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Red Banner Readers

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Libros para la liberación

Red Banner Readers

Radical Women Publications

The Red Banner Readers offer concise and affordable introductions to socialist ideas and radical history, and insightful analysis of current affairs. Topics include the life and ideas of revolutionary leader Leon Trotsky and his theory of Permanent Revolution, capitalism vs socialism in China, and an exposé of fascist cultist Lyndon LaRouche.

Titles in the Red Banner Reader series
Capitalism's Brutal Comeback in China

From the Ashes of the Old Century, a Better World's in Birth

Leon Trotsky: His Life and Ideas

Lyndon LaRouche: Fascism Restyled for the New Millennium

Murry Weiss on Women's Emancipation
and the Future of the Fourth International

Permanent Revolution in the U.S. Today

Socialism for Skeptics

Socialist Feminism and the Revolutionary Party

A Worker's Guide to the 20th Century

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Murry Weiss on Women's Emancipation
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Socialist Feminism and the Revolutionary Party
by Andrea Bauer

An in-depth explanation of why Marxist feminism, embodied in a revolutionary party, is the contemporary answer to the crisis of capitalism. Rich in political theory and both historical and contemporary examples. Adopted as the Freedom Socialist Party political resolution at the party's July 2010 national convention. Includes a chronology of key revolutionary organizations and a glossary of socialist thinkers and leaders.

Red Banner Reader #10
$5.00, 62 pages,
ISBN 978-932323-30-9

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Murry Weiss on Women's Emancipation
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Murry Weiss on Women's Emancipation and the Future of the Fourth International

A brilliant Marxist and a founder of the Trotskyist movement in the U.S. explains why revolution without women's leadership is out of tune with reality. Weiss critiques the disastrous sexism that led the Fourth International to ignore feminist revolt and to ban women's caucuses in the 1970s. This was accompanied by an opportunist refusal to confront the Socialist Workers Party when it oriented toward the most privileged white male trade unionists and abandoned fundamental Trotskyist principles.

Read review from Freedom Socialist Bulletin
Read the Introduction

Red Banner Reader #9
$5.00, 66 pages, ISBN 0-932323-23-5

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Lyndon LaRouche: Restyled Fascism
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Lyndon LaRouche:
Fascism Restyled for the New Millennium
by Helen Gilbert

Exposes rightwing conspiracist LaRouche's origins and dangerous political trajectory. Examines the sexism, homophobia, racism and anti-Semitism that underlie the LaRouche movement.

#1 on C.M. Torres's "Understanding LaRouche" reading list at

Dennis King, author of Lyndon LaRouche and the New American Fascism, says: "Highly recommended…packed with information to refute the deceptions of LaRouche organizers on campuses and within the anti-globalization movement."

Look Inside the Book

Red Banner Reader #8
$4.50, 48 pages, ISBN 0-932323-21-9

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Capitalism in China
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Capitalism's Brutal Comeback
in China
by Susan Williams

Analyzes how workers' gains from the 1949 revolution are being destroyed by the bureaucracy's "free market" policies. In this thoroughly researched and documented article, Dr. Williams explores current economic changes, the nature of the state apparatus, and the aims of the political leadership. She concludes that China is in transition back to capitalism, but that there is no reason as yet "to hold a funeral for the Chinese Revolution."

Read the Introduction

Red Banner Reader #7
$4.50, 56 pages, ISBN 0-932323-20-0

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Permanent Revolution in U.S.
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Permanent Revolution in
the U.S. Today
by Robert Crisman, Stephen Durham, Monica Hill and Merle Woo

Argues for the necessity of revolt in the U.S. and recognition of the radical leadership of women and queers. The four articles in this collection were originally presented as speeches at a 1985 conference on Trotskyist regroupment. The writers examine the importance of revolution in the heartland of imperialism, the degeneration of the Socialist Workers Party, and the importance of the Left recognizing and respecting the dynamic leadership of the most oppressed sectors of the working class.

Read the Introduction

Red Banner Reader #6
$4.50, 56 pages, ISBN 0-932323-19-7

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Leon Trotsky: Life and Ideas
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Leon Trotsky: His Life and Ideas
by Helen Gilbert

A concise overview of Leon Trotsky's fascinating and inspiring life, the history of the Russian Revolution, Trotsky's political relationship with V.I. Lenin, the key elements of Trotskyist theory, and Trotsky's international leadership of the fight against the counterrevolutionary Soviet bureaucracy.

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$5.00, 56 pages, ISBN 0-932323-19-7

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Worker's Guide to 20th Century
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A Worker's Guide to the 20th Century

by Linda Averill, Megan Cornish, Peter Murray & Tamara Turner

The history you never learned in school! A workingclass review of the highs and lows of the last century, from WWI and the Russian Revolution, to the building of the CIO, the post-WWII Cold War and global revolutionary upsurge, and the monumental impact of the Black civil rights movement and the struggles of other people of color, women, queers, and labor. As Malcolm X said, "Of all our studies, history is best qualified to reward our research." Read this and be rewarded!

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$4.50, 38 pages, ISBN 0-932323-13-8

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Socialism for Skeptics
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Socialism for Skeptics

by Clara Fraser

This zestful introduction to radical politics is a perennial bestseller. A great read --whether you're the skeptic or are looking for persuasive answers to skeptics you know. This pamphlet contains ten brief essays on such topics as the nature of human nature, the viability of a society built on shared wealth and a planned economy, and what it will take to get there.

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$5.00, 44 pages, ISBN 0-932323-12-X

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From Ashes of the Old Century
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From the Ashes of the Old Century, a Better World's in Birth

by Andrea Bauer

The editor of the Freedom Socialist newspaper presents an honest, optimistic assessment of these turbulent times and what lies ahead for the capitalist economy, the labor movement, opposition to neoliberalism, and opportunities for mass movements in the U.S.

Read the Introduction

$4.50, 60 pages, ISBN 0-932323-09-X

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