- published: 02 Aug 2014
- views: 37257
Auvergne (French pronunciation: [ovɛʁɲ]; Occitan: Auvèrnhe / Auvèrnha) is a former administrative region of France. Since 1 January 2016, it is part of the new region Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. It comprises the four departments of Allier, Puy-de-Dôme, Cantal and Haute-Loire.
The administrative region of Auvergne is larger than the historical province of Auvergne, and includes provinces and areas that historically were not part of Auvergne. The Auvergne region is composed of the following old provinces:
Chants d'Auvergne (French pronunciation: [ʃɑ̃ dovɛːʁɲ]; English: Songs from the Auvergne) is a collection of folk songs from the Auvergne region of France arranged for soprano voice and orchestra or piano by Joseph Canteloube between 1923 and 1930. The songs are in the local language, Occitan. The best known of the songs is the "Baïlèro", which has been frequently recorded and performed in slight variations of Canteloube's arrangement, such as for choir or instrumental instead of the original soprano solo.
The first recording, of eleven of the songs, was by Madeleine Grey in 1930, with an ensemble conducted by Élie Cohen. The songs are part of the standard repertoire and have been recorded by many singers.
The melodic elements of two of these songs, "Baïlèro" and "Obal, din lou limouzi (La-bas dans le limousin)", were incorporated into William Walton's soundtrack for Laurence Olivier's film Henry V. "Baïlèro" (sometimes known as "Le Baylere" or "The Shepherd's Song") has also been re-arranged for full chorus by Goff Richards for the National Youth Choir of Great Britain. It was recorded by Tony Osborne Sound for use in a Dubonnet advertisement in 1972.
France (French: [fʁɑ̃s]), officially the French Republic (French: République française [ʁepyblik fʁɑ̃sɛz]), is a sovereign state comprising territory in western Europe and several overseas regions and territories. The European part of France, called metropolitan France, extends from the Mediterranean Sea to the English Channel and the North Sea, and from the Rhine to the Atlantic Ocean. France spans 643,801 square kilometres (248,573 sq mi) and has a total population of 66.6 million. It is a unitary semi-presidential republic with the capital in Paris, the country's largest city and main cultural and commercial centre. The Constitution of France establishes the state as secular and democratic, with its sovereignty derived from the people.
During the Iron Age, what is now Metropolitan France was inhabited by the Gauls, a Celtic people. The Gauls were conquered in 51 BC by the Roman Empire, which held Gaul until 486. The Gallo-Romans faced raids and migration from the Germanic Franks, who dominated the region for hundreds of years, eventually creating the medieval Kingdom of France. France emerged as a major European power in the Late Middle Ages, with its victory in the Hundred Years' War (1337 to 1453) strengthening French state-building and paving the way for a future centralized absolute monarchy. During the Renaissance, France experienced a vast cultural development and established the beginning of a global colonial empire. The 16th century was dominated by religious civil wars between Catholics and Protestants (Huguenots).
Paysages d'Auvergne filmé en drone dji phantom2 zenmuse h3-3d by inoxxx
Subscribe to France 24 now: http://f24.my/youtubeEN FRANCE 24 live news stream: all the latest news 24/7 http://f24.my/YTliveEN France's central Auvergne region boasts some of the best preserved landscapes in the country. The area is rich in volcanoes and home to the gentian – a pretty blue flower that you'll find almost nowhere else. An abundance of lakes, rivers and man-made stretches of water flow through this rugged region. FRANCE 24 takes you to discover it. Visit our website: http://www.france24.com Subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://f24.my/youtubeEN Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FRANCE24.English Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/France24_en
Échappées belles : L'Auvergne, terre de passions Jérôme est en Auvergne. Nous verrons Joachim un épicier ambulant dans son quotidien. Le patrimoine de Clermont et son équipe de rugby. Nous irons au cœur du Cantal et aussi explorer l'industrie fromagère de la région. Jérôme terminera par une truffade et une descente en raquettes jusqu'à Lioran. Rejoignez-nous https://www.facebook.com/EchappeesBellesF5 http://www.france5.fr/emissions/echappees-belles Sophie Jovillard, Raphaël de Casabianca et Jérôme Pitorin se relayent le samedi à 20h35 sur france5 pour vous faire découvrir des échappées aussi belles que lointaines.
