Antifa International
ALERTA! ALERTA! BRIGHTON ANTIFASCISTA! Amazing opportunity to train in self-defence with BJJ black belt/kickboxing champ Peter Irving this coming Sunday!
hey how does one get in the know abt where and when protest are i feel like i always hear abt them the next day and i want to help

Stay tuned to this tumblr!  We try to report on verified antifa actions when we hear about them coming up.  For example (Bristol)…

asked by Anonymous
hi there! Im a highschooler and theres a self proclaimed "fascist" on my bus and he really upsets me with a lot of what he says, and I would go out of my way to confront him but I know I would be the one to end up in trouble because I "started it" and I CANT afford any marks on my permanent record for personal reasons. How should I deal with this?? I dont even feel comfortable going on the bus anymore

smh.  We’re now living in an era where fascists publicly and proudly proclaim themselves to be fascists.  This is sooo messed up!

You can’t possibly be the only person on your bus or in your school that’s upset about this edgelord.  Who else on your bus/in your school might be pissed about this fucking loser?  Start talking to them - let them know that you’re upset too and you’ll have their back if they have yours.

If you go to the same school, we bet there’s LOTS of people that don’t like this fascist dickwad.  Start getting people together about it.  We’d wager a few of his teachers aren’t big fans, either.

Does your school have clubs?  Maybe it’s time to start an anti-racist club in your school to talk about the ways that racism and bigotry hurt students and work together to deal with that.

Basically, the strategy here should be the same strategy used when dealing with any kind of bully.  Get people together to oppose the bully, then make it clear to them that you’re all standing together and won’t take his shit any longer.  #solidarity

asked by Anonymous
White Privilege Explained.
  • Anon: I am white. That's all you know about me. Am I privileged based on that alone and assuming I am, should I feel guilt and what should I do about it?
  • Omar Ismail: Absolutely.
  • Consider it this way. All I know about you is you’re tall.
  • Do you have any advantages?
  • Yes.
  • Does that mean you don’t deserve the can of tuna on the higher shelf? No. Nobody is saying that. Eat away mighty giant.
  • Should you feel guilty about getting the tuna from the top shelf? No. Nobody is saying that. Lighten your soul’s burden and let it fly free in the clouds beneath your knees.
  • Does that mean short people can’t get the tuna? No.
  • Nobody is saying that. See how the enduring hobbit pushes forward in her quest.
  • Does that mean there aren’t disadvantages of being tall? No.
  • Nobody is saying that. You have our sympathy for your poor bruised knees.
  • Omar Ismail: What people are saying is:
  • 1. Denying you are lucky is silly.
  • 2. Stop looking bewildered every time a short person can’t reach something. We’re sick of explaining this incredibly simple concept.
  • 3. We know there are things you do not have (i.e. even higher shelves).
  • 4. We know there may be other things preventing you reaching the high shelves. Maybe you have bad elbows or arthritis. Short people with arthritis are still below you. You are still lucky you are tall.
  • 5. It works out well for most people, for the grocery store to put most things on medium shelves.
  • 6. If you can help shorter people with things on higher shelves, do so. Why would you not do that? Short people can help you with stuff on lower shelves.
  • 7. We are annoyed that the people who run the grocery store put all the best stuff on the top shelves.
  • 8. There are a lot of people who are putting things on higher shelves because they hate short people. Don’t associate with those people. They want everything to be about this height.
  • Omar Ismail: Same with white. Advantages. It doesn’t mean you’re rich. It doesn’t mean you’re luckier than a lucky black guy. Nobody wants you to be crippled with guilt. Nobody has ever wanted that, or means those things.
  • It means you have an advantage, and all anyone is asking is that you *get* that. Once you get that, it’s pretty straightforward to all the further implications.

Portland, June 2017.



Portland, June 2017.

“Antifascists in Perth


Antifascists in Perth

“ “Death to Nationalism! Neither flags, nor borders! (A)”
In Barcelona, July 2017


“Death to Nationalism!

Neither flags, nor borders! (A)”

In Barcelona, July 2017