‘The Free’- read & download here

The Free is a book and a blog. .”the most detailed fictional treatment of the movement from a world recognizably like our own to an anarchist society that I have read.. imagined strongly enough to allow readers to believe that events could happen this way.281,720 blog reads so far.The updated edition is out, you can read it here.  

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 ‘The Free’: slideshow from the 2014 edition   

We will March for Choice. Will you?.. Sat, 30th Sept. Dublin

from  Workers Solidarity Movement (Ireland)

Ask yourself a question.

A relative, a friend, a neighbour, a co-worker or a stranger on a bus says to you that they were pregnant but exercised their right to choose and secured a termination. Would you then imprison them for 14 years? If you wouldn’t jail someone for exercising their right to choose, would you want to be associated in any way with their jailors?

If the answer to the above is ‘no’, then you might consider joining the 6th Annual March for Choice will take place in Dublin this Saturday, 30th September. We anarchists of the Workers Solidarity Movement will be assembling with thousands of other pro-choice people at the Garden of Remembrance on Parnell Square from 1.30pm, before we march on Dáil Éireann at 2pm.

We anarchists of the Workers Solidarity Movement think that access to abortion should be free, safe and legal. An anarchist society is one in which all people – men, women, trans* – are free to make choices about their own lives. This includes choices about whether or not to become pregnant, remain pregnant or to have children by any means. Continue reading We will March for Choice. Will you?.. Sat, 30th Sept. Dublin

‘Spain’ accuses 100,000 Catalans of Sedition.. Schools on Strike.. Universities Occupied

Massive Strikes of Catalan university and high school students to defend the 1-Oct  Referendum

School students block main highways in Barcelona  27 /09/17

 Student unions caledl for a mobilization from the classrooms between Wednesday and Friday.

Students are expected to block roads, occupy buildings and are supported by the teachers, and left wing unions. the State prosecutors sent warnings that teachers and parents will be held responsible for any damage.

The Student Union also convened a general strike at High Schools on Wednesday 27, and urged students to join the demonstrations planned at noon.

Representants d'Universitats per la República, en roda de premsa (ACN)
Representatives of platform ‘Universities for a Republic’, at a press conference (ACN)

The unitary platform “Universities for the Republic” has called a two-day strike in Catalan universities – Thursday, 28, and Friday, 29 – to denounce what they consider “the judicial and police prosecution we suffer from the Spanish State and the hidden state of emergency that has been installed in Catalonia “.

The anarchist General Confederation of Workers (CGT) of Catalonia and various smaller unions have presented a notice of call for a general strike from wed Oct 3rd. see here https://thefreeonline.wordpress.com/…/catalan-referendum-c…/ ….

Catalan Police have been ordered by the Central Govt to seal off the over 2000 polling stations before Sunday and charge those responsible for allowing them, many of them school principles.

5000 of these will hardly be enough to stop the Catalan referendum

The local police have neither the capacity nor the will to break up the expected mass pickets, and National and paramilitary forces are being deployed.

The Student Platform spokesman, Jordi Vives, has demanded that next Sunday, he can vote.“That on October 1 the referendum can be held in full normality in order to start the path to the constituent process.”

Julian Assange spoke via internet outside the University Occupation in Barcelona

The students have confirmed that they will keep up the occupation of the historic building of the University of Barcelona to make it a meeting point for the people mobilized.The Lleida and Girona Universities are also permanently occupied Continue reading ‘Spain’ accuses 100,000 Catalans of Sedition.. Schools on Strike.. Universities Occupied

Agosto Negro: Presxs en Pie de Lucha .. Pdf del libro Aquí

Un libro para cruzar muros y océanos: Agosto Negro: Presxs en pie de lucha

Publicado por pensarecartoneras

Para descargar el libro gratis, click aquí.

Este libro es resultado del esfuerzo entre colectivas en México y el Reyno de España, nosotrxs como Pensaré cartoneras lo movemos y distribuimos en el estado español aportando una parte de las ventas al colectivo Amigxs de Mumia en México. El libro está escrito por Caroliña Saldaña, editado por Subversiones y es un libro de todxs.  Ahora preparamos una reimpresión para distribuir por Europa durante el otoño de 2017.

+ info o pedidos:  pensarecartoneras@gmail.com

El texto reproducido a continuación incluye la Introducción del libro y unas líneas de la sección del Capítulo I titulada “La tradición de Agosto Negro”.


En conmemoración a la tradición de Agosto Negro (Black August) que surgió en los años 70 para honrar a George Jackson y otros compañeros del movimiento revolucionario dentro de las prisiones de California, nos solidarizamos con decenas de presas y presos políticos del Movimiento de Liberación Negra encarcelados en las prisiones de Estados Unidos durante décadas.

En este libro compartimos el espíritu revolucionario de personas de enorme compromiso y valor, con impresionantes historias de lucha en sus comunidades y dentro de las prisiones. Estos hombres y mujeres se han mantenido dignos e inquebrantables ante todo tipo de trato cruel y degradante.