Abonnez-vous, c'est pour la science ! http://bit.ly/2kWWZAp Fred et l'équipe de C'est pas Sorcier 2.0 nous expliquent tout sur les origines et particularités des volcans d'Auvergne. Vont-ils se réveiller un jour ? Dossier #13 de L'Esprit Sorcier. Sources et crédits en pied de page : https://www.lespritsorcier.org/dossier-semaine/volcans-auvergne/ https://www.lespritsorcier.org/ Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/LEspritSorcierOfficiel Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/EspritSorcier/ Twitter : https://twitter.com/EspritSorcier Tipeee : https://www.tipeee.com/l-esprit-sorcier © L’Esprit Sorcier – Avril 2016
Nus et culottés-Objectif Auvergne - Saison 1 - Episode 5 Nans et Mouts commencent leur nouveau périple. Autant dire qu'ils ne manquent pas de motivation pour se vêtir au plus vite. Dans les paysages montagneux qu'ils parcourent, la température n'est pas toujours des plus élevées. Leur objectif cette fois : voler en montgolfière au-dessus des volcans d'Auvergne. Les deux voyageurs alternatifs découvrent de magnifiques contrées montagneuses. Grâce à l'aide de maintes personnes, ils cheminent au fil des terroirs de France. C'est alors qu'ils arrivent en Ardèche. Là, ils font de nouvelles rencontres sur un mode plus rustique. Mais très vite, ils constatent qu'emprunter les courants ascendants coûte cher. Or, comme à l'accoutumée, Nans et Mouts voyagent sans le sou.
An in-day trip of us :D Clermont-Ferrand is just an incredible city with lot of things, places and scenes that you would love.
Learn French with Easy French: Tony and Magali introduce us to the Auvergne region :D ► SUBSCRIBE TO EASY LANGUAGES: https://goo.gl/QgH9jK ► FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/EasyFrenchTony https://www.facebook.com/easylanguagesstreetinterviews ► CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE: http://www.easy-languages.org ► SUPPORT OUR PROJECT: http://www.easy-languages.org/support-easy-languages/ ► PRODUCED IN COOPERATION WITH: http://www.theglobalexperience.org Easy Languages is an international video project aiming at supporting people worldwide to learn languages through authentic street interviews and expose the street culture of participating partner countries abroad. Episodes are produced in local languages and contain subtitles in both the original language as well as in English. — H...
Abonnez-vous à notre chaîne sur YouTube : http://f24.my/youtube En DIRECT - Suivez FRANCE 24 ici : http://f24.my/YTliveFR Flâner sur les routes d’Auvergne, c’est s’offrir une balade hors du temps, dans l’une des régions les plus préservées de France. Territoire volcanique, la région regorge de richesses naturelles, dont la gentiane, que l’on ne trouve presque plus ailleurs. L’Auvergne est aussi un territoire d’eau qui regorge de lacs, de rivières, et d’étendues artificielles. Des espaces chéris par les Auvergnats, mais qui n’ont pas toujours fait l’unanimité... Notre site : http://www.france24.com/fr/ Rejoignez nous sur Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/FRANCE24.videos Suivez nous sur Twitter : https://twitter.com/F24videos
Un voyage enchanteur à travers les 8 plus beaux villages d'Auvergne. Voyagez à travers les volcans du Cantal et du Puy de Dôme pour découvrir des villages de caractère à l'histoire riche, puis ressourcez vous dans de discrètes communes de Haute Loire et de l'Allier ..
Unsere Fahrt mit dem Wohnmobil durch die Auvergne in Zentralfrankreich. Unter anderem Besuch von Moulins, Chantelle, Charroux, Puy de Dôme, Saint Nectaire, Vorey sur Arzon. Ein Mix aus Video und Fotos. Unsere ausführliche Fahrt mit vielen Informationen, Campingplätzen und Fotos gibt es hier: https://www.taklyontour.de/tag/auvergne/ / Our Campingtrip through the Auvergne in France. A mix of video and pictures. Here you can find the (german) travelreport of the Auvergne trip, with many information, camprgounds and pictures: https://www.taklyontour.de/tag/auvergne/
Im Wald von Tronçais in Allier, der zu den schönsten Eichenwäldern Europas zählt, erforscht der Ingenieur Timothée die Eigenschaften des Chlorophylls. Im Norden des Départements Puy-de-Dômeas liegt das Buddhistenzentrum Dhagpo Kundreul, eines der größten Europas, das von der fröhlichen Lama Droupgyu geleitet wird. In der Stadt Volvic am Fuße des Vulkans Nugère formt Thierry aus Lavastein eindrucksvolle Skulpturen, und Imker Alain erzählt in den bewaldeten Hügeln von Forez von seiner Leidenschaft für Honigbienen, deren Bestand durch die veränderten Umweltbedingungen in großer Gefahr ist.. Patrick züchtet in den tiefen Schluchten von Allier eine lokale Lachsart, um sie vor dem Aussterben zu retten. Windig wird es auf den Hochebenen von Ally. Dort sucht sich Windsegler Sébastien zwischen alte...
