• If you are interested in learning more about the Solari Report or sharing a taste with friends, here is a selection of excellent interviews we have made public.

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    Bravo! All three phases are fully funded! Dr. Farrell’s pipe organ will be delivered later this fall. Learn more and join the fun by visiting our website here.






    “Tell me a story.
    In this century, and moment, of madness, tell me a story.
    Make it a story of great distances, and starlight.
    The name of the story will be time – but you must not speak its name.
    Tell me a story of deep delight”
    ~ Robert Penn Warren

    By Catherine Austin Fitts

    Thanks to the wonderful sponsorship of Jason Bawden-Smith, Enlightened Events has organized a second 5-Day Solari event in the Australian Outback in May 2018. Richard Dolan is confirmed to join us. Participation is limited to 20 subscribers. This will be an opportunity for an small group of subscribers to explore together the nature of our creation – past, present and future.

    If you are not a subscriber and would like to participate, you can purchase your subscription here.



    Dear Friends, Clients & Subscribers:

    Our Prayer Book for 2017 is now available.

    If you would like a complimentary copy (while they last), let us know:


    Solari Reports

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    Germany Election: Merkel Wins Fourth Term, Nationalists Rise
    BBC | 24 September 2017
    Historic losses…

    Syria’s Deputy PM Walid Al Moualem Speech At UNGA United Nations
    The Saker | 23 September 2017
    (If video is down see alternate below) Start at 13 minutes for Israeli funding of terrorism…

    Syria – Deputy Prime Minister Addresses General Debate, 72nd Session Video
    UN Web TV| 23 September 2017
    Start at 13 minutes for Israeli funding of terrorism…

    Spain In Crisis: Catalan Police Reject Madrid Takeover, Vow To “Resist”
    Zero Hedge | 23 September 2017
    Reminiscent of the 1936-39…

    Students Chant ‘Get Out’ During James Comey’s Speech at Howard University
    Yahoo | 22 September 2017
    Endowed Chair in Public Policy for the 2017-2018 academic year…

    Local: Dar Williams Discusses and Signs What I Found in a Thousand Towns: A Traveling Musician’s Guide to Rebuilding America’s Communities-
    Book Soup | September 2017
    -One Coffee Shop, Dog Run, and Open-Mike Night at a Time…


    Secret US Army Invisibility Cloak
    YouTube | 15 February 2013
    Is the future already…

    Almost Impossible – E01 Invisibility Cloaks
    YouTube | 30 August 2016
    British military recently tested an…


    1 Million Ohio Public Employees Face Pension Cuts As Another Ponzi Teeters On The Brink
    Zero Hedge | 21 September 2017

    German Govt Favours a Commerzbank-BNP Paribas Merger -WirtschaftsWoche
    Reuters | 21 September 2017
    Combination that would…

    The Demise of the Dollar: Don’t Hold Your Breath
    Charles Hugh Smith | 20 September 2017
    Notice the difference…

    Putin Orders End to Trade in US Dollars at Russian Seaports
    RT | 20 September 2017
    Overturned by a court in…

    Fed to Shrink Assets Next Month, Boost Rates by Year End
    Bloomberg | 20 September 2017
    Counting on…

    Fed Balance-sheet Runoff Could Rock Fiscal Boat
    Reuters | 20 September 2017
    Has telegraphed…


    “Alex Jones Breaks Down Globalist Plan…”

    This Video Will Not Go Viral: Do Not Watch This Video

    Posted by Alex Jones on Wednesday, September 13, 2017

    Info Wars | 13 September 2017
    Worthy of a listen…


    Why Is Google Hiring 1,000 Journalists To Flood Newsrooms Around America?
    Zero Hedge | 18 September 2017
    Lab will be working with Report For…

    Catherine’s Latest Message to her Senators and Congressman
    Don’t Let Congress Censor the Internet
    EFF | September 2017
    Digital letter is provided…

    SEC Hack Possibly Used for Insider Trading Rattles Wall Street
    Fortune | 21 September 2017
    Five “critical”…

    Florida Residents Warned They’ll Be Ticketed For Hurricane-Damaged Homes
    Zero Hedge | 22 September 2017
    Celso Perez told local WSVN-TV…

    Cruz, Cornyn Lead Bipartisan Letter Urging HUD to Speed Up Allocation of Harvey Relief Funds
    Katy News | 22 September 2017
    Maximum flexibility when funds are…

