, Apr 21 (EFE), (Camera: Pedro Pablo Perez).- Mexican actress Salma Hayek, doctor Maria Neira and orchestra conductor Inma Shara's work was awarded at the first edition of the Woman Awards, held Monday night in Madrid. Keywords: efe,woman,awards,queen letizia,salma hayek,maria neira,inma shara,madrid,spain.
AFPTV will offer a live feed on Thursday, 19th June, of the swearing in ceremony of Spain's new king Felipe VI. The live will include: - Outgoing king Juan Carlos hands Felipe the red sash of captain general, the highest rank in the army - Felipe and his wife Letizia travel to the lower house of parliament, the Congress - Military honours outside Congress - Swearing in ceremony at Congress Source: Pools Live transmission will start on June 19 at 7:30am GMT (9:30am local time)
Princess Anne provides a warm welcome as she hosts guests of honour Queen Letizia and King Felipe at a lavish banquet in London.
I fly above all the drama, I I fly above
Fly above
Verse 1
I am so comfortable in the skin I'm in, I'm secure about who I am, so you go ahead and talk all you wanna, I built up a shell and it's hard as armor. It seems like every step I take up, drama comes along with the bread I cake up. But you ain't doing nothin if you don't have haters, so I welcome you to do what's in your nature.
I'm like a jet airplane, way too high to hear you throwing salt on my name. I know I'm not the only one if people love to hate you go and throw your hands up go ahead and spread your wings cuz you gotta fly above.
I fly above all the drama, I I fly above, I I fly above, I I fly above, it's beneath me, it's beneath me, it's beneath me. So I fly above all the haters, I I fly above, I I fly above, I I fly above, it's beneath me, it's beneath me, it's beneath me.
Verse 2
If everybody hatin' cuz you fly-i-i, then go on throw yo hands in the sky-i-i, if people jealous cuz you live yo li-i-ife, then gon throw yo hands in the sky-i-i, see I can't even worry bout you and your insecurities, the only thing that matters is my family and G.O.D. I'm a shooting star but my feet still on the ground and when you flying high they wanna shoot you down
I'm like a jet airplane, way too high to hear you throwing salt on my name. I know I'm not the only one if people love to hate you go and throw your hands up go ahead and spread your wings cuz you gotta fly above.
I fly above all the drama, I I fly above, I I fly above, I I fly above, it's beneath me, it's beneath me, it's beneath me. So I fly above all the haters, I I fly above, I I fly above, I I fly above, it's beneath me, it's beneath me, it's beneath me.
All you haters (haters), you're the wind beneath my wings (wind beneath my wings), you just make me fly higher (higher), higher (higher), higher, ooh you just make me fly higher, make me fly higher, make me fly higher
I'm like a jet airplane, way too high to hear you throwing salt on my name. I know I'm not the only one if people love to hate you gon and throw your hands up go ahead and spread your wings cuz you gotta fly above.