L'Auvergne est une ancienne province de France et une région administrative située dans le Massif central. Ses habitants sont les Auvergnats. Clermont-Ferrand est le chef-lieu de la région administrative et la capitale de l'ancienne province. Les langues régionales sont l'occitan (Auvergnat, Haut-languedocien, Vivaro-alpin) et le bourbonnais (langue d'oïl). La région administrative regroupe quatre départements : l'Allier, le Cantal, la Haute-Loire et le Puy-de-Dôme. Au XVIIIe siècle l'ancienne province d'Auvergne avait une étendue plus réduite. Son territoire correspondait approximativement aux départements du Cantal (Haute-Auvergne), du Puy-de-Dôme (Basse-Auvergne) et au tiers ouest de la Haute-Loire. L'autre partie de ce département couvre l'ancien comté épiscopal du Velay. Le départem...
From "Chants d'Auvergne" ("Songs from the Auvergne"), a collection of folk songs from the Auvergne region of France arranged for soprano voice and orchestra by Joseph Canteloube between 1923-1930. The songs are in the local language, Occitan. The Auvergne region of France is a high plateau with extinct volcanoes and green, rolling hills stretching as far as the eye can see. Under summer skies, it is a land of skylarks, butterflies and lush carpets of wildflowers. This all comes across in the lilting strains of the folk song "Baïlèro," a shepherd's call in the Auvergne dialect arranged by the French composer Marie Joseph Canteloube.
María Bayo (Soprano), interpreta Baïlèro, dos Chants d'Auvergne de Marie-Joseph Canteloube, acompanhada pela Orquestra Sinfónica de Tenerife, sob a direcção de Victor Pablo Perez. Fotos da Serra da Estrela (Portugal)
Et toi t'en a pas marre des clichés ? dis le moi dans les commentaires Si tu as aimé la vidéo, tu peux laisser un ÉNORME pouce bleu, partager la vidéo sur tes réseaux sociaux, et tu peux même t'abonner! (amazing) Rejoins moi sur Twitter : Twitter : @louisox70 (https://twitter.com/louisox70) Et moi je vous dit a lundi 6 mars pour une nouvelle vidéo, bye - Louisox
Chants d'Auvergne: 1st series (1923-30): I. La pastoura als camps 00:00 II. Baïlèro 02:48 III. L'aio de rotso 08:02 IV. Ound'onoren gorda? 11:07 V. Obal, din lou limouzi 13:41 Canteloube, Joseph (1879-1957) -composer Véronique Gens -soprano Jean-Claude Casadesus -conductor Lille National Orchestra Playlist "The art of French song: Faure, Debussy, Ravel, Poulenc, Satie...": http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdM8VSWYvcWGecjk_VR0LNMYlVs05efWQ Chants d'Auvergne is a collection of folk songs from the Auvergne region of France arranged for soprano voice and orchestra or piano by Joseph Canteloube between 1923 and 1930. The songs are in the local language, Occitan. The best known of the songs is the "Baïlèro", which has been frequently recorded and performed in slight variations of Cante...
Subscribe to France 24 now: http://f24.my/youtubeEN FRANCE 24 live news stream: all the latest news 24/7 http://f24.my/YTliveEN France's central Auvergne region boasts some of the best preserved landscapes in the country. The area is rich in volcanoes and home to the gentian – a pretty blue flower that you'll find almost nowhere else. An abundance of lakes, rivers and man-made stretches of water flow through this rugged region. FRANCE 24 takes you to discover it. Visit our website: http://www.france24.com Subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://f24.my/youtubeEN Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FRANCE24.English Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/France24_en
All the French cuteness is in Auvergne! Everything you ever imagined France to be can be found in this beautiful French region. Hope you enjoy this Auvergne, France travel vlog DON'T click the following link: http://bit.ly/1KKCs8V (you just might be stuck with me by subscribing) If you're on a roll here's another Auvergne travel vlog with massive French food porn: https://youtu.be/xk6-BPX9nUQ This trip is made possible by the Auvergne region and Atout France. For more information check out www.auvergne-toerisme.nl and www.france.fr. Also make sure to check out my friend Frannies epic food porn channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Foodgloss The place where we stayed is called Auberge d'Aijean: http://www.auberge-puy-mary.com/ DAILY TRAVEL ON I N S T A G R A M: http://instagram.com/iperk...
