- published: 18 Dec 2012
- views: 20869177
The Rhône (/ˈroʊn/; French: Le Rhône [ʁon]; German: Rhone [ˈroːnə]; Walliser German: Rotten [ˈrotən]; Italian: Rodano [ˈrɔːdano]; Arpitan: Rôno [ˈʁono]; Occitan: Ròse [ˈrɔze]) is one of the major rivers of Europe, rising in Switzerland, passing through Lake Geneva and running through southeastern France. At Arles, near its mouth on the Mediterranean Sea, the river divides into two branches, known as the Great Rhône (French: Le Grand Rhône) and the Little Rhône (Le Petit Rhône). The resulting delta constitutes the Camargue region.
The name Rhône continues the name Rhodanus (Greek Ῥοδανός Rhodanos) in Greco-Roman geography. The Gaulish name of the river was *Rodonos or *Rotonos (from a PIE root *ret- "to run, roll" frequently found in river names).
The Greco-Roman as well as the reconstructed Gaulish name is masculine, as is French le Rhône. This form survives in the Italian namesake, Rodano. German has adopted the French name but given it the feminine gender, die Rhone. The original German adoption of the Latin name was also masculine, der Rotten; it survives only in the Upper Valais (dialectal Rottu).
Walibi Rhône-Alpes is a French theme park located in the commune of Les Avenières, in the Isère department. It is the largest theme park of the Rhône-Alpes region. The park contains more than 33 rides and it covers an area of 35 hectares.
The park had an income of 8,8 million euros in 2005, and it greets over 400,000 visitors yearly.
Walibi Rhône-Alpes also contains a 13,000 m² waterpark called L'Île aux Pirates (previously Aqualibi).
As of 2006, the park is owned and operated by Compagnie des Alpes, which also owns many theme parks and ski resorts across Europe.
The park opened in 1979 under the name Avenir Land. The Walibi group would acquire the park in 1989, renaming it Walibi Rhône-Alpes. In 1997, the park would change hands once again and it became part of the Six Flags chain, as part of the American company's international expansion. However, eight years later, in 2005, Six Flags sold most of its European parks (including Walibi Rhône-Alpes) to Star Parks. The Walibi parks would be transferred to Compagnie des Alpes the following year, and they've belonged to the French company ever since.
Rone - Bye Bye Macadam (Official Video) Director: Dimitri Stankowicz Producer: InFiné Check out Rone's new video "Lets Go" (Wild Edit) http://youtu.be/HG2uZHPm0a0 You Should Subscribe to The Creators Project: http://bit.ly/YjRlED Out Now - Rone "Tohu Bohu" album on InFine music ITunes - https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/toh... Bleep - https://bleep.com/release/38895-rone-... About Rone - http://rone-music.com/ About InFine - http://infine-music.com/ The Creators Project is a partnership between Intel and VICE: http://thecreatorsproject.com/ ** Subscribe to The Creators Project: http://bit.ly/Subscribe_to_TheCreator... Check out our full video catalog: http://youtube.com/user/TheCreatorsPr... Facebook: http://fb.com/thecreatorsproject Twitter: http://twitter.com/creatorsproject Tum...
Archive de l'émission "Des Racines et Des Ailes : Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon" diffusée le 20/01/2010. Reportage "Le Rhône, un fleuve aux multiples visages" en intégralité. Plus d'infos sur http://www.france3.fr/emissions/des-racines-et-des-ailes
Extrait du 26 minutes, une émission de la Radio Télévision Suisse, samedi 10 juin 2017. 26 minutes, un faux magazine d'actualité qui passe en revue les faits marquants de la semaine écoulée, en Suisse et dans le monde, à travers des faux reportages et des interviews de vrais et de faux invités. Un regard décalé sur l'actualité, présenté par Vincent Veillon et Vincent Kucholl de l'ex-120 secondes. Retrouvez le 26 minutes: Playlist Youtube: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkDhl_ki3WcH2R_eK32EXZ0xBCK3_kERM Site: http://26minutes.ch Toutes les vidéos : http://rts.ch/play/tv/emission/26-minutes?id=6368115 Retrouvez la Radio Télévision Suisse: Site: http://rts.ch Youtube: https://youtube.com/RTS Portail vidéo: http://rts.ch/play Facebook: https://facebook.com/rts.ch Twitter: https://twitt...
