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About borderlands guidelines for contributors


Borderlands is a fully (double-blind) refereed international journal of the humanities and social sciences. It has been publishing since 2002, and brings out 3 issues per year, in May, October and December.

A general call for submissions, guidelinelines for contributors, and information about special issues, is provided below.

Author style guide here.

articles, reviews and essays

We are seeking articles, essays and reviews in a wide range of disciplines across the humanities and social sciences. Read our manifesto to get a sense of the kinds of work and approaches we intend to publish. If in doubt, just email us with an inquiry!

We are especially interested in articles about or in the areas of:

  • the war on terror
  • third world/asian cultural studies
  • migration and asylum
  • the politics of identity and culture
  • nationalism and violence
  • the middle east
  • postmodern wars
  • critical international relations and security studies
  • feminist politics and theory
  • australian studies
  • race and racism
  • the politics of art, literature and culture
  • queer politics and theory
  • ethics, politics and philosophy
  • postcolonial politics and theory
  • philosophy, politics and law
  • post-marxism and critical political theory
  • indigenous cultures, politics and struggles
  • media, power and globalisation
  • transdisciplinary knowledge

We welcome full submissions of articles, or proposals for reviews, review essays and bibliographic essays. These should be emailed to the editors.

If your article, review or essay is relevant to borderlands, we will contact you about the refereeing process or revisions. It will then be sent to referees (in the case of articles and longer reviews) or edited by borderlands’ editors. At that point, we request that the work not be submitted to another publication.

Upon the receipt of referees’ comments a decision will be made about publication, and you will be contacted about any proposed revisions. Discretion to publish will remain with the editors, although the referees’ comments will be strongly relied upon as a guide. borderlands e-journal encourages referees to provide incisive, reasoned and helpful feedback to authors.

special issues

borderlands e-journal welcomes proposals for special issues. We wish to develop a great deal of content using independent editors and editorial teams, and we want your proposals and ideas!

Please send us a preliminary email inquiry first, setting out the topic, rationale, editorship and potential authors in brief. We may then ask you to provide a full proposal; from there the publisher will make an agreement with you over the content, size and management of the Issue.

Special issues will commonly involve a division of labour between the editor/s of the special issue and borderlands e-journal. The special issue editor/s will usually be responsible for soliciting content, and for refereeing and content editing, in accordance with borderlands policies. borderlands will web-publish the issue, and seek limited discretion over content relating to issues of legal liability, fair comment and length.

word length, style guide and referencing

Articles and bibliographic essays should be between 7000 and 10000 words in length (shorter articles are generally not accepted). Reviews and review essay should be between 800 and 5000 words. If in doubt, consult the editors.

The correct referencing style (a version of in text citation with a bibliography) is explained in the author style guide. Footnotes ideally should not be used, but a small number of discursive or explanatory footnotes - up to ten - is acceptable. Please also supply an abstract of up to 150 words.

Authors are required to use the attached template and style guide when formatting their drafts for final publication. Click here. (Submissions may be in other formats.)

submission formats and address

borderlands e-journal encourages the use of email and internet communication wherever possible. However do use our postal address if you need to.

Short documents, such as abstracts and brief proposals, should be incorporated into the body of an email and sent to us.

Longer documents should be emailed as attachments in Microsoft Word (.doc/.docx), RTF (.rtf), or "text only" (.txt) format. Do not use PDF or HTML.

contact borderlands e-journal


borderlands at


Dr. Kristen Phillips
Assistant Editor, Borderlands e-journal
Department of Communication and Cultural Studies
Curtin University of Technology
Bentley WA 6102 Australia



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ISSN 1447-0810