EFA's 2017 AGM is to be held on 1st October. As required by EFA's Rules of Incorporation, there will be five vacant Board seats at the 2017 AGM. EFA Members are therefore invited to nominate for election to the Board. … Continue reading

What is it about August 9th? Last year it was that evening of national beating-your-head-against-your-laptop as the Census website went down, and stayed down. This year, the government decided the mark the anniversary of #censusfail by handing the architects of … Continue reading

So we fully expected the ongoing to lawsuit filed by coal boss Bob Murray against comedian John Oliver to lead to some truly captivating moments (it already has!), but the West Virginia chapter of the ACLU has leapt into the … Continue reading

Techdirt has been covering the story of Sci-Hub, which provides unrestricted access to a massive (unauthorized) database of academic papers, for a while now. As several posts have emphasized, the decision by the publishing giant Elsevier to pursue the site … Continue reading

Our Executive Officer Jon Lawrence joined Jane Hebiton on Perth's RTR FM yesterday to discuss the government's plans to force providers to give access to encrypted communications. You can listen to the podcast here.             … Continue reading