http://tusdestinos.net Clermont-Ferrand / Clermont Ferrand Auvergne, France / Auvernia, Francia City tour - Visitar la ciudad - Tour de la ville #SaberhacerFrancia Guide - Guía - Guider Con el soporte audiovisual: http://www.tomcomvideo.com http://tusdestinos.net/?p=23484
An in-day trip of us :D Clermont-Ferrand is just an incredible city with lot of things, places and scenes that you would love.
français: Le Massif central est un massif essentiellement hercynien qui occupe le centre-sud de la France. Avec une surface de 85 000 km2, soit 15 % environ du territoire métropolitain, c'est le massif le plus vaste du pays, d'altitude moyenne et aux reliefs souvent arrondis. Il culmine à 1 885 mètres au sommet volcanique du puy de Sancy (département du Puy-de-Dôme). Dans l'ensemble, il s'est formé il y a 500 millions d'années, bien que les causses et surtout les reliefs volcaniques soient plus récents, ces derniers étant consécutifs à la formation des Alpes et des Pyrénées. Le Massif central abrite en effet l'essentiel des volcans français de métropole. http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massif_central english: The Massif Central (Occitan: Massís Central / Massís Centrau) is an elevated regio...
Take a tour of French Village of Salers in Salers, France -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats. Salers is a town in Auvergne, France celebrated for its beauty and uniqueness. Though not a somber place, many of its buildings are of a dark charcoal color. This is due to the fact that many of them were built with volcanic rock. Salers is a historical location with sections that are roughly a thousand years old. However, most of the town's buildings appeared during a prosperous time in the 1400s. Salers takes pride in their singular breed of cattle, local cheese, extravagant village, and luxurious countryside.
My mother used to chide me that I enjoyed cooking so much and usually did all the household chores, including sewing, myself, but heck, I enjoy it! I love a good restaurant meal but three times a day, no, and especially not in a hotel! If I visit a place and cannot buy any local fare and cook it myself somewhere, I feel somewhat deprived. We rented a house in Murol, France for a week in September, 2012, after the high Summer holiday season had passed, but it was still warm and pleasant. You can save a lot of money this way if your schedule allows for it and you can delay getting back to work a bit and don't have children in school. This was on a Sunday morning, and we'd been to Saint Nectaire (home of a famous variety of cheese) and visited the gorgeous Romanesque church and I shopp...
↓ Plus d’infos ? Clique pour dérouler ↓ J'ai passé 2 jours en Auvergne et c'était magnifique ! Alors voici un petit résumé de mon séjour sous forme d'un carnet de voyage, ou travel diary... J'espère pouvoir vous transmettre en vidéo la beauté de ces paysages, c'était juste trop beau ! Lien vers l'article de mon blog correspondant à cette vidéo pour les explications complémentaires : A VENIR PROCHAINEMENT ♡ POUR S’ABONNER ♡ Tu peux liker mes vidéos si elles te plaisent et t’abonner pour être prévenu des prochaines : http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=tipidiy N’hésite pas à me laisser un petit mot en commentaire si tu as des questions à me poser ^^ ♡ OÙ ME TROUVER ♡ Mon blog : http://tipivoine.wordpress.com/ Twitter : https://twitter.com/Tiiipiii Instagram : http://in...
First in the Roaming Rural France 2000 video series, this one takes us south from Paris to Orleans, then Vichy and Super Lioran in segment one, then continues to more fully explore the Auvergne in segment two and - in segment three "Buronnier" - we see the tough rural life of the farmers living in their burons in the high mountains of the snowy Massif Centrale. Great viewing!
Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Auvergne A place of spectacular natural beauty, the Auvergne countryside is a relaxing retreat in rural France. Even though Auvergne is a popular French vacation destination, the region's tourism industry is less developed than other areas of France. This unspoiled region has two of France's largest nature reserves: the Regional Park of Volcans d'Auvergne with its dramatic volcanic cones and the Regional Park of Livradois-Forez with its diverse flora and fauna. This rugged and scenic landscape features impressive volcanic mountains, idyllic valleys, crater lakes, rushing rivers, tranquil streams, and unspoiled forests. Ideal for nature lovers and outdoor adventurers, Auvergne's regional parks offer opportunities for fishing, hiking, mountain biking, horseb...