The Wines of Northern Rhône by GuildSomm. www.GuildSomm.com
Saint-Exupéry Intl Airport 0:12 Rhôneexpress 0:44 Gare de la Part-Dieu 1:16 Oxygen Tower 1:27 Part-Dieu Mall 1:31 Tour la Part-Dieu 1:54 Rhône river 1:58 Fnac Lyon Bellecour 2:43 Place Bellecour 2:48 TCL Metro 3:11 Lyon Funicular 3:6 Basilica Notre Dame de Fourviere 4:35 Statue of Pope John Paul ll 5:24 Roman theaters 6:09 Lyon Catherdral 8:00 Saone River 9:29 Lyon city Hall 9:32 Lyon Opera House 10:24 Incity Tower 11:26 Les Halles Paul Bocuse 11:42 Park of the Golden Head 12:43 Rhône-Alpes is a former administrative region of France. Since 1 January 2016, it is part of the new region Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. It is located on the eastern border of the country, towards the south. The region was named after the Rhône and the Alps mountain range. Its capital, Lyon, is the second-largest metro...
Echappées belles : Sophie se ballade au fil du Rhône. Les gardiens de la grotte de la glace nous ouvrirons les portes d'un temple de glace. Puis nous prendrons la route de la soie à Lyon. Un petit détour par Pérouges la médiévale, par les vignobles pour déguster les cépages de la région et un tour sur la Nationale 7. Nous serons éblouis par l'immensité du palais de Ferdinand Cheval. Au terme de l'échappée belle Sophie se rendra au coeur de la Camargue. Rejoignez-nous https://www.facebook.com/EchappeesBellesF5 http://www.france5.fr/emissions/echappees-belles Sophie Jovillard, Raphaël de Casabianca et Jérôme Pitorin se relayent le samedi à 20h35 sur france5 pour vous faire découvrir des échappées aussi belles que lointaines.
Retrouvez nous sur notre page Facebook Carpe Team 41 https://www.facebook.com/CarpeTeam41/?fref=ts Rencontre entre la Carpe Team 41 et la 6Prinus pour quelques jours d'hiver. Un Rhône difficile à dompter mais quelques poissons à la clef... Un vrai plaisir partagé et l'envie d'y retourner! musique: Petit Biscuit ; Sunset Lover
clip "Pour passer le Rhône" 2ème single extrait de l'album La Provence au coeur du monde. disponible en téléchargement Découvrez un titre unique et inédit mêlant la musique traditionnelle Provençale à des sonorités pop rock.
Die Reise in die Region Rhône-Alpes beginnt bei eisigen Temperaturen auf den Hochebenen von Glières im Bornes-Massiv. Dort treibt der Hundeschlittenführer Philippe sein Gespann durch den Schnee. Am See von Annecy steht ein Besuch in der ältesten Glockengießerei des Landes auf dem Programm. Auch in der alten Papiermühle von Tourne am Fuße der Grande Chartreuse lässt der Druckereibesitzer Jacques ein uraltes Handwerk wieder aufleben. Und der Hirte Sylvain hat derweil noch viel vor: 900 junge Kühe müssen auf Frankreichs größter Bergweide, der Alp Sénépi, zusammengetrieben werden. Zum Glück sind viele tatkräftige Helfer zur Stelle.
The Rhône Alpes is situated between Paris and the Côte d'Azur, on the border with both Switzerland and Italy, and offering access to two international airports (Lyon and Geneva), impressive rail connections and a vast motorway network, Rhône-Alpes region is literally at the crossroads of Europe. Boasting 8 natural parks and peerless sites such as Mont Blanc and the Gorges de l'Ardèche, Rhône-Alpes offers a wide range of different landscapes: mountains, vineyards and gentle valleys, fields of lavender and olive groves. In Rhône-Alpes, water is everywhere: from snow to glacier ice, rivers and streams to lakes. Rhône-Alpes is where three of France's biggest lakes can be found (Lake Geneva, Lac du Bourget and Lac d'Annecy). Every form of sport is readily available, set against an impressiv...
Embarquez et Abonnez vous à notre chaîne pour ne rater aucune future mise en ligne ▶ http://bit.ly/19osCqa Embarquez sur des bateaux et partez à la découverte de notre planète à travers ses mers et ses fleuves. Voie de communication naturelle, le Rhône s'impose dès l'Antiquité comme le trait d'union entre l'intérieur du pays et le monde méditerranéen. A bord du Van Gogh, nous découvrons successivement le Parc Naturel de Camargue les Saintes Maries de la Mer, Arles et Avignon. Pénétrant au coeur de la vallée du Rhône, nous abordons la pittoresque cité de Viviers, le célèbre terroir de Croze-Hermitage et la ville antique de Vienne. C'est à Lyon, l'ancienne capitale des Gaules où se marient les eaux du Rhône et de la Saône, que s'achève le voyage. Voyagez à bord de notre chaîne ▶ http://bit...