    Pet Parrot Uses Voice-controlled Gadget to Place Order with Amazon
    News AU | 21 September 2017
    Confirm a purchase by…


    Mosquitoes Carrying Deadly Diseases Could Invade 75% of America, Warns US Government
    Independent | 22 September 2017
    Aedes aegypti map range…

    Florida Fights Zika Virus by Releasing Thousands of Bacteria-infected Mosquitoes
    Independent | 22 September 2017

    A Look At How Nestle Makes Billions Selling You Groundwater In A Bottle
    Zero Hedge | 22 September 2017
    City rates, then…

    Farming in Alaska is Increasingly Possible
    HCN | 18 September 2017

    Dr. Dave Janda: Operation Freedom Guests: Catherine Austin Fitts of Solari Inc.
    Dave Janda | 17 September 2017
    Globalist syndicate…

    Senate GOP tries one last time to repeal Obamacare
    Politico | 17 September 2017
    Traction or More Wheel Spinning??


    How a 5-year-old’s ‘Pretend Play’ Resulted in a School Suspension
    Modesto Bee | 20 September 2017

    Latest Solari Donation
    Funeral Expenses for My Father
    Go Fund Me | 20 September 2017
    After combining what savings…

    Snow Walker (pictures)

    YouTube | April 2017
    Coming Ice Age Hint???

    Old Movie Stars Dance to Uptown Funk

    YouTube | 26 October 2015
    Classic Hollywood Remix..


    Celebrities: Why Are They Doing This?
    Information Clearing House | 21 September 2017

    YouTube | 21 September 2017
    Reiner hide under…so divided…

    Latest Solari Donation
    Vets For Child Rescue: Shine the Light! The Best Antiseptic for Corruption is Sunlight
    V4CR | 20 September 2017
    Help us spread awareness…


    One chart breaks down what will happen to the global economy if war with North Korea erupts
    Market Watch | 16 September 2017
    Consequences of More War w/o End Amen…

    Suddenly, “De-Dollarization” Is A Thing
    Zero Hedge | 16 September 2017
    FRN Consequences…

    If Jamie Dimon Hates It So Much, Why Is JPMorgan Buying Bitcoin In Europe?
    Zero Hedge | 16 September 2017
    Same Old Play Book…

    Global Cryptocurrency Benchmarking Study
    University of Cambridge | 16 September 2017
    Benchmarking Studies…

    China’s Bitcoin Exchanges Receive Shutdown Orders and Closure Timeline
    Coin Desk| September 2017
    PRC Bitcoin Beat Down…

    New York Teamsters Approve Slashing Benefits to Retired Members
    Reuters | 13 September 2017
    20,767 eligible participants did not…


    Poland Demands $1 Trillion from Germany for WW2 Reparations
    Need to Know | 16 September 2017
    Attempts to force…

    Former US President Jimmy Carter says he knows what North Korea wants
    The Duran | 15 September 2017
    Respect for NK Regime…

    Trump Tower Meeting & Half Truths – Another Untold Story
    Martin Armstrong | 15 September 2017

    The Untold Story…

    North Korea Is Dodging Sanctions With a Secret Bitcoin Stash
    Bloomberg | 15 September 2017
    State Sponsored Hackers Gone Wild…

    The Space Race Is Now “Privatized” — But You’re Still Paying for It
    Market Conservative | 15 September 2017
    More Corporate Welfare…

    High Ranking CIA Agent Blows Whistle On The Deep State And Shadow Government
    Activist Post | 15 September 2017
    Whistle Blowers, a Continuing Growing Trend…


    Why Dropbox decided to drop AWS and build its own infrastructure and network
    The Crunch | 15 September 2017
    Rent or Buy?

    This $0.20 Chip Transmits Data Over Hundreds of Meters
    The Merkle | 15 September 2017
    Another Surveillance Tool…

    Why Didn’t FPL Do More to Prepare for Irma?
    Miami New Times | 14 September 2017
    Millions of dollars fighting policies that…

    Former Facebook executive says Google, Facebook are ‘surveillance states’ and risk more regulation
    CNBC | 14 September 2017
    Privatized Big Brother…

    Cost of U.S. Solar Drops 75 percent in Six Years, Ahead of Federal Goal
    ENN| 13 September 2017
    Solar Pricing Going Down…

    With IPhone’s New FaceID, Cops Can Unlock Your Phone By Pointing At Your Face—While You’re Cuffed
    Activist Post | 13 September 2017
    There is NO Privacy…


    Whole Foods adding plant-based tuna sub to sushi bar
    Super Market News | 14 September 2017

    Cost Cutting or Fukushima Contamination???

