Rebecca has landed at Dublin. This is the federal facility where she will serve out her sentence. Please take a moment to send her a note to let her know you're thinking of her. You can send her cards or letters to:

Rebecca Rubin #98290-011
FCI Dublin
Federal Correctional Institution
5701 8th Street - Camp Parks
Dublin, CA 94568



(from Family and Friends of Daniel McGowan)

Just a quick note to let everyone know, Daniel is no longer being held at MDC Brooklyn! This afternoon, the Bureau of Prisons released him back to the halfway house, as they had made a serious error.

The Center for Constitutional Rights issued a statement today which read: "Daniel McGowan has been released from the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn where he was taken into custody yesterday and is back at the halfway house where he has been residing since his release from prison in December. Yesterday, Daniel was given an "incident report" indicating that his Huffington Post blog post, “Court Documents Prove I Was Sent to Communication Management Units (CMU) for My Political Speech," violated a BOP regulation prohibiting inmates from "publishing under a byline." The BOP regulation in question was declared unconstitutional by a federal court in 2007, and eliminated by the BOP in 2010. After we brought this to the BOP's attention, the incident report was expunged."

The Huffington Post published an updated article with this and other information. Go here to read:

Read CCR's full press release here:

Thank you for your continued support and any letters you may have sent yesterday or today.
Daniel is very appreciative of all your love and support.



Daniel McGowan was taken into custody the morning of April 4th. Details are still forthcoming, but for recent updates on the situation, check the links below. Please consider writing Daniel a letter to let him know that folks out here are thinking of him! You can write Daniel at:

Daniel McGowan #63794-053
MDC Brooklyn
Post Office Box 329002
Brooklyn, New York 11232

Huffington Post Article
Denver ABC
Green is the New Red



(updated 2/14/2013 - Rebecca was recently moved a different facility in Portland. Her new address is below.)

Here is Rebecca's new address:

Rebecca Rubin 770288, 8A20
11540 NE Inverness Dr.
Portland, OR 97220

Please remember that all mail is read by the authorities. For helpful information on how to write a letter, please go here.



It appears that Rebecca Rubin is being transferred from SeaTac. We will post her new address here once it becomes available.


(from Marie's Support Crew)

Mason's 51st birthday is coming up on January 26, 2013. We are asking that folks hold events for Marie around her birthday as part of what will be an annual time to celebrate her life and keep her spirits up while she remains imprisoned.

We know that the mid-winter holidays are a busy time for everyone, but they are a sad time for the prisoners who remain inside - and everyone wants some cheer on their birthday! So we hope that folks can find time to plan a small event for Marie, such as a letter-writing or birthday party. (If time permits, we recommend that you might want to hold letter writings a week or more earlier so the cards can reach her before the 26th.)

Some people are confused about Marie's mail situation. It is true that she can only send letters to a pre-approved list of 100 people. However, she can receive letters from anyone and so she will be able to receive all these birthday wishes. (Please be sure that the sender's first and last name are on the envelope, that letters are all in English - she can receive letters in other languages but will be delayed - and that cards do not have glitter or other things added to them.)

Last, if you are planning a public event for her birthday, please tell us and we'll include the information on the website.

Support Marie



Rebecca is currently at SeaTac in Seattle. If mainstream media articles are accurate, she will eventually be moved to Oregon for court proceedings. We do not know when this will happen, but in the mean time you can write her at;

Rebecca Rubin #98290-011
FDC SeaTac
Federal Detention Center
P.O. BOX 13900
Seattle, WA 98198

Please remember that all mail is read by the authorities. Do not talk to Rebecca about the charges against her or her case. Prisoners can and often are punished for things that other people say in correspondence. Please be conscientous when writing!



(from ELP)

Dear friends,

News is coming in that the Canadian environmentalist Rebecca Rubin has handed herself into the American police. Rebecca is accused of involvement in a conspiracy that saw multiple ELF & ALF
arsons between 1996 and 2001. The charges against Rebecca include an arson in 1997 against the U.S. Bureau of Land Management Wild Horse and Burro Facility in Harney county near Burns and in a 1998 attempted arson at the offices of the U.S. Forest Industries, Inc., in Medford. Rebecca is also accused of involvement in a 1998 arson attack that destroyed the Two Elk Lodge and other buildings at the Vail ski resort in Eagle County, Colorado. Here is a mainstream media article about Rebecca:

At the moment we do not have an address for Rebecca, but if anyone knows where she
might be held please contact ELP as soon as possible.

Earth Liberation Prisoners
Support Network


(from the CLDC)

Daniel McGowan is supposed to be released on 12/11! We are nearing that date, and he needs some financial support upon returning home. If you are interested in supporting him financially, please mail a
check made out to "Jenny Synan" to:

Civil Liberties Defense Center
259 East 5th Avenue, Suite 300 A
Eugene OR 97401

In addition, if you would be willing to plan a benefit to raise money for his release, please take the initiative and do so! If you are unable to get something together before 12/11, that's fine, but it would be nice to have a bunch of money for him upon his release. For more info on Daniel, visit his website at:


(from Eric's support crew)

Dear friends,

Eric's 35th birthday is on October 7th! Please take a minute to send him a card or a letter. Let's make sure he knows he is still present here with us every day (but maybe especially so on his birthday...).

You can write to Eric at:

Eric McDavid 16209-097
FCI Terminal Island
Federal Correctional Institution
PO Box 3007
San Pedro, CA 90731

If you would like more information on how to write Eric, please visit:

Thank you all for your continued support!




(The following comments are based on notes from those who attended the hearing in Indianapolis. Thanks to them for their help!)

Daniel Kruk appeared in federal court in Indianapolis on Thursday, July 19, to offer a guilty plea and for sentencing. At this hearing, it was disclosed that Kruk has been cooperating with the feds since 2009. When referencing his cooperation, the judge claimed Kruk had been "proactive." His lawyer said he was the most truthful client she had ever worked with and that he told her the complete truth about everything during their first meeting. It also became clear that there was at least one co-conspirator whose identity has not been made public. It is possible that either the statute of limitations expired on their alleged crimes before the feds were able to indict, or it is possible that they are also cooperating and that is why the documents in Kruk's case remain sealed (including his plea agreement).

According to the prosecution in Kruk's case, David Agranoff began "negotiating with the state on various issues" in 2009.

Motions to unseal documents and motions filed by the defense in Kruk's case were denied by the judge at the hearing on the 19th. This could indicate that other individuals who have not been indicted are named in these documents. It could also mean that there is information in those documents about informants who may or may not be known to the public.

Michael Fries, an IMPD officer who works with the FBI and JTTF, testified that Kruk was instructed by David Agranoff to carry out the action charged in the indictment. He also claimed that the action was supposed to create a distraction from the actions of Marie Mason, Frank Ambrose and David Agranoff.

The prosecutor in Kruk's case claimed that 43 of the 57 acts of "terrorism" in the US from 2000-2005 were carried out by the ELF/ALF. She claimed that these actions caused over $50 million in damages. Like agent Fries, the prosecutor went on to state that Kruk's actions were intended to cover up actions of ELF "leaders" in Bloomington.

Kruk was facing a sentence of up to 5 years and a fine of up to $150,000 in restitution. Because of his cooperation he received 4 years of probation (no jail time), 2 years of community service (one 8-hour day a month), and a $5000 fine.

Anyone who has had contact with Kruk or Agranoff, or who has particpated in actions with them should know that their comments/activities are quite possibly known by the feds.

Be safe! Support non-cooperating defendants!

For the wild,



Briana Waters was sentenced on Friday, June 22,2012, to 48 months in prison. Waters was originally convicted and sentenced to 6 years in prison after a trial (in 2008) during which she maintained her innocence. She won an appeal to the 9th Circuit in 2010 and was granted a new trial. Rather than carry through with trial, Waters accepted a plea bargain in June 2011 which required her full cooperation with the government. This included testifying against her former partner, Justin Solondz, who had recently been arrested in China and was awaiting extradition to the US, as well as (as her sentencing memorandum pointed out) "others who are still fugitives." Since Waters was in prison for about 3 years before winning her appeal and getting released, she will likely be in less than a year (and then will be sent to a halfway house).

In the government's recently filed sentencing memorandum, they wrote, "Because the Government believed it required Waters’ cooperation in order successfully to prosecute Solondz (who was scheduled to be returned from China in time for Waters’ retrial), the Government had to offer Waters something less than six year’s imprisonment." Without Waters' cooperation, it is unclear what Justin's fate might have been. In December 2011, Justin signed a non-cooperating plea agreement and was sentenced to 7 years in a federal prison. He is currently serving his time at FCI Loretto in Pennsylvania (see below).

Waters was seeking a recommendation from the court that she be sent directly to a halfway house to reduce the amount of separation from her daughter. The government argued against this in their filings, and the court instead recommended that Waters be sent to FCI Dublin, outside of Oakland, CA.

As is often the case in plea agreements such as hers, the extent of Waters' cooperation is unknown. What we do know is that her plea agreement specified that her cooperation could continue even after she has been sentenced - to not cooperate at any time would be a breach of the agreement.

We also know that the government filed at least one document under seal during the sentencing process. In a motion to seal the "Government's Filing Concerning Defendant's Sentencing" the government wrote, "This motion is made on the ground that disclosure of the information in that filing could result in a threat to the safety of a person or persons." These "person or persons" are, presumably, people who are cooperating with the government and informing on others. This could be Briana or any of the other cooperating Green Scare defendants - or it could be people who are as of right now unnamed.

As always, be safe! Don't talk to the cops! And support non-cooperating defendants!



After being extradited from China and convicted of Earth Liberation Front actions in the United States, Green Scare target Justin Solondz has been transferred to a prison in western Pennsylvania. This puts him much closer to his parents than when he was imprisoned at FDC SeaTac. Please let
Justin know you're thinking about him by sending a card or letter to:

Justin Solondz #98291-011
FCI Loretto
Post Office Box 1000
Loretto, Pennsylvania 15940



Here is a link to an article, including a statement from one individual who received a subpoena. It seems likely that other subpoenas have been/will be issued. Remember: don't talk to the cops. You are not required to, and you shouldn't. And support grand jury resisters! People who stand strong in the face of repression deserve our support. Stay tuned – we will post more info as it becomes available.


Sadie and Exile have both been released from prison and are now at halfway houses. This is great news! Please stay tuned as we will post more info as it becomes available – including addresses for letters and other ways you can support Sadie and Exile. Remember – support doesn't end when someone is released from prison. We must ensure our friends and comrades have all they need as they begin this next phase. Please come back soon to find out more about ways you can help. And welcome home, Sadie and Exile!


