Last updated: September 30, 2017

Shipbuilder plans indigenous firms


BAE Systems pledges to create a stream of new “indigenous defence companies” .

Every player has a story

chris kenny dink for the oz

These champions share the pursuit but not the prize.

Exposing Dragan came at a price

Exposing Dragan came at a price

War criminal lost his defamation case against The Australian but we were left to foot the bill.

Why we’re not cooking with gas

Why we’re not cooking with gas

A lack of respect for landholders got the CSG industry off to a bad start.

Gays bear brunt of harsh debate

Gays bear brunt of harsh debate

The struggle for LGBTI rights dates back to 1978, but how genuine are its successes?

Wonky policies behind gas crisis

Wonky policies behind gas crisis

An export ­industry and a well-supplied domestic market are not incompatible.

Senate reform without the pain

Senate reform without the pain

Abbott is right but there are better ways to improve the system.

Saudi women risk all for rights

Saudi women risk all for rights

Western feminism requires no bravery but it’s very different in the Islamic world.

Dirty old man or revolutionary?

V&A Summer Party - Arrivals

What I discovered on my covert mission into the Playboy mansion.

Families in flux but not fading

Families in flux but not fading

The family unit remains the nation’s building block despite morphing in various ways.

Poll may be start of Merkel’s end

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, right, and Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven attend an informal dinner ahead of an EU Digital Summit in Tallinn, Estonia on Thursday, Sept. 28, 2017. The European Union will be looking beyond the impending breakup with Britain at how to build a common future at 27 during their two-day summit meeting starting late Thursday. (AP Photo/Virginia Mayo, Pool)

Factions in the Chancellor’s party are already putting out feelers for possible replacements.

Powered by the cult of the Kims

Powered by the cult of the Kims

Visitors to North Korea begin to understand why its citizens accept their dark fate.

Daughter’s wedding turned sour

Richard Nixon - The Life -  by John A. Farrell. Supplied

It was a happy occasion for the first family, but the US president was primed to incite a crisis.

Eastern Ukraine in limbo

Supplied Editorial Fwd: Militia

Sanctions against Russia notwithstanding, there is little expectation of a shift in the status quo.

Danger of opening ‘road to war’

Danger of opening ‘road to war’

The wild cards here are two leaders who are incapable of backing down.

Signals need to shift up a gear

Body of 1996 Toyota Corolla car takes shape in body shop at Toyota Corporation's Altona $400 million plant near Melbourne, Victoria. factory industry production line.

Not every auto worker will be losing their job.

LNP set to spend big on poll

Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk answers a question after delivering a speech at CEDA's (Committee for Economic Development of Australia) 2017 State of the State address at the Royal International Convention Centre in Brisbane, Wednesday, September 20, 2017. Premier Palaszczuk in her speech addressed the state's economic performance and discussed the forward direction of Queensland. (AAP Image/Darren England) NO ARCHIVING

The major parties are on a war footing in Queensland ahead of a possible election announcement.

Doctors fight training takeover

Dr Michael Gannon

Doctors are preparing to fight a proposed government-backed takeover of health education and training.

States in Turnbull’s firing line

States in Turnbull’s firing line

Energised by an important victory, the PM is ready for his next battle.

Yes a plunge into the unknown

Yes a plunge into the unknown

Australia lacks a bill of rights to protect against attacks on fundamental freedoms.

How public servants lost $340m

Nadine Flood

Leading candidate to take over as ACTU boss oversaw bargaining that saw public servants miss out on hundreds of millions in pay rises.

ADF linked to ‘tragic’ mistake


Military chief reveals fatal miscalculation that left eight Iraqi civilians, including two children, dead or injured in ISIS error.

No to tax cuts: NXT, Hanson


Senate powerbrokers Pauline Hanson and Nick Xenophon say they cannot support a lower tax rate for medium and big businesses.

Bid to end jail for fine defaults


Western Australia’s Attorney- General says he is actively working to ensure that people are no longer put behind bars simply for failing to pay fines.

Taxpayers cop $400K Hadgkiss bill


Taxpayers will be slugged up to $400,000 to fund the legal bill of the law-breaking former ABCC chief.

Read Paul Keating’s Hayden Oration

Paul Keating

Paul Keating’s Hayden Oration.

Taxpayers’ $400K Hadgkiss tab

fair work meeting master builders association

For his “arrogant ignorance”, the ex-building watchdog was fined $8500 — a fraction of what it cost the public to fund his legal bill.

‘Please explain’ over Yes sign

Yes Poster

Liberal senator demands answers after SSM campaign poster is prominently displayed by public servants.

NBN review urges fibre shift


A joint federal inquiry into the NBN has called for an overhaul, urging the rollout shift to using as much fibre as possible.

Armani refugee call ‘a bit rich’


Richard Di Natale hits back at Immigration Minister Peter Dutton’s attack on “economic refugees” who left Manus for the US.

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