    Tools and Resources for Small Farms…Featuring Paper Pot Transplanting Systems
    Small Farm Works | 14 September 2017
    Small Farm Hacks…

    How Many Drug Scripts do Doctors Write a Year?
    Jon Rappoport | 13 September 2017
    Scary Numbers…

    Farming Success: Salatin’s Top 10 Markers
    Eco Farming Daily | 13 September 2017
    Eco Farming HowTos….

    Florida Farmers Say Irma’s Damage Is The Worst They’ve Ever Seen
    Activist Post | 13 September 2017
    Irma’s Legacy of Destruction…

    The Hacking of the American Mind with Dr. Robert Lustig


    “In a few days, there’s going to be this international colloquium. And this place’ll be crawling with rich and powerful people, the world’s leading business people and politicians. – What, four days in the sun and they conclude that global recovery depends on their making more money?” `“The Worricker Trilogy” – BBC TV miniseries

    Check it Out!

    By Your Culture Scout

    For a good few years now, both consumers and the entertainment industry have been pointing out how much TV shows are superior in quality to movies at a local multiplex. For every new superhero movie, from Superman to X-Men, there has been some new TV show that surpassed them in terms of entertainment value, amount of audience, intellectual scope, and quality of actors and writers who contributed. Think of the worldwide phenomenon of Game of Thrones, and Sherlock (the one with Benedict Cumberbatch, not the old tweed versions), Orange Is New Black and Star Trek for the millennial crowd, and Downton Abbey and The Crown for the more genteel audience. Downton Abbey is also a good representative of a niche within popular shows – that of a British TV drama. This category immediately evokes quality: excellent British stage and film actors, engaging and ambitious writing, and an impeccable design of costumes and sets, especially in historical dramas. Audiences worldwide have been accustomed to expect these traits from a British show and they are rarely disappointed. Within this category, there is another trend: political thrillers. Within last couple of years, there have a quite a lot of British shows that have several things in common: an excellent casting and writing as a rule, but above all a more mature and modern way of describing the current political world.



    “No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.” ~ Article I, Section 9, Clause 7, The US Constitution

    By Catherine Austin Fitts

    This week Dr. Mark Skidmore, Morris Chair of State and Local Government and Policy at Michigan State University joins me on the Solari Report to discuss his recent report on the $19 trillion in undocumentable adjustments at the Department of Defense (DOD) and the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) between 1998 and 2015. I have been using the number $18 trillion. However, Dr. Skidmore and his team have identified another $1 trillion which we will be adding to the documentation that he and his students have reviewed and provided. See DOD and HUD Missing Money: Supporting Documentation.

    This issue has great importance to you and your family. Many of our problems are related to how the federal government and the banks and private corporations that run its operations can access trillions in secret outside of the Appropriations Clause of Article I of the US Constitution and the US financial management laws. This nearly infinite amount of money finances whatever the people who can access the money want. Forget democracy! Forget the republic! The policies are set by the people who control the operations, assets and technology that secret money finances. Notice that Congress consistently votes against the wishes of the American people and their constituents! Their votes are following the money.

    In Let’s Go to the Movies, I will review Top Secret America – From 911 to the Boston Bombings. This PBS presentation describes reporters the efforts of Dana Priest and William Arkin efforts to document the explosive size and expense of an out-of-control national security state after 9/11.

    Top Secret America

    In Money & Markets this week I will discuss the latest in financial and geopolitical news. Make sure to send or post your questions for Ask Catherine.

    Talk to you on Thursday!

    Related Reading:

    DOD and HUD Missing Money: Supporting Documentation

    9/11 Trillions: Follow the Money

    Farrell and Fitts at SSP 2014

    The Exchange Stabilization Fund with Rob Kirby


    Money & Markets

    Here are the Friday charts: Set One, Set Two, Set Three, Set Four


    By: James Quaid

    Today, I’m going to post the most concise Yin / Yang of Cryptos that I can offer at this time. I would also like to thank Jon McAfee for his validation of most of my previous Crypto risk assessments; as well as his expert and detailed analysis..