On April 9th, 2012, Frank Ambrose was resentenced to 70 months in prison. This is a significant reduction in his sentence, which was originally 108 months. Ambrose's projected release date is now December 2013. This reduction in sentence is NOT the result of an appeal. Rather, the reason for this unusual reduction in sentence midstream is Ambrose's continued "substantial assistance" to the government in "investigating or prosecuting another person." While we don't have any documented evidence of exactly who Ambrose has been snitching on, we do know the context in which his resentencing has occurred.

In December 2009, the government filed – then immediately sealed – an indictment against Jesse Waters for his alleged involvement in an arson of logging equipment in Mesick, MI in January 2000. This is one of the two actions to which Marie Mason eventually ended up pleading guilty. Frank Ambrose also admitted his involvement in this action. In the government's motion to unseal the indictment against Waters in March 2011, they stated: "one of the Government’s anticipated witnesses was actively assisting the FBI as a cooperating human source (CHS) in its conduct of another arson investigations [sic] in numerous other Federal judicial districts. In order to avoid compromising the identity of that CHS before his or her investigative utility was exhausted., the Government sought and obtained an Order sealing the case for an indefinite duration." They were unsealing the indictment because the CHS was scheduled to testify in another trial in the Southern District of Indiana on May 23, 2011, effectively outing them as an informant. Daniel Kruk's trial was originally set for this day in the Southern District of Indiana. It would seem that the same informant was operating in both of these cases.

On March 27, Daniel Kruk (who has been indicted for his alleged involvement in an arson at the Republican National Headquarters in Bloomington, IN in 2000) filed a Motion to Compel Production of Brady Materials. The following day, March 28, the government filed an Emergency Motion to Seal Kruk's Brady motion. At that point in time, Kruk's motion was removed from the docket. We don't know exactly what was contained in those documents. What we do know is that the government's motion to seal reads: "The above referenced pleadings should be sealed as they contain law enforcement sensitive materials, pleadings that were filed under seal and that remain under seal, and other materials for which there is a law enforcement need to remain confidential." In Kruk's response to the government's motion to seal, his lawyer wrote: "Defendant is completely unable to ascertain what information in his motion and brief constitutes sensitive material. For example, the documents related to Agranoff attached as exhibits can now be located on the internet. See The U.S. Bureau of Prisons website advises that Agranoff is a federal inmate residing at a low security facility in Arkansas. Agranoff even maintains a blog site."

On April 12, the court ruled on these motions, granting the government's motion to seal. The court also stated that Kruk has indicated he will be changing his plea. The order read, in part: “Accordingly, the Government’s Motion for Protective Order [Dkt. Nos. 43 & 20] is GRANTED and Defendant’s Motion to Compel [Dkt. Nos. 45 & 22] is DENIED, except that the Court will permit counsel for Defendant Kruk along with their client to review, but not to have possession of or make copies of: (1) the transcript of the sentencing hearing for Defendant David Agranoff conducted on January 13, 2012, before the Honorable Tanya Walton Pratt; (2) Agranoff’s plea agreement [Dkt. Nos. 44-3 & 21-3]; and (3) the Agranoff pre-sentence investigation report [Dkt. Nos. 44-6 & 21-6], in order to fully prepare for the upcoming change of plea and sentencing hearing scheduled for Mr. Kruk, on the chance that said materials may prove relevant to rebut or distinguish the appropriateness of a sentencing enhancement sought by the Government.” The fact that Agranoff's paperwork is referenced so consistently in Kruk's motions is troubling.

It seems that there is clearly a connection between the cases of Agranoff and Kruk. We also know that there are two case numbers listed on Kruk's court documents. One of them is the case resulting from Kruk's alleged involvement in an arson at the Republican Party Headquarters in Bloomington, IN in 2000. The other case, however, does not come up in any searches of court documents. This might indicate that the case has been sealed.

The court in Agranoff's case has also taken the unusual step of removing almost all the documents from his docket including the indictment and the plea agreement. They recently sealed the sentencing transcripts as well.

We don't know who else might be involved in these cases or if there are people who have yet to be indicted. What we do know is that Agranoff and Ambrose have cooperated with the state in ways that are still unknown and may be continuing to cooperate with the state. There very well may be further indictments coming down the line and there also might be indictments already filed that have yet to be unsealed.

Stay safe. Be smart. If old friends come around asking questions about past actions, politely decline to engage in those conversations. And don't talk to the cops.

In solidarity,



(from Daniel's Support Crew)

Dear Friends and Supporters,

In a nice change of pace from the usual tenor of our communications, we are happy to report some really good news: Daniel McGowan’s stay in the CMU is coming to an end! Despite many punitive measures over the course of the years, Daniel has maintained a sterling record in prison and has accrued enough “good time” to take 1 year off his 7-year sentence. What is even more exciting is that he has qualified to serve the last 6-months of this time in a halfway house in Brooklyn, beginning in December 2012! After so many years, and so much antagonism from Federal authorities, we are overjoyed to welcome Daniel back home, where he belongs.

The support you all have shown over these past 5 years has helped Daniel get through what are undoubtedly the hardest years of his life. Now that he is on the verge of rejoining us, and never looking back upon these dark times, the focus of support for the Family and Friends of Daniel McGowan is in assisting him in his re-entry and securing him meaningful employment. Not only is finding a job an important condition of Daniel’s being in the half-way house — in addition to his supervised release once he is done with his sentence — but it is also extremely important to Daniel himself, who joins thousands of other ex-prisoners who struggle to find employment because of their prior records.

Lots of people are looking for work these days, and it’s a daunting task for anyone. However, while Daniel is as highly-motivated and hard-working as many others seeking employment, it is obvious that he faces serious hurdles in getting a job because of his conviction. Daniel is a warm, intelligent, passionate, and dedicated person and he would love to find employment at a place that is doing work he cares about and finds meaningful. Over the years many of you have asked how you can help — helping Daniel find such a job would be the most important thing you could ever do for him.

In addition to having a Bachelor’s degree, Daniel completed a paralegal course as well as every continuing education and vocational course available (over 25!) while in prison despite limited opportunities for education, as well as frequent moves. He is extremely driven and has a broad skill-set that he is looking to utilize at a NYC-based, non-profit organization. Much of Daniel’s career experience from 1997 onward is within the non-profit world he has ample experience in development/fundraising, communication and IT positions. He has a particular interest in working as a paralegal for civil liberties organizations but would welcome and appreciate work in any of these fields/areas:

*Civil liberties/Free speech
*Social justice
*Prison reform
*Food justice/security
*Urban agriculture
*Reproductive rights
*LGBT issues
*Climate change
*Harm reduction/Drug policy
*Prisoner re-entry
* “Green-collar”
*Alternative energy
*Sustainable transport
*Environmental justice
*Domestic violence

If you work for a NYC-based non-profit, have a close friend, partner or contact at one, or have a specific organization in mind that might be open to hiring Daniel, we’d love to hear from you!

All emails can be directed to Please put “jobs” in the subject line.

His resume will be made available upon request.

Thanks and please spread the word!!



(from Eric's support crew)

Dear friends,

We wanted to let you know that a beautiful new zine of writings by Eric is now available from the good folks at Because We Must. You can order it online here:

All of the proceeds from the zine will go to Eric's support fund.

A HUGE special thanks to the person who compiled the zine and put together the artwork. You know who you are... We think you're awesome.

The zine will also be available at all of the Never Alone Tour stops. For a complete schedule and updates, visit:

We hope to see you all there!




On Friday, March 16, Justin Solondz was sentenced to 7 years in a federal prison with three years supervised release. The terrorism enhancement was applied. This was the sentence that both the defense and the government were recommending. The defendant's side of the courtroom was full of family and friends who were there to show their support for Justin. Thanks to everyone who came out to support Justin and his family during this difficult time.

While the judge in Justin's case has made a recommendation for Justin to be moved to a facility out east to be closer to his family, there is no guarantee that this will happen. The coming weeks could be difficult for Justin and his loved ones as they wait for him to be moved. Please send Justin a note of support and let him know you're thinking of him. Letters can be sent to:

Justin Solondz #98291-011
Federal Detention Center
PO Box 13900
Seattle, WA 98198

Please remember that all correspondence is read by the authorities. For some guidelines on writing prisoners, visit:

Please stay tuned for more information. As soon as Justin is moved we will post his new contact info.



After a long period of inactivity, 10 sealed documents have recently been filed on Frank Ambrose's docket. On Dec 21, 2 motions from the AUSA, on Dec 22 an order, on Jan 12 an AUSA motion, on Jan 12 an AUSA document, and on Jan 17 an order. Then, on March 2, a sealed motion and 2 sealed documents; and on March 5th a sealed order. Frank Ambrose is an activist turned informant who provided the government with information against Marie Mason and others.

These sudden secret filings on the docket of a confirmed informant are cause for concern, though it is unclear what to make of it. What is disturbing is that this is occurring in the context of continuing prosecutions in the Midwest. The most recent of these was against David Agranoff, who agreed “to cooperate by attempting to provide substantial assistance to the government.”

Agranoff’s plea agreement, indictment and other documents have been removed from his docket.

Additionally, it is still unknown who the informant is in the cases of Daniel Kruk (Indiana) and Jesse Waters (Michigan) - although it appears from the legal documents in those cases that the informant is not Frank (or at least he is not the only one). The court documents also seem to indicate that the informant in those cases is male and was involved in actions that took place in Michigan and Indiana in 2000 (although there might be more). Jesse Waters was recently sentenced and Daniel Kruk’s case
has not been settled.

We will post more information as it becomes available.



On December 20th, Justin Solondz plead guilty to one count of conspiracy and one count of arson in the Western District of Washington. These charges stem from an arson at the University of Washington in 2001. The charges could carry as much as 25 years in prison (if served consecutively). The prosecution has indicated they will ask for 7 years, but sentencing is at the sole discretion of the judge.

There is no cooperation clause in Justin's plea agreement and the only people he names are people who are already cooperating with the state or who are deceased. A copy of the plea agreement can be found here.

Justin's sentencing is currently set for March 16, 2012.

Justin is facing many years in prison and could use everyone's support. Please consider sending him a letter with words of support and encouragement. For information on how to write Justin, please go here.


(reposted from Jordan's Support Committee)

Dear friends,

We sincerely regret to inform that Jordan Halliday lost his appeal this morning. We have attached the 10th circuits ruling below.

It is crucial that we show solidarity and support for Jordan in everyway we can. We are calling for solidarity actions from January 21st - 28th, 2012 to show support for Jordan Halliday and grand jury resistance.