La Safer Rhône-Alpes vous invite à découvrir la richesse des paysages de la région Rhône-Alpes, ces femmes et ces hommes qui contribuent à la diversité de ces productions, tout au long du fleuve qui la traverse...
Le Rhône, ce fleuve qui naît en Suisse, au cœur du massif du Gothard pour se jeter dans la Méditerranée, à Port-Saint-Louis du Rhône, quelque 800 kilomètres plus loin, nous accompagnera au fil de 14 émissions. Les détails sur la balade au Glacier du Rhône http://www.rts.ch/emissions/passe-moi-les-jumelles/7032054-au-fil-du-rhone.html L'émission PAJU du 28 août 2015: http://www.rts.ch/emissions/passe-moi-les-jumelles/7031982-un-autre-pain-est-possible-swiss-cow-boys.html Retrouvez : Toutes les vidéos de Passe-moi les jumelles: http://rts.ch/play/tv/emission/passe-moi-les-jumelles?id=394095 Le site de l'émission: http://rts.ch/emissions/passe-moi-les-jumelles/ Retrouvez la Radio Télévision Suisse: Site: http://rts.ch Youtube: https://youtube.com/RTS Portail vidéo: http://rts.ch/play Face...
La croisière sur le Rhône de Lyon à Arles et retour va me permettre d'expliquer certains points intéressants (écluses, passages de ponts bas) et de présenter quelques paysages, toujours avec commentaires.
Extrait de l'émission "Des Racines et Des Ailes : Au fil du Rhône" diffusée le 18/01/2017. Ce n'est qu'assez récemment que la ville de Lyon a domestiqué le Rhône, pour se développer au-delà, notamment avec le quartier des Brotteaux qui fût assaini sous Napoléon III. Nous naviguons sur le fleuve jusqu'au pont Lafayette et le long des berges réaménagées pour en découvrir les évolutions. Retrouvez "Des Racines et Des Ailes" sur internet : Site : http://www.france3.fr/drda Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/des.racines.et.des.ailes/ Twitter : https://twitter.com/drda_officiel Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/desracinesetdesailes
Après une matinée laborieuse nous avons u une bonne surprise quand le poisson fut a la surface. Abonnez vous et activez les notifications au dessus en cliquant sur la cloche pour ne rien rater ! Ma page Facebook : https://fr-fr.facebook.com/Peche-au-silure-38-437056936379992/ Instagram : http://www.imgrum.net/user/peche_au_silure_38/326739055
Une bien jolie journée en famille à la découverte de Walibi Rhône-Alpes pour l'ouverture de la saison 2017 Découverte des nouveautés à Explorer Adventure : MonORail, Redécouverte du Timber (première fois pour ma puce !!!) Plus d'infos sur cette journée ➥ http://www.yeude.fr/2017/04/journee-a-walibi-rhone-alpes.html —————————— SUIS MOI ➥ Sur mon blog : http://www.yeude.fr ➥ Sur Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/LesVoyagesDeYeude/ ➥ Sur Twitter : http://twitter.com/yeudeblogo ➥ Sur Instagram : http://instagram.com/yeude ➥ Pinterest : http://www.pinterest.com/yeude ➥ SnapChat : yeude
Visite du parc Walibi Rhône-Alpes pour mes 21 ans Une super journée malgré la météo un peu mitigée
Fun Travel Guide to biking in the Rhone Valley, what to see, what to do in the Rhone Valley. This Video log will take you traveling around the Rhone Valley to show you why you should visit the Rhone Valley. (Video log is courtesy of ATOUT FRANCE).
Saint-Exupéry Intl Airport 0:12 Rhôneexpress 0:44 Gare de la Part-Dieu 1:16 Oxygen Tower 1:27 Part-Dieu Mall 1:31 Tour la Part-Dieu 1:54 Rhône river 1:58 Fnac Lyon Bellecour 2:43 Place Bellecour 2:48 TCL Metro 3:11 Lyon Funicular 3:6 Basilica Notre Dame de Fourviere 4:35 Statue of Pope John Paul ll 5:24 Roman theaters 6:09 Lyon Catherdral 8:00 Saone River 9:29 Lyon city Hall 9:32 Lyon Opera House 10:24 Incity Tower 11:26 Les Halles Paul Bocuse 11:42 Park of the Golden Head 12:43 Rhône-Alpes is a former administrative region of France. Since 1 January 2016, it is part of the new region Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. It is located on the eastern border of the country, towards the south. The region was named after the Rhône and the Alps mountain range. Its capital, Lyon, is the second-largest metro...