    John McAfee: “Pandora’s Box has Been Opened” (Crypto currency security)

    YouTube | 23 August 2017
    “There is no Security”…

    The Yin:

    The Solari Team had a detailed discussion on the above video. We dissected it into ten main points with some related sub points:

    1. Spy ware key loggers and screen capture infections are rampant.
    2. These infections operate behind the Maginot Line of encryption..
    3. Cryptos have been a God send to hackers. Note, the ever expanding arena of Crypto thefts.
    4. The Mirai spyware bots have been rewritten to mine Cryptos on the IOT, using other peoples devices / kW..
      • The infection rate is ~ 50k devices a day..
      • Not illegal at this time.
      • The shear number of infected devices could alter Crypto markets.
    5. Crypto thieves launder ill gotten gains by converting them to other Crypto currencies, multiple times. Yielding an untraceable transaction trail.
    6. McAfee predicts the day when everyones’ Crypto Wallets are emptied en mass.
    7. McAfee recommends dedicated hardware wallets and advanced dedicated packet sniffers to detect all intrusions ASAP.
    8. “There is no security whatsoever.” Hence, proof digital devices have no integrity.
    9. He omitted the Snowden revelation of Government specified hardware and software back doors.
    10. And finally, one of our Solari Team Members who in a past life, had worked for some large MIC corporations asserted that Hardware Wallets have vulnerabilities too..


    The most chilling of the above points #3, implies that Hacking has seen at a minimum an order of magnitude increase in ill-gotten gains. Where not only are their thefts much more profitable. But, they can now mine Cryptos on other peoples machines. This puts the legitimate Mining Community at a distinct disadvantage. Hackers can now off load their mining costs to someone else. Also note, the alarming infection rate of 50k devices a day. Eventually, that will become an amazing amount of free computing power. Now these questions must be asked:

    • How large has the Hacker Community grown due to Crypto thefts?
    • Will the stealth mining of Cryptos via the Mirai Bot infection sway Crypto and or other markets?

    Also note, that if you have put anything of value on your “Smart” phone, especially Cryptos. I desperately suggest you goto 04:13 of the above video and get some religion about mobile phone security..


    We know from the Snowden revelations. That our beloved FedGov.Inc (note domain suffix) has their own set of Cyber hardware and software “back doors”. My educated guess is that the Dark Side Snowdens know where these back doors are and are pillaging unchecked.

    See point #10 in the above list. During our Solari Team Crypto discussion, our resident EE Hardware/Software expert made the supposition that cell towers can pick up keystrokes, perform screen captures and or pick up signals emanating from your digital device’s main system board. I’m repeating myself. But, my suspicions are your cell phone has these same capabilities.

    All that being said, John McAfee is still mining Cryptos!! Therefore, there are risk and rewards to be had..

    The Yang:

    If you have the aptitude, understand the risks and the resources to spare then Cryptos hold the potential for speculative gains. However, you must follow the rules that apply to any highly speculative investment and not put money at risk that you can not afford to lose. You also must fully immerse yourself into the subject matter. For a good foundation, see links below. These were all chosen by Catherine during her ongoing Crypto investigation:


    All of that being said, the most successful Crypto Miner I know, has planned his exit strategy. Before, government regulation takes the profit out of mining Cryptos.


    “We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.” ~ David Rockefeller

    By Catherine Austin Fitts

    David Ray Griffin is an American scholar and theologian who is one of the most eloquent authors and speakers successfully challenging the 9/11 commission report and the various official explanations and lies of 9/11. His work describes the erosion of America’s culture, legal structures, finances and role in the world as being “justified” by the fabricated versions of the events of 9/11.

    This week on the Solari Report, I will speak with Dr. Griffin about his new book Bush and Cheney: How They Ruined America and the World. We will discuss his powerful chapter “Shredding the Constitution” and why we must hold President Bush and Vice-President Cheney responsible for the events and the lies of 9/11 and why we must reverse the Neocon policies destroying America.

    In Let’s Go to the Movies, I will review a leading contender for Solari documentary of the year in the 2017 Annual Wrap Up –  False Flags with Richard Dolan.

    For an excellent video focused entirely on 9/11, try the recent 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out and the other excellent videos from Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth.

    In Money & Markets this week I will discuss the latest in financial and geopolitical news. Please make sure to post your questions for Ask Catherine.

    Talk to you Thursday!


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