During the summer of 2008, the FBI approached Jordan at his place of employment; he refused to answer their questions and told them to leave. They warned him that they would return with a subpoena to testify before a grand jury and six months later they followed through with their threats. They subpoenaed both Jordan, and another ‘activist’ Nikki Sanford (Viehl) who chose to testify. Jordan, however, chose to resist the grand jury in protest due to its abusive and archaic nature.

In March 2009, Jordan appeared before federal grand jury investigating a series of underground animal liberation activities in Utah. He asserted his 5th Amendment right against self-incrimination. The court jailed Jordan for nearly 4 months under civil contempt of court in an effort to compel him to testify. The day after Jordan refused to testify, the grand jury indicted Alex Hall and William ‘BJ’ Viehl under the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act.

The week following his first grand jury appearance Jordan (still in jail) received a second subpoena, which he again refused. While in jail, Jordan also received letters of support from all over the world, made friends, and confidently reflected on his decision not to snitch.

Upon release the court charged Jordan with federal criminal contempt of court, to which he pleaded guilty in August 2010.

There are no sentencing guidelines for criminal contempt. However, the government decided to follow the guidelines of “obstruction of justice”, which has a 10-16 month sentence range. Fortunately, the court only sentenced Jordan to the low end of 10 months. However, Jordan and his attorney believed this was far too much, and appealed for a guideline range that more closely relates to his charge. They appealed to the 10th circuit court of appeals asking that the sentence be reevaluated under the guidelines for "failure to appear", which has a 0-6 month sentence range.

In November 2011, Jordan's attorney argued his case orally before the 10th circuit court of appeals in Denver, Colorado. The feeling of hostility and bias could be felt from the beginning and in an unusually fast ruling (it usually takes 3-6 months to rule), the 10th circuit denied Jordan's appeal exactly a month and a day after his oral argument in Denver.

It is ironic to note, that also today, baseball legend Barry Bonds received a 30-day house arrest sentence which will likely be reduced for perjury, while lying to a grand jury regarding steroid use in December 3, 2003. It’s unfortunate that Jordan, who didn’t lie, rather just simply refused to testify, isn’t a celebrity.

Jordan is the first dissident in more than two decades and only the third known in United States history to be charged with criminal contempt of court after already serving time for civil contempt, for the same act of recalcitrance.

Over the past 20 years many animal rights, environmentalists, anarchists and otherwise radical activists and communities have suffered subpoenas and coercive incarceration, but rarely for more than a few weeks. But at present we are experiencing an increase of pressure. Shortly after Jordan’s incarceration an Iowa grand jury subpoenaed Carrie Feldman and Scott Demuth, and held them in civil contempt for four months. Fortunately, neither Carrie nor Scott has been charged with criminal contempt.

Jordan’s case sets a crucial new precedence in terms of grand jury resistance. While friends and family converge to show support and solidarity for Jordan in this time of great sadness, we are calling out for an eruption of many more moments, for acts of recalcitrance anywhere and everywhere, for actions that show solidarity with Jordan Halliday and grand jury resistance. We are asking that support and solidarity begin immediately. But we will also be focusing on and asking for massive global solidarity actions from January 21st-28th, 2012.

We are expecting Jordan to begin serving "mid-february 2012".

For More information Visit:

You can also visit his support page via tumblr:

Donations can be sent to:
Jordan Halliday
West Jordan, Utah 84081

or via paypal:

-Support Jordan Committee

Copy of 10th Circuit Decision:


Hey friends,

I know it seems like forever ago that Jordan Halliday was first called to a Grand Jury which he resisted. In a way it was forever ago, he was first approached by the FBI in 2008 regarding local mink farm raids in Utah. He refused to cooperate with the FBI and was told he would face a subpoena to testify in front of a grand jury. Six months later the FBI followed through, Subpoenaing both Jordan and another 'activist' who chose to testify. Jordan however chose to resist the grand jury in protest due to its abusive and archaic nature.

Grand juries are called when the government lacks evidence to indict an individual for a crime. Witnesses are subpoenaed to testify before the grand jury in hopes of providing evidence to the prosecution. Little is known about these secretive proceedings, because all information is considered sealed and classified. A witness that is called before a grand jury is not allowed to have a lawyer present with them in the grand jury room.

In recent years activists have seen an increase in subpoenas to grand juries. These subpoenas are often used to harass and intimidate legal above-ground activists, like Jordan feels is the case, in his situation. The prosecutor can ask any question and if you refuse to answer or if you lie, you could be held in contempt of court or perjury. With no lawyer present for the witnesses, prosecutors can often ask for information not relevant to a crime in hopes to harass, intimidate or 'fish' for information, in a secretive manner which many consider a modern day witch hunt. Jordan said he was mainly asked information about his friends, family, and general life and refused to answer any of them.

Jordan refused to answer any of the questions he was asked, the 3 times he was subpoenaed. He was incarcerated after his second appearance for "civil contempt of court". He eventually was granted immunity. Yet still refused to cooperate and stayed in jail until the term of the grand jury expired 4 months later. Upon release he was indicted with "criminal contempt of court", and was released on pre-trial pending trial, eventually he took a non-cooperating plea deal, and was sentenced to 10 months plus 3 years probation under the guidelines low-end range for "obstruction of justice", which has a 10-16 months recommended range. He was ordered to report to the federal custody early January, 2011. Although he was able to stay out on a release pending his appeal, just days before he was due to present himself.

Jordan and his lawyer filed an appeal arguing that a guideline range for "failure to appear" which has a 0-6 month recommended range, was more fitting for Jordan, who still to this day claims he has no knowledge of any illegal underground activity or actions. In fact the individuals Jordan was allegedly called in to testify against, have both already been indicted, convicted, sentenced and have served their time already, without the help of a testimony by Jordan.

On November 15th, 2011, Jordan's attorney argued their final arguments before the court of appeals in Denver, Colorado. Jordan says he felt a bias and hostility from the beginning and although his lawyer did an excellent job, felt the judges already had their minds made up. Jordan's lawyer also said he wasn't very optimistic about the outcome. It typically takes 3-6 months before a ruling comes back.

Although we remain optimistic that Jordan might still win his appeal and get the low-end sentence of 0 months, we are also confronting the reality that he is more likely going back, than staying out. With the possibility of prison coming soon for Jordan. We have decided to start accepting donations again. Currently he is now only around $350 in legal debt, although we will continue collecting donations in case of incarceration. If Jordan wins his appeal and doesn't end of having to serve any additional time, we will be distributing the remaining donations to other political prisoners and activists in need.

You can donate by PayPal by visiting "", or you can send a donation or letter of support to:

Jordan Halliday
PO BOX 601
West Jordan, Utah 84084

This is an important case for the future of all activists, radicals and dissidents. If his appeal is not heard, he will be going back to prison for an additional 10 months, this is on top of the 4 he already served. With a total of 14 months and 3 years probation, he will be serving more time than the individuals he was called to testify against, who were convicted under the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act. Jordan is also the first dissident in decades and only the 3rd known case to be convicted of "criminal contempt of court" after already serving time for "civil contempt of court".

Jordan needs our support now more than ever. Let him know he hasn't been forgotten in this long period of legal battles.

We are all proud of Jordan. Please re-post this to as many places as you can. He needs our support.

-Jordan's Support Committee

-Animal Defense League of Salt Lake City


Kellie Marshall and Victor Van Orden were arrested on October 10 and charged with second-degree criminal mischief, carrying a weapon, possession of burglar tools and second-degree attempted burglary at a mink farm in Iowa. Some property damage was reported and some animals were set free. Both are being held at the Woodbury County Jail. We will release more info as it becomes available.

You can write to them at:

Kellie Marshall
Woodbury County Jail
PO Box 3083
Sioux City, Iowa 51102

Victor Vandoren
Woodbury County Jail
PO Box 3083
Sioux City, Iowa 51102

Please remember that all mail WILL be read by the authorities. Use discretion when writing.


On September 26, Jesse Waters plead guilty to a single count of "Misprision of Felony" (having knowledge of the commission of a felony and taking action to conceal it). This was in connection to the arson at MSU for which Marie Mason is currently serving a 22 year sentence. In exchange for the plea, the US Attorney's Office agreed to dismiss the original indictment at the time of Jesse's sentencing. The original indictment alleged that Jesse was involved in an arson that resulted in the destruction of logging equipment near Mesick, Michigan in January of 2000. The charge that Jesse has now plead guilty to carries a maximum sentence of 3 years in prison. There is NO indication from Jesse's plea agreement that he is cooperating with the state or implicating anyone else in the alleged actions.

On August 29th, prior to the plea agreement, Jesse and his lawyer filed a motion to dismiss the charges against him on the grounds that the statute of limitations had expired. The charges originally filed against Jesse were for an action that occurred in January 2000 - the indictment was not issued until December 2009 - exactly two days before the 10-year statute of limitations was set to expire. The government also immediately filed a motion to seal the indictment (which was granted) and only moved to unseal it almost 15 months later. The government's stated reason for unsealing the indictment (which was different than their stated reason to seal the indictment) was that: "one of the Government’s anticipated witnesses was actively assisting the FBI as a cooperating human source (CHS) in its conduct of
another arson investigations [sic] in numerous other Federal judicial districts. In order to avoid compromising the identity of that CHS before his or her investigative utility was exhausted., the Government sought and obtained an Order sealing the case for an indefinite duration." (This CHS is also involved in the indictment leveled against Daniel Kruk out of Indiana.) In signing the plea, Jesse waived his motion to dismiss based on the expiration of the statute of limitations.

Jesse's sentencing is currently set for January 29, 2012. Please stay tuned for more information.



Eric's 34th birthday is October 7th. Please take a minute and send him a note of support. This is Eric's 6th birthday behind bars - it's important for him to know that he is not forgotten, and will not be forgotten no matter how long he is imprisoned.

You can write to Eric at:

Eric McDavid 16209-097
FCI Victorville, Medium II
Federal Correctional Institution
PO Box 5300
Adelanto, CA 92301

Remember, all mail is read by the authorities. For more information on Eric and his case, please visit:



Tim has arrived at the FCI in Herlong, CA. This is where he will more than likely remain for the duration of his 2-year sentence. Take a few minutes and send Tim a note of support. You can write to him at:

Tim DeChristopher #16156-081
FCI Herlong, Satellite Camp
Federal Correctional Institution
PO Box 800
Herlong, CA 96113

For more information on Tim and his case, please visit:



(from the Support Marie Mason crew)

The Fifth Estate, an anarchist magazine printing since 1965, is offering subscriptions to the publication at its normal price of $14 for four issues with $8 of that donated to Marie's support committee. Marie worked with the FE staff in Detroit for years and many of her articles and poems have appeared in our pages. The Fifth Estate continues to be the major source in print for information about Marie's situation and the struggle to bring about justice in her case.

