
In the summertime in India there are so called monsoon rains lasting over days.

Amitav Ghosh’s new book “The Great Derangement” examines climate change and climate policy from unusual perspectives. It is bound to get much international attention because it asks some fundamental new questions concerning the handling of climate change in literature and activist politics, and because it represents a well-known voice from Asia.

 Green New Deal: Green Agriculture with solar power

The attempt to connect environmental and economic objectives turn out more difficult than expected. The green transformation must be seen as a political task.

Demonstrators dressed as dog, polar bear and penguin

What will Brexit mean for European climate and energy policy? How will it affect the dynamics of greater climate protection that we are taking pains to maintain in the wake of Paris?

Focus on

After the failed climate summit in Copenhagen 2009, governments of 196 countries meet again at COP 21 in Paris at the end of November to negotiate a globally binding climate agreement. In this ongoing dossier we pick up these and other aspects and complement them with regional analyses from our international offices.

Climate Finance


The Carbon Levy Project is working to introduce a global fossil fuel extraction levy to ensure that the people facing the worst impacts of climate change are compensated by those that caused the problem. In Paris, the Carbon Levy Declaration has been signed by many supporters from around the world, among them Barbara Unmüßig.


Globally, political leaders are lauding the acceptance of the global and legally binding Paris Agreement on Climate Change at COP21 as a historical moment. It achieves a goal long believed unattainable. However, judged against the enormity of the challenge and the needs and pressure from people on the ground demanding a global deal anchored in climate justice, the Paris Agreement can only be called a disappointment.


The Green Climate Fund, striving to be fully operational by the Paris climate summit in December, missed its "effectiveness date" at the end of April, an important deadline giving the Fund the authority to begin making funding commitments.

Fossil fuel producers (the “Carbon Majors”) should pay for the loss and damage their product is causing on poor communities via a levy to the International Mechanism for Loss and Damage.


Ten billion US Dollars: One figure will be enough to judge the success of the first ever pledging conference for the Green Climate Fund on Thursday, November 20th in Berlin. Though, equally important will be in what form and how soon the pledge reaches the trust fund as an actual payment.


Perspectives Issue#9 - A Region Heating Up: Climate Change Activism in the Middle East and North Africa

The Middle Eastern and Northern African (MENA) region, faced with tumultuous changes in the last five years, shows a picture of shrinking spaces for civil society activism. In contrast, ecological activism is growing and connecting the fight for climate justice to other demands for community and indigenous rights, gender equality, democracy and transparency.

This report summarises the key evidence which must be considered about BECCS. It looks at the overwhelmingly destructive impacts of existing large-scale bioenergy production and use and the implications of massively scaling it up, as would be required for a global BECCS programme.

The level of political commitment in the build up to Paris means a deal is very likely. But, the devil will be in the detail. The final Policy Brief of the "From Warsaw to Paris" series discusses how to communicate the COP21 outcome and what the outcomes of Paris mean for the EU’s 2016 climate and energy agenda.

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The economic and ecological bases of a general prosperity are in danger. The Green Economy offers a model, based primarily on large-scale technological innovation. A solution if it results in even more consumption?

Synthetic Biology (or Syn Bio) describes a surging young industry that is designing and engineering lifeforms from scratch for industrial purposes. Our dossier examines how industry leaders serve the petrochemical industry and increase the value and flow of fossil minerals from the frackfields to commercial markets.

Coal does not just kill the climate. In coal mines, terrible working conditions are rife. Accidents are commonplace. Still, EU member states subsidize coal related business with almost 10 billion euros per year. Our dossier with all the articles and infographics from our Coal Atlas.

90 oil, gas & coal producers are responsible for two thirds of our CO2 emissions in the atmosphere. It’s time to make them pay for their climate damage.

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City and Forest

Over the last ten years, “climate change” has become almost synonymous with “carbon emissions.” Our single-minded obsession with measurement is undermining effective climate action.

Closing ceremony COP21

Paris has been declared as a historic moment and breakthrough. By putting an end to the Kyoto governance and signalling the decline of the fossil fuel area, this new agreement is a huge step forward in the history of international climate diplomacy.


Without active U.S. participation in the global energy transformation, reaching the goals agreed upon in Paris will be almost impossible. If nothing else will convince the majority in the U.S. Congress, then the China factor should.


In his support of, in and for Paris, President Obama has emerged as the first real “Climate President” of the United States. Nevertheless, whether or not his country and predecessor will remain faithful to this legacy remains uncertain.

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Today, everybody is aware of how much the earth’s climate is changing. We are campaigning for a global climate treaty that is to be overseen by the United Nations. At the same time, we are involved in efforts towards climate change mitigation, the financing thereof, and that the consequent burden be shared in an equitable manner on the local, national, and regional levels – the whole world over.


90 oil, gas & coal producers are responsible for two thirds of our CO2 emissions in the atmosphere. It’s time to make them pay for their climate damage.


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With this website, we would like to take a critical look at the German federal government’s international climate change financing and help increase its transparency.

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