Bombarded in June 1944, the small village of Saint-Floret (Auvergne) stands as a living witness and a survivor of the ravages of war. Some parts of the village have been rebuilt over the years. Saint-Floret was on the Most Beautiful Villages in France list until 2015, but it has been removed due to ongoing road construction and other administrative difficulties. The villagers hope to re-join the list in the near future.
Vulcania, theme park situated in the heart of the vulcans of the French Auvergne. Info: www.vulcania.com Suscribe to my channel to discover new posted videos about traveling in Europe. Enjoy watching the video! Vulcania, parc d’attraction implanté au cœur des Volcans d’Auvergne. Info: www.vulcania.com Abonnez-vous sur ma chaîne pour découvrir de nouvelles vidéos sur les voyages en Europe. Bonne visite! Vulcania, educatief pretpark in het hart van de vulkanen van de Auvergne. Info: www.vulcania.com Als u zich abonneert op mijn kanaal wordt u op de hoogte gebracht als er nieuwe reisvideo's beschikbaar zijn. Veel kijkplezier! FreeBackgroundMusic Jonas – Flight https://youtu.be/dR6-gvr2k1w
Bonjour à tous =) Un petit tour en Auvergne, ça vous tente ? =) Bon visionnage =) Musique : -CVR - Paradise Matériel utilisés : -Pour filmer : DJI Phantom 3 Professional + iPhone 7 Plus -Ordi+Soft montage : MacBook Pro Retina 15" + Final cut pro X
Just pretty landscapes from our hiking week. In case you'd like to see more of these ahem.. vlogs/personal stuff/whatever, let me know below, otherwise it'll be whenever I travel somewhere interesting :) We stayed at "le Bois Basalte", because we loved it there last year. If you ever visit that region : http://cabanes-auvergne.fr/ ___ ★Love these videos? Support me on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/petitplat What's Patreon? https://youtu.be/xuSa0FPZrcQ //FEED ME : ↠ Shop : http://www.petitplat.fr/shop ↠ Prints & co : http://www.redbubble.com/people/petitplat ↠ Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/petitplat // STALK ME : ↠ Instagram : http://www.instagram.com/petitplat ↠ FB : http://www.facebook.com/PetitPlat ↠ Pinterest : https://www.pinterest.com/petitplat ___ // MUSIC Desert City S...
Welcome to my favorite town in France... Annecy! And today, I've got a travel guide for your next trip to Annecy. I'll show you what and where to eat, and the places to visit. Let me know if you've been to Annecy before and other suggestions you have! //WHO AM I?// Hey there! My name is Regan (pronounced Reegan) and I'm an American living in France. I'm passionate about sharing my love of French culture and encouraging you to visit France... but not just Paris! Follow me to unearth the delights of all things France, and to watch as I stumble through living in another country. À bientôt! //FOLLOW ME!// Blog: http://www.reganshorter.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/reganshorter/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/regan_shorter //TECH STUFF// Camera: Sony a6000 (http://amzn.to/2jlvJgH) ...
Auvergne is one of the 27 administrative regions of France. It comprises the four departments of Allier, Puy de Dome, Cantal and Haute Loire. The current administrative region of Auvergne is larger than the historical province of Auvergne, and includes provinces and areas that historically were not part of Auvergne. The Auvergne region is composed of the following old provinces: Auvergne: departments of Puy-de-Dôme, Cantal, north-west of Haute-Loire, and extreme south of Allier. The province of Auvergne is entirely contained inside the Auvergne region. The region contains many volcanoes, although the last confirmed eruption was around 6,000 years ago. They began forming some 70,000 years ago, and most have eroded away leaving plugs of unerupted hardened magma that form rounded hilltops kn...
For aeons the "worms" have been pursuing but one target: imortality.
But this phantasm, thanks to thee, fulfilled never ever shall be.
Praised thou shalt be
O' precious mortality!
Cleansing the earth
From the weaklings of the wormian race.
Through death, thy employer, thou weakest havor among the "worms".
Every single one is reaped by this sharpened scythe.
I can hear the "worms' " death knell resounding in my mind.