If you would like to take advantage of this offer, go to where PayPal is available. Please indicate you are taking advantage of this offer. Or, send a remittance to Fifth Estate, POB 201016, Ferndale MI 48220. Our latest issue is just about to be published with the theme of Anarchist Fiction. The following one will be on Revolution. The new one has a two-page report on the June 11 International Day of Support for Eric McDavid and Marie Mason.


Justin is currently being held at SeaTac - the federal detention center in Seattle, WA. The charges against him could carry a sentence of life in prison. Please take a minute to write Justin a note of encouragement and support. REMEMBER - all mail to and from prisoners will be read by the authorities. Justin is pre-trial and all communications with him will be heavily monitored and combed for anything that could be misconstrued by the authorities and used against him. And mail - even unsolicited - can always result in sanctions against prisoners. Please keep this in mind when writing Justin. Do not discuss his case, the charges against him, or media related to it. For more information on how to write prisoners, click here. We have been told that Justin enjoys hearing about how people are doing, including good news he can join in celebrating! No doubt he also like hearing about travel experiences and meaty conversation around a great book you might be enjoying. Justin has been moved from the SHU to general population. He is currently unable to receive visits from anyone other than immediate family. Books sent to Justin can (we believe) be used but should have no markings and must be sent from a publisher or distributor. He would especially like books on philosophy, screen-writing and good sci-fi.

Justin's address is:

Justin Solondz 98291-011
FDC SeaTac
Federal Detention Center
P.O. Box 13900
Seattle, WA 98198


Today, August 3rd, Kevin Kjonaas was released to a halfway house in Minneapolis after spending almost 6 years in a federal prison. Kevin is the last of the SHAC 6 to be released from prison. For more information about the SHAC case, please visit:

If you would like to write Kevin while he is in the halfway house, his new address is:

Kevin Kjonaas
2825 E. Lake Street
Minneapolis, MN 55406

Welcome home, Kevin!


Justin Solondz plead not guilty to several federal charges in Tacoma, WA on Wednesday, July 27. The charges against Justin allege that he was involved in an arson at the University of Washington's Center for Urban Horticulture in 2001. Some of the charges Justin is currently facing could result in a life sentence. Please stay tuned for more information on Justin and how you can help.


Today (July 26) Tim DeChristopher was sentenced to 2 years in prison and fined $10,000 for bidding on 22,000 acres at a government auction of energy leases in Utah in an attempt to prevent the land from being destroyed. He was immediately taken into custody. Please stay tuned for more details. For more information on Tim, please visit:


According to various news sources, Justin Solondz is back in the states and in federal custody. More than likely he will soon be extradited to Washington state where he is facing arson and conspiracy charges in relation to an action in 2001 at the University of Washington. Justin's arrival back in the states comes less than a month after Briana Waters signed a plea agreement requiring her full cooperation with the state (see below). This would include testifying against Justin at any future trial. Please check back soon for more information - we will post it as soon as it's available.


Briana Waters accepted a plea bargain today, June 14th, which requires her full and complete cooperation with the state. It reads, in part, “Defendant shall cooperate completely and truthfully with law enforcement authorities in the investigation and prosecution of other individuals involved in criminal activity. Such cooperation shall include, but not be limited to, complete and truthful statements to law enforcement officers, as well as complete and truthful testimony if called as a witness before a grand jury, or at any state or federal trial, retrial, or other judicial proceedings. Defendant acknowledges that this obligation to cooperate shall continue after Defendant has entered guilty pleas and sentence has been imposed...” The plea agreement later states, “Defendant agrees that Defendant's sentencing date may be delayed based on the United States' need for Defendant's continued cooperation...”

The “Statement of Facts” in the plea agreement implicates other people in the actions to which she is pleading guilty. This includes Justin Solondz (who is currently awaiting trial), Rebecca Rubin and Joseph Dibee (who have not been captured).

To read the full plea agreement, click here.


Both of these communications are available on the website,, as are a new radio interview about the day and the cases as well as an interview with Eric McDavid done by Jeff Luers. Thanks!

Dear Friends and Comrades,

As June 11th quickly approaches we wanted to share some thoughts with you about what this day means to us, and why we have felt it necessary to give it to all of you- to build and strengthen the work you do in your own communities, but also to weave us all together a little tighter and bring our bonds that much closer to unbreakable.

For that is partly why we find ourselves in this predicament to begin with, is it not?

Both Eric and Marie are in cages due in no small part to the fact that people they loved betrayed them--- and people that they thought were deeply committed to the same causes they were proved to be more interested in saving their own assess than in struggling for the earth and for liberation.

In organizing for June 11th, we are forced to remember why we do the work that we do in the first place. And why supporting each other can be such a powerful tool with which to attack the very systems and institutions we are struggling against.

Eric and Marie are locked away because they felt like they could no longer sit idly by while everything they loved was being destroyed. Their motivations were the same as ours when we do the work we do every day. And when we feel the people we love being torn from us, we know that searing pain in our chests will only be quelled by working against that which would tear us apart.

But this needs to be more than some well-intentioned, youthful rebellion. Marie and Eric know this. They are both spending 2 decades in prison. Marie will be in her 60s when she is released, and Eric well into his 40s. But they carry on from inside those walls---having sacrificed their freedom for resistance. A resistance free of spatial or temporal limits.

And if we are going to continue support them---we need to be just as committed. For the earth, for Eric and Marie, for each other. For ourselves. We need to be in this for the long-haul. And for longevity’s sake, we need to be rock solid in understanding why these struggles matter. Otherwise, when the shit hits the fan people’s priorities seem to suddenly shift in unacceptable directions.

If we are serious about liberation, we also need to be serious about how we deal with the consequences of fighting for it. Because repression is an inevitable part of any real, viable struggle. And prison is an inevitable part of repression. We will not let our friends disappear into the belly of the beast. They are an integral part of our movement---they were on the outside and they remain so on the inside. If we let their voices go unheard, we are complicit in their silencing. If we don’t include them in our strategizing, our process, the work we do---we are the ones who lose.

June 11th is for those who are forced to fight against this prison society in its most tangible manifestations. For people who are quite literally fighting for their lives and their liberation. The forms are probably eerily similar to what they experiences on the outside---but the content is horrifyingly more blunt and forceful.

What we ask from each of you is a commitment. A commitment to the work that you do. To the people that you love. To the movements of resistance. A commitment that is unwavering and timeless and indestructible. It is no small task. But it is the only thing that will see us through to the end. And to a new beginning…

Until all are free,

The Sacramento June 11th Crew


Statement from Jeff ‘Free’ Luers

Today is a sad day for me because I continue a legacy that started with me, but sadly does not end there. June 11th 2001 was the day I was sentenced to 22yrs and 8 months in prison. It is a day that both forever changed my life and the life of this struggle.

But, rather than collapse under the weight of the states repression we rose. It took time. It took years actually but in 2004, after 4 years in prison, my support group and I organized the first annual international day of solidarity with myself, Jeffrey Luers. It always feels weird to say that.

48 cities in a dozen countries spread across 4 continents held solidarity events and actions demanding my release. And those numbers held true the next and the year after that.

In 2006, the hammer really fell and what started with the arrests of Critter and me spread to radical communities across the nation. To this day the FBI is actively hunting down eco-saboteurs and activist both underground and above. We have numerous of our people in prison today: Marie Mason, Eric McDavid, Daniel McGowan, Nathan Exile Block, Joyanna Sadie Zacher, Grant Barnes, Michael Sykes, and Steve Murphy, with Briana Waters' fate still unknown.

This June 11th marks the first international day of Solidarity with Eric McDavid, Marie Mason, and all our long-term anarchist political prisoners. We are here to honor them, support them, remind them that they are not forgotten, and most importantly to demand their release.

June 11th is a reminder to us that though we spend our days outside of a prison many of our friends and allies spend theirs behind bars having sacrificed what little freedom they had to fight for something greater than themselves. We have a responsibility to them and to ourselves to struggle and fight until all are free.

I may no longer be imprisoned, but I cannot and will not rest until my friends are back home with their families and our struggle for Earth, Animal, and Human liberation is successful.

We must free our political prisoners and prisoners of war.



Briana Waters has a change of plea hearing scheduled for Tuesday, June 14th. No further details are available at this time. Please stay tuned for more info. To find out more about Briana and her case, please visit:



June 11th Reminder and Event Suggestions

May 27, 2011

The Day for Solidarity with Long-term Anarchist Prisoners is now two weeks away. June 11th is an open invitation to demonstrate support for Marie Mason and Eric McDavid, who are each serving 20 years. This date provides an opportunity to build links of affinity and solidarity towards the destruction of the prisons and prison-society. 

As anarchists, this occasion to support Marie and Eric has been exciting - it's a practical basis for solidarity, for linking together anti-repression and anti-prison struggles in many places. Currently there is a substantial list of June 11th events occurring across the US and internationally. And there are more to come! 

This occasion for solidarity—as an open invitation—can to be responded to however people want, according to their own ideas and contexts.  But many people have written asking for suggestions so we wanted to share a quick list of ideas for people who wish to plan events:

*Organize an info-night.  Prepare a presentation on these two cases, or about repression more generally and other examples of anarchists who have faced the state's wrath. Include a movie, such as in San Francisco, or a practical workshop on resisting grand juries and supporting prisoners, such as in Cincinnati.  We are happy to help prepare presentations and provide materials if desired.

*Throw a benefit party/show/pancake breakfast/barbeque/picnic, such as in New York City. Both Marie and Eric have serious ongoing legal and logistical costs even though they've already been convicted.  If you're facing repression locally and have fundraising needs, we'd invite you to still throw a benefit in conjunction with June 11, to make clear the practical links of solidarity against the state's conspiracy to wipe out resistance. (Please keep in mind, when organizing food events, that both Marie and Eric are vegan.)

Though Marie and Eric’s cases cannot be simplified to a lack of support, we understand that the state succeeded in imposing such long sentences on Marie and Eric in part because it was able to isolate them, both politically and socially. 

In the wake of these long-term sentences, support for Eric & Marie—and for other Green Scare and anarchist prisoners—has relied on the consistency and commitment of their respective families and support crews. 

To prevent further repression against them in prison and to break out of the current lull, we need to respond with an upsurge in both ongoing material support AND an end to the political isolation and invisibility experienced by anarchist prisoners.  As anarchists, we think there are many ways to improve their visibility that don't rely on the mass media,
but rather on organizing and face-to-face interactions in the street. 

“No one should be able to walk down any street . . . without seeing the prisoners' names written on the walls. And the songs that are sung about them must be heard by all.”

