
Goethe Medal 2017: "Language is the key"

The 2017 Goethe Medals are themed “language is the key”. The recipients Urvashi Butalia, Emily Nasrallah and Irina Scherbakowa take a courageous stance on subjects tabooed in their societies – from violence against women to the politics of remembrance.

Hostile takeover: How Orbán is subjugating the media in Hungary

Viktor Orbán and his closest allies have taken control of most of the Hungarian media. Journalists at loyal outlets are expected to closely follow instructions from the state apparatus; in exchange, they receive advertising money from government institutions.

By Krisztian Simon, Tibor Rácz

AfriqUPrising! Protest Movements in Africa

Africa is uprising! In this dossier African activists picture the political protest in their countries, they share their visions for a better future and give an outlook on how they are expanding their movements.


The Ocean Atlas

Overfishing, the loss of biodiversity, and an immense pollution – the seas are under stress. The Ocean Atlas 2017 delivers in more than 40 infographics and articles all the relevant data, facts and contexts.


Monopoly in Africa?

In 2017, Africa has gained unusual prominence – within and beyond the framework of the German G20 presidency. This web dossier analyses possibilities for democratic participation, the role of human and environmental rights, and economic transformation.


Annual Report 2016

The annual report 2016 gives an overview about the activities of the Heinrich Böll Foundation inland and overseas. It deals with European policy, democracy, human rights, international power relations, the social and environmental transformation, art and culture to mention but a few.

German Greens in Coalition Governments


The Alliance 90/The Greens Party has succeeded in taking over governmental responsibility in the majority of the 16 federal states. In this study the political scientist, Arne Jungjohann, has analysed Green government participation of previous years.

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Education & Culture

"It’s about a battle of ideas in which we have to constantly engage our opponents"

In the beginning of April, the Hungarian President János Áder signed into force certain amendments to the Higher Education Act which in their particular formulation are obviously directed against the renowned Central European University (CEU), based in Budapest. We discussed with President Michael Ignatieff the implications of the new legislation on the university and its future prospects.
By Peter Brod
More on "Education and Culture"

Just Published


Jul 31Oct 10
Convocatoria para publicación
Aug 10Sep 20
Más allá de un enfoque diferencial en el análisis de los conflictos socioambientales
Sep 05Sep 25
Europe Tour 2017
Sep 20
Ciclo de conversatorios
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The European Union is drifting apart and liberal democracy is under pressure. What needs to be done to reconcile people and politics and reconnect citizens with the democratic institutions, and most of all with each other?

Please note: If you are looking for the website of our North America office in Washington, follow this link: http://us.boell.org

Global Energy Transition


Perspectives Asia

Perspectives Asia is a publication series of the Asia Desk of the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung published in cooperation with the offices of the foundation in Asia. With this series, we intend to provide a German and European readership with an understanding of Asian perspectives, as well as an analysis of global trends and greater insights into developments and current political issues across the Asian region.

Blog: Reshaping Europe

Feminism & Gender

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More on "Africa"


"It became my mission to locate women's voices"


Urvashi Butalia is one of India’s foremost feminists. On the occasion of her receiving Germany’s Goethe Medal on August 28, 2017 in Weimar, we have talked to her about her work as a publisher, feminism, writing and politics in India.

By Axel Harneit-Sievers
More on "Asia"

Latin America

Community Protocol Tool Box and Project Report

The NGO Natural Justice and its regional partners, with the support of the Heinrich Böll Foundation, have jointly assisted a number of communities to develop community protocols in the context of extractive industries. You can download them and the project report here.

More on "Latin America"

Middle East & N. Africa

Food discrimination against women in Afghanistan

Afghanistan has been described as the world’s most dangerous country for women. Violence against women (VAW) takes many forms, and has complex and deep roots in the patriarchal culture of the Afghan society. One form of VAW is denying them access to food.

By Weeda Mehran
More on "Middle East & North Africa"

North America

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More on "Europe"


Focus on G20 in Germany

G20 summit in Hamburg, Germany. Find everything you need to know about the G20: Infographics, in-depth analyses and facts about the Group of 20.


Dossier: Focus on Hungary

Our dossier on Hungary is as a forum for critical voices since the right-wing government came to power in April 2010. The contributions reflect the socio-political changes as well as long-term developments.