The Rhône Alpes is situated between Paris and the Côte d'Azur, on the border with both Switzerland and Italy, and offering access to two international airports (Lyon and Geneva), impressive rail connections and a vast motorway network, Rhône-Alpes region is literally at the crossroads of Europe. Boasting 8 natural parks and peerless sites such as Mont Blanc and the Gorges de l'Ardèche, Rhône-Alpes offers a wide range of different landscapes: mountains, vineyards and gentle valleys, fields of lavender and olive groves. In Rhône-Alpes, water is everywhere: from snow to glacier ice, rivers and streams to lakes. Rhône-Alpes is where three of France's biggest lakes can be found (Lake Geneva, Lac du Bourget and Lac d'Annecy). Every form of sport is readily available, set against an impressiv...
We climb Roman ruins in Nîmes, explore a papal palace in Avignon, and savor vivid views immortalized by van Gogh in Arles. Crossing acres of lavender and wispy vineyards, we explore the Côtes du Rhône and more wonders of the south of France. © 2004 Rick Steves' Europe
See the beautiful confluence of the rivers Rhône and Arve just west of Lake Geneva near the city of Geneva. The Rhône's waters are clear and glass like having come from the settled lake. The water of the Arve is cloudy with material carried down from the mountains. These rivers meet here a few kilometres from the centre of the city. Visit http://theworklife.com/graham-miln/2016/03/16/confluence-of-rhone-and-arve/ for more.
Top 12 Reasons to Visit the French Rhone Alpes Now from Travel Therapy. Like this? Watch the latest episode of Travel Therapy on Blip! http://blip.tv/traveltherapy/watch With amazing scenery, food, wine, resorts and spas, the French Rhone Alpes is an ideal TRAVEL THERAPY destination when youapos;re looking to explore everything from culture to cuisine and still find some great deals! Thatapos;s the beauty of going off the beaten path, or in this case venturing outside of Paris, you not only get more for less but youapos;re able to have a truly unique and memorable experience. Hereapos;s my list of the Top 12 TRAVEL THERAPY things you shouldnapos;t miss in the Rhone Alpes. In new weekly TRAVEL THERAPY episodes Emmy award-winning TV host correspondent Karen Schaler travels around the worl...
Take a tour of Lyon, France - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats. Hi, this is your host, Naomi. I would like to show you the top 5 attractions of Lyon, France. Number five: Place Bellecour. Lyon is one of the largest cities of France. It has many great landmarks, like this historical square, a focal point of the city. Number four: St. Jean Cathedral, an impressive Roman Catholic cathedral that was built between the 12th and 15th century. The inside hosts a unique astronomical clock. Number three: rivers. There are two rivers running through Lyon, offering opportunities for nice city views, river cruises, scenic walks, and outdoor activities. Number two: local architecture. Take time to walk through the streets of Lyon. You will find the city full of colorf...
Subscribe Now: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TravelAndDiscover1 ------------------------------------------------ Avignon is a French commune in southeastern France in the department of the Vaucluse bordered by the left bank of the Rhône river. Of the 90,194 inhabitants of the city (as of 2011), about 12,000 live in the ancient town centre surrounded by its medieval ramparts. Between 1309 and 1377 during the Avignon Papacy, seven successive popes resided in Avignon. The town was sold to the papacy by Countess Jeanne of Provence in 1348. Papal control persisted until 1791 when during the French Revolution it became part of France. The town is now the capital of the Vaucluse department and one of the few French cities to have preserved its ramparts. The historic centre,...
More info about travel to Côtes du Rhône: https://www.ricksteves.com/europe/france/cotes-du-rhone The sunny Côtes du Rhône region of France has tempted travelers with its wines practically since it was settled in 600 B.C. by the Greeks. Today, family-run wineries offer an enticing selection of wines that are delightful on your palate, yet easy on your pocketbook. At http://www.ricksteves.com, you'll find money-saving travel tips, small-group tours, guidebooks, TV shows, radio programs, podcasts, and more on this destination.