Thus, in particular we encourage people to:

*Organize microphone demos and other very public events.  A microphone demo means occupying a corner or a busy park, setting up banners and a sound system, and passing out materials about Marie and Eric and against repression.  Switching between music and reading statements over the microphone helps create a good atmosphere, but of course adapt it to your local resources and constraints.

*Put-up posters, and drop banners (only with permission, of course!).  Full-color posters were just printed that can be sent your way. Just ask!

*Operas, plays, ballet, like Redbird Prisoner Support in Colombus, OH! They are performing Dario Fo's Nobel Prize-winning "Accidental Death of an Anarchist." 

*Other, wholly-new and original plans that we'd be excited to promote and spread for June 11, 2012, and until every prisoner is free,

-Mid/east June 11 Crew

Expect two  more lead-up missives before June 11, including a longer strategy statement! 

Get organized, and get in touch with us if you need to!



(from the EF!PSP)

Marie has asked for a few, simple items:

1) information on what's going on with conservation efforts, education and protection - this kind of news is hard to come by in prison
2) reading material and book suggestions
3) books or internet articles on graphic layout and drawing instruction

For more information on Marie, including how to write to her or how to order new t-shirts, please visit:



Information about two indictments for actions that occurred in the Midwest over a decade ago have recently come to light.

The first is the indictment of Jesse Waters for an action that occurred in January 2000. The indictment, which was filed and sealed in 2009, alleges that Jesse did “knowingly conspire, confederate and agree with Marie Jeanette Mason, Frank Brian Ambrose, and other persons known to the Grand Jury, to maliciously damage and destroy, by means of fire, personal property used in interstate commerce and in an activity affecting interstate commerce, to wit, commercial lumbering equipment consisting of a “John Deere” brand Hydro-Ax Shear and a commercial flatbed trailer.” Marie Mason is currently serving a 20+ year sentence for this and other actions. In a motion (filed March 21, 2011 ) to unseal the original 2009 indictment, the government claims that they are only requesting the indictment be unsealed because a significant cooperating human source (CHS) in the case will be testifying in another trial. Since the source's identity will be revealed at this trial they feel it is no longer necessary to conceal it from the public, though the source is not named in the indictment.

The second indictment is that of Daniel Kruk, who is being charged with carrying out an arson at the headquarters of the Indiana Republican Party in Bloomington on or about September 9, 2000. The indictment mentions but does not name or charge another person “known to the Grand Jury.” This action was later claimed by the ELF as a direct response to I-69.

What links these two cases?

In the motion to unseal the indictment in the Waters case, the government claims that their cooperating human source (CHS) will be testifying at trial in a Southern Indiana case on May 23, 2011 – effectively ending their career as an informant (which is why the Waters indictment has been unsealed). Daniel Kruk's case is set for trial on that day in the southern district of Indiana.

It would seem that the same informant was used in both of these cases. At the time the Waters indictment was originally filed, the CHS was actively assisting the government in other arson investigations in “numerous” federal districts. The statute of limitations was set to expire very soon for both of these cases, which may or may not explain why they are finally being prosecuted now. At this time the identity of the informant is unknown, although the informant is referred to as “he” in the motion to unseal. It is also unknown what other (if any) cases they have been involved in.

Since the motion to unseal the indictment was filed in the Waters case, a motion has been filed by the defense in the Kruk case to postpone Daniel Kruk's May 23 trial indefinitely.

These are all the details we have at this time. Please stay tuned for more information. Stay alert! And remember – never talk to law enforcement.



Hi friends,

Just a quick reminder to get your cards in the mail over the next few days for Daniel's birthday on Monday, May 2. Please send cards and letters to:

Daniel McGowan
FCI Terre Haute - CMU
P.O. Box 33
Terre Haute, IN 47808

As always...

Be mindful of what you write. All mail is read, copied and scanned by BoP staff and people who monitor all CMU prisoner communications. Please do not write to Daniel about anything that can be construed by prison staff as 'violent' or misinterpreted as code. IMPORTANT: If you are on probation, parole, house arrest, subpoenaed to a grand jury, indicted yourself OR ARE CURRENTLY IN THE PRISON SYSTEM - please do NOT write to Daniel.

Please send no more than 20 pages of printed materials per envelope.

Sending Pictures
If you'd like to send pictures, he is allowed to receive up to 25 photos per envelope - no polaroids.

Sending Books
If you are interested in sending Daniel a book, please instead donate that money via paypal here:

Since Daniel can only keep a few books in his cell at a time, there have been times that he has had to return books to the sender as he was over the limit. As thoughtful as the intentions are, sending books unsolicited sometimes causes more trouble than it's worth.

If you would like to donate money to go specifically towards books for Daniel's birthday, feel free to email us or leave a note in paypal and we'll let Daniel know.

Thanks so much!
Family and Friends of Daniel McGowan



(In an email from Daniel's Support Crew)

Court Vindicates Prisoners in Right to Challenge Federal Experimental Isolation Units Restricting Communication

Center for Constitutional Rights Wins Over Government Motion to Dismiss Case Involving Segregated Units That Target Muslims, Activists


March 30, 2011, New York – Today, prisoners in two experimental federal prison units called “Communications Management Units” (CMUs) won the right to have their day in court and challenge the violation of their fundamental constitutional rights, including the right to due process. The units are being used overwhelmingly to hold Muslim prisoners and prisoners with unpopular political beliefs. The Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) filed the case on their behalf exactly one year ago on March 30, 2010.

Said CCR Attorney Alexis Agathocleous, “Today, Judge Urbina has agreed that our clients have raised serious constitutional questions about the CMUs, and has vindicated their right to a day in court to pursue their claims. Our clients were designated to the CMUs without due process or oversight, even though they have no significant history of disciplinary infractions. This led to pattern of retaliatory designations to the CMUs. In a significant victory for our clients, the court will now scrutinize the BOP’s actions.”

Said plaintiff Hedaya Jayyousi, “I am deeply gratified that the court will hear our claims. My husband has been held under these conditions for years without a proper explanation. My children and I hope that we will now be given some answers.”

Transfers to the CMU are not explained, nor are prisoners told how release into less restrictive confinement may be earned as there is no meaningful review process. The court agreed the plaintiffs had alleged conditions in the CMUs that were sufficiently restrictive to support their claim that they have a “liberty interest” in having the right to procedural due process.

The court wrote, “In light of the plaintiffs factual allegations supporting their contention that reviews provided by the defendants are ‘illusory’ and meaningless, the court determines that they have adequately alleged there is a high risk that the procedures used by the defendants have resulted in erroneous deprivations of their liberty interests.”

Lawyers say that because these transfers are not based on facts or discipline for infractions, a pattern of religious and political discrimination and retaliation for prisoners’ lawful advocacy has emerged.

The court allowed the claims of violation of due process as well as of retaliation to go forward. The court found that plaintiff Royal Jones made serious allegations that cannot be dismissed that he was put into the CMU in retaliation for protected speech, and speaking out and filing complaints about improper prison conditions. Similarly, the court found that allegations that plaintiff Daniel McGowan was twice designated to the CMU in retaliation for social justice advocacy and for seeking legal information from his attorneys could not be dismissed.

The court further refused to allow the BOP to evade review by transferring the Center for Constitutional Rights’ clients from the CMU. The court dismissed several of the claims raised by the lawsuit, including claims of equal protection, substantive due process, and freedom of association.

CCR filed Aref v. Holder in the D.C. District Court on behalf of current and former prisoners of the units in Terre Haute, IN and Marion, IL; two other plaintiffs are the spouses of those prisoners. The CMUs were secretly opened under the Bush administration in 2006 and 2007 respectively and were designed to monitor and control the communications of certain prisoners and to isolate them from other prisoners and the outside world. The five plaintiffs in Aref were designated to the two CMUs despite having relatively or totally clean disciplinary histories, and none of the plaintiffs have received any communications-related disciplinary infractions in the last decade. Between 65 and 72 percent of CMU prisoners are Muslim men.

In addition to heavily restricted telephone and visitation access, CMU prisoners are categorically denied any physical contact with family members and are forbidden from hugging, touching or embracing their children or spouses during visits.

For information about CCR’s federal lawsuit around CMUs, visit the Aref, et al v. Holder, et al case page or

The law firm Weil Gotshal & Manges LLP and attorney Kenneth A. Kreuscher are co-counsel in the case.

Updated CMU story on lawsuit here:


(From Helen's Supporters)

January, 2011

Over the years we have spent time in prison and/or supported other activists who have been in prison for acts of conscience. We write to you now with a special request on behalf of Helen Woodson.

Back in November of 1984, Helen was part of the Silo Pruning Hooks action. She went to a Missouri nuclear missile silo along with Larry Cloud-Morgan, Fr. Carl Kabat OMI and Fr. Paul Kabat OMI. With sledgehammer and jackhammer, the group followed the biblical mandate of Isaiah to turn swords into plowshares. They were convicted and received a varied number of years of prison time for their action.

With the exception of a few days, Helen has been in prison ever since. (A couple of times in past years when released, she immediately engaged in an action that resulted in arrest and being returned directly to prison for violating parole.)

She is scheduled to be released in September of 2011 after 27 years behind bars.

Helen is looking forward to getting out, and at the age of 67 and with health issues, has decided to now retire from activities that might return her to prison.

It's been a long time since she's lived on the outside. She'll leave prison with a sweatsuit, plus books that she's accumulated. That's it.

Since she will leave prison with no source of income or health coverage, she plans to apply for government assistance, but it can take six or so months for someone to find out if they are eligible to receive benefits. In the meantime, in addition to things like food and clothes, she'll need to purchase medications for multiple health problems, at quite a significant cost. So she has asked friends to raise funds on her behalf (not money to be used while she is in prison, but for the things she'll need once she's released).

Her living situation once she's released is still uncertain. It has been challenging for her to develop a plan that the Bureau of Prisons and Department of Justice find suitable since Helen will be subjected to many conditions and restrictions after her release. The couple who have invited her to live with them are still waiting to be contacted to answer the questions and receive the home visit needed to determine if Helen will be allowed to live there. Helen is very much hoping that they and their home will be approved. If not, she is not sure where she will be able to live, and it's possible additional money will need to be raised to enable her to rent a small place to live.

In the meantime, until this becomes more clear, it will ease her mind significantly if she can at least know that she'll be able to pay for the medicines she needs, and things like a winter coat. Can you help?

Since the beginning of the nuclear age, many thousands of people in the U.S. and around the world have been arrested for anti-nuclear civil disobedience, and hundreds have spent time in prison for these actions. None of these people (not even long-imprisoned Israeli nuclear whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu) have spent more time in prison than Helen Woodson. We ask that you join us now in providing her with needed support as she embarks on this huge transition after her many years in prison.

