d10e is a numeronym for decentralization. In the past couple of years, the FinTech ecosystem embraced Bitcoin and other digital currencies, a movement which allowed multiple disruptive industries to explode. The race toward a unifying theme (decentralization) became evident and part of our everyday lives.

Highest Level Content
Great Investor Networking
Memorable Cultural Tourism

Amsterdam, Bucharest, Kyiv, San Francisco (4 editions), Singapore and Tel Aviv

were home for the first nine editions of the d10e conference.

1500+ of the most passionate leaders

spearheading decentralizing technologies and ideas attended our events.

over $750M was raised

through ICOs by our past presenters.

Meet inspiring people from all over the world

ready to invest and create a better world for tomorrow.

Network with savvy investors, executives and entrepreneurs

pushing the envelope of human creativity and collaboration.

Decentralization is paramount for privacy and cybersecurity in the 21st century. One simply has to look at the billions of accounts in centralized databases being hacked year after year to see its importance. d10e embodies this ethos by disseminating these values and technologies into the culture worldwide.


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