SHOP THESE BRANDS ↓↓↓ ➡ Rhone - http://fave.co/2tDJwSa + Use Code: RIZ10 for 10% Off ➡ Lululemon "We Made Too Much Sale" - http://fave.co/2tDK7Dx Lululemon vs. Rhone - Who Makes the Best Men's Activewear? We have been getting requests for awhile now to compare Rhone clothing and Lululemon clothing. In this video, Jeff walks you through what he likes about each brand, what he doesn't, etc. He really likes both Rhone shirts and Lululemon shirts but would probably choose Lululemon shorts over Rhone shorts if pressed. Now the downside with both these brands is price. However, you can sometimes find a Lululemon sale or in the Lululemon outlet which is also called the Lululemon we made too much sale. You can check above to see if they are currently running a sale. Regardless, both of...
http://ultramodern-home.ru Top Tourist Attractions in the French Alps - Travel Guide: Aix-les-Bains, Courchevel, Annecy, Chamonix, Cirque du Fer-à-Cheval, Evian-les-Bain, Grenoble, Megève, Portes du Soleil Ski Areas, Route du Galibier, Route Napoléon, Saint-Gervais-les-Bains, Val d'Isère,
Annecy is the largest city of Haute-Savoie department in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region in southeastern France. It is an alpine town, where the River Thiou meets Lac d’Annecy. It lies on the northern tip of Lake Annecy, 35 kilometers south of Geneva. It’s known for its Vieille Ville (old town), with cobbled streets, winding canals and pastel-colored houses. Overlooking the city, the medieval Château d’Annecy, once home to the counts of Geneva, contains a museum with regional artifacts such as Alpine furniture and religious art, plus a natural history exhibit. Nicknamed the "Pearl of French Alps" in Raoul Blanchard's monograph describing its location between lake and mountains, the city controls the northern entrance to the lake gorge. Switching from counts of Geneva’s dwelling in the 1...
Here is a little video I made when I visited Lyon, France, where my sister currently lives. Here are just a few highlights of this beautiful city! (Open for more details) Edit: the view on ''Vieux-Lyon'' is supposed to be St Irenee. Music: Hemisphere by Paradis La Ballade de Jim by Paradis Camera: Nikon Coolpix S9900 Instagram: @jesuisrosalie
Arles is the oldest city in France, Provence the Roman persecution , is one of the most beautiful cities in France on River Rhone.
Top 10 Reasons to Visit Lyon, France from Travel Therapy. Like this? Watch the latest episode of Travel Therapy on Blip! http://blip.tv/traveltherapy/watch If youapos;re looking for a top European destination to visit where you have history, culture, award-winning restaurants, hotels and spas, youapos;ll want to check out the French city of Lyon, the capital of the Rhone Alpes region. Lyon is now only an affordable French destination with an amazing culinary scene but itapos;s a city that has both a new hip and chic section and an old historic district so you can explore and discover so many unique things. Stay tuned for more TRAVEL THERAPY trip ideas in the new weekly TRAVEL THERAPY TV Online series where Emmy award-winning TV host correspondent Karen Schaler travels around the world ...
Balade à Tournon Dans la vallée du Rhône, Tournon-sur-Rhône est une ville au patrimoine particulièrement bien conservé. La cité ardéchoise fait face à Tain l’Hermitage, dans la Drôme : les deux villes sont séparées par le plus vieux pont suspendu de France, au-dessus du Rhône. A Tournon, on trouve une statue emblématique de la Vierge, haute de 6 mètres, qui domine la ville et semble la protéger. Et derrière les façades, parfois simples, des ruelles, se trouvent de nombreuses surprises : des cours à la vénitienne, des jardins suspendus … Le patrimoine tient une place importante à Tournon, et les habitants se mobilisent : une association se bat pour protéger depuis 12 ans l’un des plus vieux lycées de France, dont l’histoire est étroitement liée à Stéphane Mallarmé, qui y était professeur d...
Provence is a geographical region and historical province of southeastern France, which extends from the left bank of the lower Rhône River to the west to the Italian border to the east, and is bordered by the Mediterranean Sea to the south. It largely corresponds with the modern administrative région of Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, and includes the départements of Var, Bouches-du-Rhône, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence and parts of Alpes-Maritimes and Vaucluse. The largest city of the region is Marseille.
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when will i learn to be alone
how can i learn to let go of you
everyone can see me
but i can't see myself
have you seen the key that
leads to me
'cause i need to find myself
i'm running out
i'm running out of time
to find myself
why do i suck at putting smiles on their faces
why am i only funny to myself
how come no one understands what i say
but i thought i didn't know myself
i hate everyone
only on certain days
i think you're all
annoyed by me
so i'll leave, and find myself