Please be as generous as you are able! Any amount, from $1 to $1000, will be gratefully received. Checks and money orders can be made payable to the Nuclear Resister (with "for Helen" written on the memo line) and sent to the Nuclear Resister, PO Box 43383, Tucson, AZ 85733. Secure online donations can be made via paypal at the Nuclear Resister website at (on the final screen please click on “add special instructions to the seller” and note that the donation is for Helen).

Thank you.


Jacqueline Allen-Doucot
Hartford Catholic Worker

Elizabeth McAlister
Jonah House

Felice Cohen-Joppa
The Nuclear Resister

Anna Brown
Kairos Community



On January 26, 2011, Briana Waters was re-indicted in a 9 count indictment which also served as a superseding indictment for Joseph Dibee, Josephine Overaker, and Justin Solondz. Briana is accused of: conspiracy to commit offense or defraud the US, possessing an unregistered firearm, arson of a building used in interstate commerce or in activity affecting interstate commerce, using a destructive device during a crime of violence, and arson of a building belonging to an institution receiving federal financial assistance. The use of a destructive device charge alone carries a 30 year minimum sentence. Trial is currently set for June 27, 2011 - although this date will almost certainly be pushed back. For more information on Briana and how you can help, please visit:


On December 29, 2011, Jordan Halliday's motion for release pending the appeal of his sentencing was granted! This means that Jordan will remain out of prison until the appeal of his sentencing is heard. This could take anywhere from a year to 18 months. For more information on Jordan and his case, visit:


Fran Thompson is a prisoner in Missouri who has been sentenced to life. Before going to prison Fran was a dedicated animal rights and environmental activist. After a man who was stalking her threatened to kill her and then broke into her house, Fran shot and killed him. Fran had taken on the prosecutor during her activism, and he used this as an opportunity to remove a threat to his power.

Fran loves to write and purchased a typewriter from the prison a couple of years ago. She also uses the typewriter to help other prisoners with their legal briefs and letters. Recently, the prison stopped selling ribbons for her typewriter and now she can only order a couple at a time at more than double the price from the company directly. Given that Fran only makes $8.50 a month, this makes purchasing the ribbon incredibly difficult.

Please consider calling the prison and requesting that they carry (again) the ribbon for the typewriters that they sold to the prisoners.


Do NOT use any prisoner's name in any of your communications with prison staff about this issue. If you are on the phone with a higher-up within the prison, feel free to say whatever you want, however you want. Please just be mindful that sometimes the folks answering the phones are inmates - and they certainly don't deserve your wrath.

Below is a sample script you can use when calling:

- Hello. I am calling to make a request about the commissary. Can you transfer me to someone that can answer my questions?


- Hello. I am calling to make a request about the commissary. I would like to request that they start ordering the Brother 1030 ribbon and the Brother 3010 correction tape for typewriters. These are required for the typewriters that the prison sold to inmates in the past and not stocking them has made use of the typewriters incredibly difficult and cost prohibitive. Would it be possible for the prison to start stocking these again?

[if yes]

- Excellent. How soon do you think that could happen?... Thank you. I'll call back then to double check. [make sure they have the tape numbers]

[if no]

- Why not?
[They will probably keep giving you reasons why this is not possible. Keep pressing them... Maybe ask them if you can send the tape to the prisoner yourself (they will most definitely say no to this, but it certainly makes their position look absurd, doesn't it?). Remind them
that they decided to stop selling these supplies without input from the people who need them.]

The numbers to call are:
WERDCC (the prison)

George Lombardi (director of MO dept of corrections)



Marie Mason's birthday is on January 26th. Visit: or for more information on how to write.

Sadie's birthday is on January 25th. You can send her a letter at:

Joyanna Zacher (Sadie) #36360-086
FCI Dublin
5701 8th St – Camp Parks- Unit E,
Dublin, CA 94568


Jonthan Paul has been released from prison and is currently at a halfway house in Oregon. This is the beginning of his journey home. Jonathan stood firm against intense pressure and refused to cooperate with the state. He deserves our love and support. Welcome home, Jonathan...


Hello friends,
It is with sadness that we inform you all that our friend Jordan Halliday was sentenced to an additional 10 months in prison and 3 years of probation. Fortunately, he was allowed a stay and will need to report to prison by January 2011. He is filing an appeal.

For more information and to donate please visit:

Here is an article forwarded from indymedia that helps explain in better detail what happened today.

-The Jordan Halliday Support Committee

Forwarded from IndyMedia:
Grand Jury Resister Jordan Halliday Sentenced to 10 months
By: Resist Stance

November 3, 2010

Salt Lake City, Utah --- This morning United States District Judge Ted Stewart sentenced Jordan Halliday to 10 months in federal prison and 3 years probation.

In 2008 Halliday, an animal rights activist in Salt Lake City, was subpoenaed to testify before a federal grand jury investigating the animal rights community of Utah. When Halliday resisted, he was held in civil contempt of court for nearly 4 months. Upon release he was indicted for criminal contempt of court for the same refusal. This past July Halliday admitted to willfully & knowingly violating an order by US District Chief Judge Tena Campbell.

After Halliday's guilty plea, the Prosecutor applied the sentencing guidelines for another charge, "obstruction of justice," and an enhancement for “substantial interference with the function of the judicial system” which consequently increased the advisory Sentencing Guideline range for Halliday's charge to 15-21 months. The court declared that the “obstruction of justice” guideline was with warrant, however believed the enhancement for “substantial interference with the function of the judicial system” was not justified. Halliday's Attorney Kent Hart stated that a guideline range for “failure to appear” was more applicable to this case. However his argument was struck down.

Currently Halliday's sentence of 10 months amounts to nearly half of each sentence ultimately given to Alex Hall and William 'BJ' Viehl, against whom Halliday was brought to testify.

Assistant United States District Attorney John Huber maintains the claim that he believes Halliday still has insider information regarding unsolved Animal Liberation Front crimes in Utah. Halliday has maintained the claim that he has no knowledge of any illegal activity, and in a statement to the court said “I have always tried to work within the law by lobbying and attempting to pass legislation for the basic rights I believe all animals deserve.”.

The prosecution however states that a communique concerning a mink release in Utah was sent to a news organization from an individual who listed their name as “Jordan”. The government states that this communique was received before police even knew of the incident. Halliday affirmed that he never sent a communique and that if one exists, that he now understands why the government might be going after him. He also stated that “If such a communique was legitimately sent, I am truly disheartened”.

After 4 months in jail, over a year of excessive pretrial conditions and a lot of living in legal limbo, Halliday will begin his 10-month sentence in January 2011, which he has the option to appeal in the interim.

To learn more about Halliday's case peruse



On Tuesday, October 19, Daniel was moved from the Communications Management Unit in Marion, IL, to general population. This is fantastic news for Daniel and his loved ones. Daniel has been at the CMU in Marion since February 2009. During his time there he has not been allowed any physical interactions with his partner, friends or family - all visits took place behind glass, and inmates in the CMU are only allowed 4 hours of visitation a month. Daniel (and others being held in the CMU) was limited to one 15-minute phone call a week. Daniel's move to general population means he will be allowed to touch his loved ones for the first time in almost 2 years. We will post more info as it becomes available. For more information, visit:



(from ELP Information Bulletin (16th October 2010))

Dear friends,

ELP has received the following e-mail from Voice of the Voiceless.......

Call for support for vegan prisoner Steve Murphy
Today I received an urgent call for support for vegan prisoner Steve Murphy, serving a five years sentence for an attempted E.L.F. arson in 2006. Steve is currently having a difficult time in prison. Please read the following call for support and the statement from Steve, and write him a needed letter of support.

The following was sent by a friend of Steve's:

"Steve Murphy is a dedicated social justice, animal rights, environmental activist and all-around good guy who now needs our support. He's in prison for us, and we need to be there for him now.

Steve would love letters, cards, and postcards from old friends, new friends, strangers who he would love to befriend, etc. Please write him a quick note and let him know you're thinking of him and believe he can make it through his time in prison. This is very important because right now Steve is in a bad, dark place mentally - he needs every kind word he can get in order to lift his spirits.

He'd also appreciate books dealing with radical politics, environmentalism, animal rights, civil rights, atheism, anarchist history and theory, etc. These have to be new softcover (paperback) books, mailed straight to his address from the bookseller or publisher.

Steve is a vegan, but money is tight and he has very little cash to use supplementing the weak vegan diet he's receiving in prison - he's able to buy tomatoes, bell peppers, cucumbers and mushrooms in the prison, provided he has the funds to do so. All monetary donations are very greatly appreciated and can be made online at

Steve Murphy
FCI Beaumont Medium
Federal Correctional Institution
PO Box 26040
Beaumont, TX 77720

For updated information on Steve, his postal address, mail regulations, and for the link to donate online, please visit"

Statement from Steve Murphy:

"The God of the Old Testament (and arguably the New Testament) is arguably the must unpleasant character in all fiction; jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filidcidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully." - Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion (chapter 2)

"Cell phones kill gorillas!" - Steven Murphy

First Let me say, there is no God. If there were, (s)he/it would do something about the injustice in the world now and since human/humyn became the dominant predator on this sphere. And, to the desperate seeking "meaning": God is not waiting for the right time to reappear so (s)he can correct all of her/his mistakes. The entity, being, spirit, substance we call God does not exist. This leads to my second point. There is no justice in the justice system. The justice system in this country is a savage, barbaric farce whose only design is to create jobs for men and women (many of whom were in the military) too ill-equipped to find work in a reputable profession, such as a teacher - so they appeal to the lowest common denominator and take jobs that will ensure them power and authority over others - even though they themselves are guilty of crimes that will likely never surface. Striving for mediocrity. Occasionally a few are caught and I revel in those brief moments because they
thought they were invincible, they thought they would never get caught.

My oft-recited grievances against the general population and the activist alike of "cell phones kill gorillas" and "stop driving" often garner nothing more than a chuckle as we drive across town, I unable to convince them to ride our bikes or take a bus/subway. Let me say this again. The minerals used in cell phones to transmit the signal from handset to cell tower is mined in the former rainforests in the Central African Republic and The Dominican Republic of The Congo.

The rainforests are first "cleared" of all birds, snakes, gorillas, lizards, spider monkeys, reese monkeys, etc. Many of these beautiful creatures are killed - those that are not are captured and sold on the black market as "exotic pets" or worse, to animal research labs. Those who escape being killed or captured retreat to an ever-shrinking forest. The forest itself is then slashed and burned with much of the wood used to make furniture for the wealthy. The Earth is then forever destroyed by strip mining. All this so the hipster can write her/his latest manifesto and the socialite can show off the latest gadget and the activist can read the latest update.