A pesar de la guerra desatada contra ellos a través del programa COINTELPRO del FBI y los continuos esfuerzos de la policía organizada y los medios comerciales para borrarlos de la historia es posible encontrar información verídica sobre sus casos en algunos libros, documentales o sitios web, pero casi todo en inglés. Continue reading Agosto Negro: Presxs en Pie de Lucha .. Pdf del libro Aquí

Catalonia: Anarchists call for general Strike / Defense Committees against State Repression

note: there is a huge amount of Catalan news right now, with the referendum 6 days away. This is a sample only. Today the University was occupied and there was a mass postering around the city, etc.

Alternative trade unions in Catalonia call for general strike for October 3

A van of the occupying paramilitary police , swamped by the multitude and trapped for half a day.

The General Confederation of Workers (CGT) of Catalonia has presented a notice of call for general strike. The protest must be ratified by union members’ assemblies, sources from the organization’s secretariat said.

‘Unite the Struggles.. Towards the General Strike’

According to the union secretary general, Ermengol Gassiot, the general strike has been set for October 3 “because of the legal deadlines to be followed.” This call is made, for two reasons: “on the one hand, to claim the social and labor rights violated by the labor reforms since 2010 and, on the other, to fight against the cuts of fundamental rights and against the presence of armed forces in our places of work “.

see also/    ‘Spain’ accuses 100,000 Catalans of Sedition.. Schools on Strike.. Universities Occupied

Manifestació CGT. 27 i més
Manifestació CGT. 27 i més… anarcho syndicalist solidarity demo

Continue reading Catalonia: Anarchists call for general Strike / Defense Committees against State Repression

US must sign Peace Treaty. 10 million of us Could die in First day of a Korean War

Metro Seoul, the  25 m strong prosperous capital of Sth Korea is just 35 miles from the border with long range artillery, drones, nuclear missiles,  thousands of tons of chemical weapons, nerve gas, etc  ready to deliver in just minutes after Trump attacks.

Ten million innocent people could die in the first  hours of a war with North Korea. With its back to the wall the dictatorial Northern regime would certainly unleash armageddon. The Chinese would certainly intervene as history proves (to them) that such a war is a covert US attack on China.

The peace treaty proposed by China, Russia, Germany and now France must be signed by Trump. The US has never made peace 65 years after the war ended broken every agreement, and forced North Korea into a corner.

The US did have  a nuke deal with N Korea; then cynically trashed every single clause of it (see here)..   Continue reading US must sign Peace Treaty. 10 million of us Could die in First day of a Korean War

Volkswagen Pollution stopped by Greenpeace..Angela Queen of CO2

Dear Kitty. Some blog

This video from England says about itself:

VW port at KENT stormed by GREENPEACE Activists

21 September 2017

Greenpeace at Port of Sheerness in Kent, Thursday, to point at the import of Volkswagen diesel vehicles from Germany.

By Lamiat Sabin in Britain:

Delivery denied

Friday 22nd September 2017

Greenpeace activists block shipment of thousands of polluting VW motors

A CARGO ship carrying thousands of Volkswagen diesel-fuelled cars to Britain was forced to sail to another port yesterday after it was seized by environmental activists.

Around 25 protesters used kayaks and boats to reach the 23,000-ton car carrier in Sheerness Port in Kent at around 8.30am, environmental group Greenpeace said.

They climbed the ship and hung from the 27m-high unloading door, vowing to remain until Volkswagen “takes its toxic cars back to Germany.”

The ship turned around and sailed to Margate with the protesters still hanging on, according to the charity.

View original post 492 more words

Barcelona Dock Workers Sabotage Spanish Police Repression

latest news: The Spanish State has taken direct control of the local ‘Mossos’ Catalan Police to help stop the Referendum on Independence. The police unions have not yet responded but rumour has it that many will ‘take the day off’.

see also.. Catalonia: Anarchists call for general Strike / Defense Committees against State Repression  and latest..   ‘Spain’ accuses 100,000 Catalans of Sedition.. Schools on Strike.. Universities Occupied

Dockworkers boycott Spanish police ships sent against Catalan referendum

By Alejandro López in Spain    Dockworkers in Catalonia’s two main ports, Barcelona and Tarragona, are refusing supply services to vessels carrying riot police and paramilitary Civil Guard units sent by Spain’s Ministry of Interior to crush the secessionist referendum.

This comes amid a rapidly escalating political crisis in Spain caused by the central government repression of the independence referendum called by Catalan separatist forces for October 1.Image result for CNT furgonetas de policia entran en crucero Barcelona

Just over a week before the scheduled referendum, Spain’s Interior Ministry has activated one of the largest security operations since the end of the fascist regime of General Francisco Franco in 1978. It is employing three tourist cruise ships to house more than 4,000 police sent to Catalonia. Two of the boats are anchored in Barcelona and the third in Tarragona. Continue reading Barcelona Dock Workers Sabotage Spanish Police Repression

blog of the post capitalist transition.. Read or download the novel here + latest relevant posts

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