We need to remember that we all must live here and if I tell you the cops and prison guards are not above the rules of law neither am I above the rules of nature.

What I would like to see happen with the animal rights and social justice communities is the same thing the earth hippies have been doing for years - plant and grow what you eat. Stop using plastic water bottles. They are suffocating the planet.

Think of Garbagia (the gelatinous mass of plastics and water bottles in the middle of the ocean which on a good day is "only" the size of the U.S.) the next time you need to buy a bottle of water.

Stop buying processed mock meats and food. Shop at farmers markets and/or grow your own herbs and veggies in your underutilized yards and windowsills.

Stop driving! Most of it is unnecessary and you know it, so cut it out. Ride your bike, take a bus or train. It may take a little longer to get to your destination but won't the journey be worth it? If some of you reading this are laughing now too (and I suspect a few will) then perhaps you should also question what you are doing and why.

The Earth, my friends, will be here for a long, long time. We will not. The environment will undergo some pretty catastrophic changes - mostly brought about by our insatiable appetite for consumption without content or consequence - over the next 12 to 15 years. The polar bear will be extinct in 14 years, save those in zoos. The droughts and flooding will become more frequent and more severe. Basic survival foods and clean water will become scarcer and exorbitantly more expensive. Plagues will ravage the sick, the elderly, and the young.

We could have listened but our iPods blocked out the sound. We could have seen what might have been but our TVs blurred our vision. I have approximately 30 months left in this God-forsaken-cesspool before I can return home to my loving family in the Autumn of 2013. After I get home I will be converting our yards into sustainable gardens and anyone willing to invest a little time in a little community is welcome anytime.
- Steve"



The Ninth Circuit has granted Briana Waters' motion for bail. It is unclear how quickly this will translate into release. Briana is incarcerated in a federal prison in Connecticut, about two and a half years into her original six year sentence (of which she would have to have served about five years, allowing for good time credits, the final few months likely to have been served in a half way house).

There are a lot of uncertainties and this is no time for gloating, but just for savoring the fact that a lovely human being who proclaims her innocence and was wrongly convicted in a trial rife with government, prosecutorial, and judicial misconduct may now reunite with loved ones and her community.

For more information about Briana and her case, please visit:



(from ADL SLC)


SALT LAKE CITY, Utah --- On October 19, 2010, Jordan Halliday, a Utah animal rights activist, will be sentenced for refusing to testify before a grand jury. Because the prosecutor is asking for 15-21 months, Jordan faces as much prison time as those he was brought to testify against. We are calling for solidarity actions from October 16th to 19th to show support for Jordan and all grand resistors.

In March 2009, Jordan was subpoenaed to federal grand jury investigating a series of mink liberations in Utah. He asserted his 5th Amendment right against self-incrimination. The court jailed Jordan for nearly 4 months under civil contempt of court. in an effort to compel him to testify. The day after Jordan refused to testify, the grand jury indicted Alex Hall and William 'BJ' Viehl under the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act.

The week following his first grand jury appearance Jordan (still in jail) received a second subpoena, which he again refused. While in jail, Jordan also received thousands of letters of support from all over the world, made friends, and confidently reflected on his decision not to snitch.

Upon release the court charged Jordan with federal criminal contempt of court, to which he pleaded guilty in August of this year.

There are no sentencing guidelines for criminal contempt. However, the prosecution is trying to follow the guidelines of "obstruction of justice" and pursuing an enhancement. These guidelines have a maximum of 2 years and allow the prosecutor to ask for an egregious sentence of between 15 and 21 months. Comparatively, BJ and Alex were sentenced to 24 months and 21 months respectively.

Jordan is the first dissident in more than two decades to be charged with criminal contempt of court after already serving time for civil contempt for the same act of recalcitrance.

Over the past 20 years many animal rights and otherwise rad kids have suffered subpoenas and coercive incarceration, but rarely for more than a few weeks. But at present we are experiencing an increase of pressure. Shortly after Jordan's incarceration an Iowa grand jury subpoenaed Carrie Feldman and Scott Demuth, and held them in civil contempt for four months. Fortunately, neither Carrie nor Scott has been charged with criminal contempt.

Jordan's sentencing is set for October 19th, 2010 at 2 p.m. at the Frank E. Moss Federal Courthouse at 350 South Main Street in Salt Lake City, Utah. We encourage any one in Salt Lake to attend this hearing (in conservative dress).

Lastly, Jordan's hearing presents only moment for convergence, and we call out for an eruption of many more moments, for acts of recalcitrance anywhere and everywhere, for actions that show solidarity with grand jury resistance from October 16-19, 2010.

For More information Go To:



(taken from a CLDC email)

In a 33 page 9th Circuit Court of Appeals opinion, a three judge panel ruled that Green Scare defendant Briana Waters' conviction for the University of Washington Horticulture arson, is hereby reversed and remanded. What happens next is still up in the air, but
possibilities abound... Stay tuned for more developments as they unfold.



(from Sacramento Prisoner Support)

Recently we began receiving documents in response to a FOIA request we filed with the FBI about Eric McDavid. The documents have uncovered a few alarming pieces of information, but one in particular we felt it necessary to share with the public as soon as possible. For years people have been speculating that writing political prisoners would result in a person being “put on a list.” Unfortunately, it seems that those speculations were not unfounded.

We have received perhaps hundreds of pages documenting Eric's correspondence with other people. These letters are not just kept on file – the Sacramento County Main Jail forwarded all of these letters to the Sacramento FBI field office, which then forwarded them to local field offices around the country (and to law enforcement internationally) to warn the FBI in other cities of a “possible environmental/animal rights extremist” or “a possible anarchist extremist” in their community. Originally, the FBI's communications included a statement that “Sacramento is forwarding this communication for information purposes only.” But later, they began including a much longer statement which read, in part: “this information has been determined to be of such a nature that some follow-up as to the possibility of criminal activity is warranted...” These statements were included no matter what was the content of the letter – often the documents include the statement that the letter was “benign in nature.”

It is unclear whether or not the FBI is still forwarding Eric's correspondence to local field offices. We have not received any documents dated after his move to a federal facility. It is also unknown whether or not all correspondence with political prisoners is treated in the same manner. What we do know is that if a person sent Eric a letter to the Sacramento County Main Jail with their full name and address on it, the local FBI field office more than likely now has that information.

We are not sharing this information to raise alarm or spread fear. We have every intention of continuing to write political prisoners, and we urge others to do the same. That said, we hope to expose the FBI's politically motivated investigations and, unlike the FBI, we believe people have a right to know when they have been spied on. This kind of government intrusion could cause the “chilling effect” so often thrown about in conversations about 1st amendment activities. But when we give in to those fears, political prisoners are the ones who suffer. And this is exactly what the government wants. The state is constantly trying to expand its reach by gathering information about social movements and those who participate in them. Instead of letting this new information scare us into silence, we should use it to make informed decisions about how we support and prioritize political prisoners. This kind of repression has implications for more than just people involved in “activism.” Millions of people are incarcerated in this country. It is possible that the government uses similar tactics to investigate other communities that they actively repress. Writing our friends, family members and comrades should not be a justified excuse for investigation – no matter who our friends are.

We are attaching three documents. The first is typical of the documents the FBI sent towards the beginning of Eric's time at Sac County. The second is an example of what they sent to international law enforcement agencies. The final document is an example of the later version with the language about “follow up” being “warranted.”

If you would like to find out if the FBI has been collecting information on you, here is a website that explains how to request information under the freedom of information act.



Alex Hall has been moved to a federal facility. His new address is:

Alex Hall
FCI Englewood
Federal Correctional Institution
9595 West Quincy Avenue
Littleton, CO 80123



by Ben Rosenfeld
August 21, 2010

On August 3, 2010, Rod Coronado was sentenced to four months in federal prison for allegedly violating the terms of his probation, i.e., for “associating” with Earth First! cofounder and former Greenpeace U.S.A. Director Mike Roselle, by accepting his “friendship” on Facebook, and for accessing an unauthorized computer outside his home. (There is no current evidence that the FBI surreptitiously surveiled Mr. Coronado’s Facebook account. Mike Roselle is a prominent environmental organizer and author, active most recently in the campaign to ban mountaintop removal coal mining in Appalachia.)

The probation terms Mr. Coronado is said to have violated were not related to his most recent case, which resulted in a hung jury and a plea deal in 2008. In that case, a San Diego jury declined to convict Coronado for answering a question after a talk in which an audience member asked him how incendiary devices were made. (Coronado answered generally while holding up a jug of apple juice from the concession table; the government’s own presentation at trial contained far more detailed and accurate information.)

One probation term Mr. Coronado was accused of violating (the association term) was left over from his federal conviction in Arizona in 2005 for trying to disrupt a mountain lion hunt through peaceful means. The other (the computer monitoring term) was added by a federal judge in Michigan after Coronado moved there to help raise is son. The San Diego judge did not impose any computer conditions on Coronado, and had also told him he was free to associate with Earth First!ers, in part to spread the message that his views on activism had changed.

In August 2006, Mr. Coronado wrote a Statement from Prison renouncing property damage as a tactic and advocating social change through other means. He wrote, in part: “What our world needs now is a whole lot more love and a lot less violence. Nothing in this world will change overnight. But if we live peace and teach our children well, they might still inherit a world better than ours.”

Mr. Coronado has not veered from this message. He is not accused of any crime. He has been allowed to self-surrender to begin serving the four month sentence locked away from his children, his partner, and his community. His three year term of probation will begin anew upon his release.

Ben Rosenfeld is a San Francisco Civil Rights Attorney and Board Member of the Civil Liberties Defense Center based in Eugene, OR (



Here is the Chinese character address for Justin Solondz, Green Scare defendant currently imprisoned in China. If you would like to write to him there, we believe you need to print out this attachment and secure it to your correspondence in order to guarantee it will be delivered to him. Make sure that you write his name at the top of the address - it is NOT included in the characters.



(From Parents On Trial)

One of the hardest experiences parents can face is when their child is arrested, goes to trial, or goes to prison. Arrest and prison are highly stigmatized in our society, and few parents are prepared to face this situation. Yet as the prison system grows, as more and more activities are criminalized, and as the so-called War on Terror is used increasingly to persecute political activities, an ever greater number of parents will have to deal with the police knocking on their door, with the emotional and financial stress of trial, with visits through a glass wall.

For people who are themselves facing trial and imprisonment, dealing with anxiety, fear, disapproval, or misunderstandings on the part of their parents makes a difficult situation even more stressful. To have their parents' understanding and support, if not their agreement and sympathy on the issues, means facing the entire legal and judicial process with more strength and peace of mind.

Parents on Trial is a new resource run by parents of anti-authoritarians who have been arrested, deported, forced to go through trial, put on probation, or imprisoned. They've had these experiences and learned from them, and now they want to share them in order to support other parents who are going through the process now. The way it works is simple. Someone who is facing the repressive violence of the criminal justice system, or their parent, writes to Parents on Trial, and one or more parents respond, offering a pen pal relationship, listening, sharing their own stories and advice, and offering emotional support.

People quickly learn when faced with repression that arrest, trial, and imprisonment are forms of collective punishment against those who resist. The state does not simply punish an individual for their political beliefs or struggles, but the person's entire family and circle of friends as well. Collective responses and mutual support will facilitate our coming through these hardships in a healthy way. Parents on Trial is another small step toward building a real, lasting, and effective culture of resistance.

If you are a parent who would like to share your experiences and participate in this group, or if you would like to contact or be supported by this group, email ParentsOnTrial [at] gmail [dot] com.



(from ADL-SLC)

Utah animal rights activist Jordan Halliday pleaded guilty Tuesday, July 27, 2010 to criminal contempt of court for refusing to testify before a federal grand jury allegedly investigating the animal rights community of Utah.

In court Tuesday, before the US District Judge Ted Stewart, Halliday admitted that he willfully & knowingly violated an order by US District Judge Tena Campbell.

The Prosecution claims that Halliday refused to take oath and responded with "no comment" to essentially every question asked, even to harmless questions such as where he lived.

Outside court, supporters of Halliday loudly expressed their support for Jordan as well as their concerns with Grand Juries. Holding signs stating "Resist Grand Juries" and "Support Jordan Halliday".

Halliday was subpoenaed in March 2009 to testify before a federal grand jury. When he resisted he was held in civil contempt of court for nearly four months. When he was released he was indicted with criminal contempt of court for the same act of recalcitrance.

Criminal contempt of court is rare in the sense it is neither a felony nor a misdemeanor but rather considered sui generis by the court. Literally meaning in latin: "of it's own kind". This being the case it carries no maximum punishment and it is entirely up to the Judge to decide the sentence.

Halliday is currently out on pretrial awaiting sentencing on October 19, 2010.


On July 23rd, animal rights prisoner Kevin Olliff was transferred from Los Angeles County's Twin Towers Correctional Facility to the State Prison located in Chino, California for evaluation.

Kevin Olliff - CDC ID# AE 1628
CIM - DU 206
Reception Center East / Del Norte
P.O. Box 500
Chino, CA 9170

Kevin is scheduled to appear before the judge once again on September 28, 2010 (8:30am at LA Superior Court (210 W. Temple St.) on the 9th floor in Department 102). This date may change so please check the website.

This is always a difficult time for prisoners and California is universally known for its "difficult" prison system. It is expected that Kevin will be on continual "lock-down" and unable to receive visits from friends and family. Kevin's only access to his community is through letters and 15-minute collect telephone calls (which are very expensive). Additionally, he's lost access to his books, letters, and address book.

Please take just a moment out of your day to send Kevin a letter of support. Contact if you'd like to send him a book.

Letters are crucial to Kevin's health and well-being at this time. Stepping away from the television for thirty minutes and writing a letter means the world to a prisoner.

* Be sure to include Kevin's CDC# on all correspondence.


On Thursday, July 22, the FBI arrested Walter Bond for allegedly setting fire to the Sheepskin Factory in Denver, Colorado. The criminal complaint states, "On July 1, 2010, ATF Special Agent Christopher D. Forkner received a telephone call from an individual, who hereafter will be referred to as CI-01... CI-01 stated that within the last few days he/she had a telephone conversation with BOND. CI-01 stated he/she had not talked to BOND for approximately 12 years prior to this. CI-01 indicated that he/she believed BOND called him/her from a public library telephone... CI-01 stated that when he/she asked BOND what he had been up to lately, BOND told him/her to visit the site and to scroll down to the Sheepskin Factory fire and a fire that occurred at the Leather Factory... CI-01 met with BOND at the Ramada Inn hotel... The meeting was consensually [sic] monitored and audio and video tape recorded by ATF. Your affiant and other investigators monitored the conversation and heard BOND state that he burned the Sheepskin Factory in Denver as well as a leather factory and a foie gras restaurant in Utah. BOND stated that he used the nickname 'Lone Wolf'"

Walter Bond is currently being held in a county jail. We will post more information as it becomes available.


(From Hugh and Tiga's Support Crew)

Wednesday afternoon, a dozen or so of us journeyed one last time (hopefully!) to Petersburg, Indiana with Gina (Tiga) and Hugh to sign the plea agreement that was offered by the prosecution. The plea was accepted by the court, and thus begins the end of this insane situation.

As has been the case with other court appearances, the event was far from serious. Rather, it felt fun and social as we played games and told jokes in the courtroom.

But that doesn't mean it was all easy, as it was still really emotionally difficult hearing our friends state "guilty" when asked how they plead.

Details of the Agreement: Hugh and Gina each pled guilty to 2 counts of trespassing (class A misdemeanor) and were each sentenced to two years non-reporting probation and a $10 fine, plus court costs. According to the deal, if they don't violate their terms of probation, they will be able to move to have it terminated at 15 months and this motion will be accepted.

For transparency's sake, we'll soon be posting scans of their plea agreements on the website ( Let us know if you have any other questions about the terms of the plea- we realize that plea agreements can be sketchy and we'd like to be as open as possible about all of this. We've done a lot of work with our lawyers to make sure that these pleas won't implicate anyone else. Gina and Hugh both remain fully uncooperative.

Other notes: We'll be getting the bail money back in the next two weeks! Thank you so much to everyone who contributed. Please get in touch if you think you should be getting money back- we have good records of where all the money is supposed to go, but we don't have current addresses for everyone. If you put money in and don't need it back, it will go to other friends' legal defenses (we promise we won't spend it on cupcakes and beer!)

Lastly, a giant thank you to everyone who contributed in any way, especially in friendship and emotional support. Those of us who have been working on the case in Bloomington for the last year are still trying to figure out lots of things; what we could have done better or differently, why all of this felt so incredibly debilitating, how we can use what we've learned to help other friends who are increasingly finding themselves in similar predicaments. Processing this is difficult, but something that we're still struggling to do collectively. We'd like there to be broader conversations, but aren't sure how to begin them. If you're interested in this or have any reflections to share or ideas about any of this, please stay in touch.

Hope everyone's doing well, take care, love,

Friends in Bloomington


(From the Civil Liberties Defense Center)

A California federal court judge has thrown out the first ever prosecution under the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act of the AETA 4 (Adriana Stumpo, Maryam Khjavi, Nathan Pope and Joseph Buddenberg). The AETA 4 were accused of picketing and handing out leaflets regarding animal experimenters--patently constitutionally protected activities. The court granted defendants' motions to dismiss on the basis that the indictment fails to allege the facts of the crimes charged with sufficient specificity to meet the requirements of the Fifth Amendment of the Constitution and Fed. R. Crim.P. 7(c)(1). The court granted the motion "without prejudice," meaning that the government may re-file the charges again if they so
choose. But, for now, a victory for activists everywhere!


(From ADL SLC)

Jordan Halliday's Court Dates have been canceled for a plea change hearing on Tuesday, July 27, 2010 at 10:00 a.m.

We will be holding a support rally for Jordan outside of the courthouse at 9:00 am. Be sure to be there early.

Jordan Halliday was incarcerated for nearly four months on March 13th, 2009 for refusing to cooperate with a federal grand jury investigating the animal rights community of Utah. Upon release Jordan was indicted with felony "criminal contempt of court" and released on pretrial. Jordan is still facing even more prison time. There is no maximum sentence with this charge.

Jordan is the first radical in decades to be held under civil contempt and subsequently charged with felony criminal contempt. Over the past 20 years many AR and otherwise anarchist kids have suffered subpoenas and coercive incarceration, but rarely for more than a few weeks. But at present we are experiencing an increase of pressure.

We all need to be there to show solidarity and to show him that he is supported. YOU MAY BE NEXT.

Remember answering questions before a grand jury will most likely lead to more subpoenas in the future - you become a spring they can tap.

If you can't make it to the support rally or hearing, please send any letters of support or financial assistance for legal costs to:

Karen Halliday,
PO Box 25581
SLC, UT 84125.

To keep up to date & for more info on Jordan's case and Grand Jury Resistance in general, visit:


Steve received a sentence of 60 months (5 years) and three years of supervised release. He is currently being held at the CDC in San Bernardino and it is uncertain as to how long it will take for Steve to be transferred to a federal facility. Awaiting a transfer can be a particularly stressful time. Please take a minute to write Steve a note of support. For the time being, his address is:

Murphy, Steve James
Central Detention Center
630 East Rialto Ave.
San Bernardino, CA 92408, USA


BJ has arrived at the low security federal facility at which he will be serving his sentence.

Please write him at:

William Viehl
FCI Terminal Island
PO Box 3007
San Pedro, CA 90731, USA

For more information on BJ and his case, please visit:


Daniel McGowan and his wife are both plaintiffs in a suit filed by the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) against Communications Management Units (CMUs)- the illegal, experimental prison units that target Muslim prisoners and political activists. Daniel is currently being held at the CMU in Marion, IL. This is the same unit in which Andy Stepanian was held prior to his release. For more information on the suit, please visit CCR's website. For more information on Daniel and his case, please visit:


From Hugh and Tiga's Support Team:

Great news! Hugh and Tiga's felony racketeering charges have been dropped! We
got word this morning that, based on arguments made by their lawyers at their
last court appearance, the Felony Racketeering charge they were each facing has
been deemed not legitimate. (If you're curious... the basis for this ruling is
that, under Indiana RICO law, conspiracy charges cannot stem from misdemeanor

While this is definitely a reason to celebrate and a huge step, we're not quite
out of the water yet. Tiga and Hugh are still each facing four misdemeanors,
carrying a maximum sentence of four years. Also, they are both still confined to
the state of Indiana, based on bail agreements made shortly after their arrests.
Hopefully this will change in the near future, but we can't promise anything

Furthermore, we're not sure what this means for the pre-trial date scheduled for
this Monday, the 29th. We're going to assume it's still happening until we find
out otherwise, but keep your ears to the ground for updates. If it's still
happening, let's plan on trying to fill the courtroom again!

Gigantic thank you's to everyone who's offered solidarity in any form thus
far... things are looking up...

lots of love,